Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1252 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1252: People are stupid and have more money. (1 more)

Liyue raised her foot and stepped on the thief's hand, and the heel of her shoe sank into her wrist. With just a little force, she could step on the boy's hand.

"Ah~~~" the boy screamed, his face turning paler.

"Tell me, why did you steal." Yuffie glared at the boy.

"I... the boy opened his mouth with fear on his face.

Mu Liang's eyes were cold and he said, "Cut off your hand.

"I said, I said:" The young man's face changed, and he hurriedly begged for mercy.

His voice was trembling, and he said astringently: "I am a man of gold". "

"Sure enough, it's a 'gold' person, hum!"

"This child is also pitiful. He was controlled by Jin at such a young age."

The onlookers talked a lot, and obviously they all knew who Jin' was.

"Who is Jin?" Li Yue asked coldly.

"Jin" is not a person, but an organization of thieves. They arrested my little sister and asked me to steal things every day, so that my little sister will be fine." The boy's voice was crying.

Mu Liang raised his brows, and most of the coldness in his eyes dissipated.

"Oh, so it is." Yuffie's golden eyes widened.

"Even so, you shouldn't steal our things." Li Yue's tone was still cold, but the strength on her feet was much lighter.

The boy blushed and apologized choked up: "I, I'm sorry."

"Let him go." Mu Liang said lightly.

Li Yue moved her feet away when she heard the words, reached out and grabbed the back collar of the boy, and lifted it up.

The boy's body was trembling, and he did not speak while holding the trampled wrist.

"What's your name?" Mu Liang asked indifferently.

"Leod." The boy whispered.

Mu Liang nodded slowly and said calmly, "You can go."

"Really?" Leod raised his head in amazement.

"Hmm." Mu Liang raised his hand and waved.

"Thank you." Leod was overjoyed, turned and ran away without looking back.

Mu Liang looked at the boy's back and whispered to himself, "Yan Bing, follow along and have a look."

Silently, the invisible Yan Bing was gone.

"Poor person too. Alina" sighed softly.

"There are too many poor people in this world." Li Yue raised her hand and patted her friend's shoulder.

Elina said crisply: "Yes, some people are pitiful and hateful, and he shouldn't steal things.

Yuffie said weakly: "If he doesn't steal, Little Sister will be in danger, and he won't be able to do both.

"He is too weak. Only by becoming stronger can he protect the characters he wants to protect." Mu Liang pointed out.

Of course, you have to hold back for a while, and then resist when you become stronger.

It's just that the other party was unlucky and stole it from their group.

"Yes." Li Yue nodded in agreement.

"Keep shopping." Mu Liang turned around and focused on the other stalls.

Several people entered the market for more than an hour, during which they bought some medicinal materials and books.

Fajiesen asked respectfully: "Sir City Lord, there is a magic equipment store in front of you, do you want to go in and have a look?"

"Magic store." Mu Liang's black eyes lit up.

He nodded and said, "Go and have a look."

"City Lord, come with me." Fajiesen gestured, walking in front to lead the way.

The magic equipment store is a two-story building. Although it is not high, it covers a large area, with a total area of ​​more than 600 square meters.

Mu Liang and others walked into the scrap shop, and they were greeted quickly.

The clerk asked enthusiastically: "Guest, what magic equipment do you want to buy?"

"I'll take a look first." Mu Liang glanced at the clerk and focused on the furnishings in the store.

"Okay." The female clerk smiled and looked at Mu Liang frequently.

The first floor of the scrap shop is very spacious. There are rows of wooden racks against the wall, and various magic tools are placed on the wooden racks.

Mu Liang stepped forward and looked at it. The first thing that caught his eye was a magic tool that looked like a head. It was more like a hoe.

"This is?" He looked back at the clerk.

The female clerk explained with a smile: "This is a basic magic tool, which can save one-third of the effort when cultivating the soil."

"What a head... The corners of Mu Liang's eyes twitched.

He asked curiously, "How much does it cost?"

"Three thousand gold coins." The female clerk smiled.

Buying a hoe for three thousand gold coins? Elina screamed in astonishment.

The female clerk blushed slightly, and continued cheekily: "This is a basic magic tool, in addition to cultivating the soil and loosening the soil, it can also be used as a weapon."

Li Yue said in a light tone: "Using a hoe as a weapon is quite novel.

"...the female clerk laughed a few times.

Mu Liang seriously commented: "The poor can't afford it, the rich can't use it, it's a bit tasteless.

The female clerk said embarrassingly: "There are still some nobles who like to experience the fun of farming, and this magic tool is very suitable.

Mu Liang smiled indifferently and focused on the next magic tool.

It was a bone cup with two blue Magical Beasts spar.

"Is this a drinking cup?" Mu Liang asked sideways.

The female clerk introduced: "Yes, this is a cup that can quickly cool the hot water, and it is also a primary magic tool.

"...Mu Liang was speechless for a moment again.

If he remembered correctly, the supermarket in the previous life also sold water cups with the same function, it seems to be called a fifty-degree cooling cup?

Li Yue twitched the corners of her mouth and asked, "Does anyone buy a cup that can quickly cool the hot water?"

The female clerk raised her chin and said proudly: "Of course, it is very popular among nobles, and our store has sold thirty of them."

"Silly people have more money." Mu Liang pouted and muttered.

He asked casually, "How much is the price?"

"Two thousand five hundred gold coins." The female clerk said clearly.

Mu Liang shut his mouth and once again sighed that the nobles in Salun City had a lot of stupid money.

He also had an idea in his mind, and Black Tortoise City could follow suit and make some life-like artifacts, which could also be sold to these nobles at a high price.

"The refrigerator and air conditioner can be taken out and sold for 907." Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

He looked at the other magic tools in the store and refreshed his understanding of the types of magic tools.

There are nail rakes, fans, hats, etc., which are fully functional but very low in practicality, but without exception, they are all expensive, and some are even bought by many people.

There are also some intermediate magic tools in the store, as well as offensive and defensive magic tools, but the price is ten times higher than ordinary magic tools.

Customer, "Have you seen something you like?" the female clerk asked enthusiastically.

"Are there any high-end magic tools?" Mu Liang looked at the clerk indifferently.

The female clerk said in a clear voice: "The customer is joking, there are very few high-end magic tools, and we naturally don't have them in this store. Maybe there will be in the future."

Mu Liang shrugged and said regretfully: "That's a pity, I came here this time to buy high-end magic equipment.

"Don't you need any other magic tools?" the clerk asked reluctantly.

"No need for now." Mu Liang shook his head.

"We have better. Elina" smiled like a flower arrangement.

"Is that so... The female clerk smiled awkwardly.

She could see that these people in front of her were not ordinary people, and she could tell from the way they were dressed and the temperament they exuded.

Let's go. "Come again next time, I hope to have good magic tools." Mu Liang turned and walked out.

He had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and he planned to go back and make a batch of Life-like artifacts, and put them in the Treasure Building for a trial sale.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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