Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1263 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1263: They are all about to live in the sky. (3 more)

Proud woo~~~

The Moon Wolf raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl, pulling the carriage towards the heights.

In the carriage, Mu Liang and Yue Qinlan sat side by side, with Xi Beqi and Yue Feiyan sitting across from each other.

In addition, this time accompanied by Elina, she was invisible outside the carriage and was in charge of security issues.

Xi Beqi and Yue Feiyan are both resting today, because they are going back to the New World tomorrow, so they have a day off before going back to relax.

More than two hours later, Moon Wolf pulled the carriage away from Black Tortoise City, and once again flew into the air, heading for the port on the other side.

Mu Liang's entry into the city this time went smoothly, and no knights who were blind-eyed stepped forward to stop him.

Proud woo~~~

The moon wolf roared, and the townspeople on the main street hurriedly gave way, allowing the beast carts to pass smoothly.

"Who is this, so arrogant?" Some city residents shouted in dissatisfaction.

"You don't want to die, this is the beast car of the Lord of Black Tortoise.

"Misreading, Lord Black Tortoise, is that the one who brought down the Knights?"

"Yes, it's him."

The townspeople chatted in a low voice, exclaiming from time to time, and the dissatisfied voice soon weakened.

Soon after, the Moon Wolf pulled the carriage to a stop outside the Turan Tavern.

At the entrance of the Turan Tavern, Turan had been waiting for a long time, and when the animal cart stopped, he hurried forward to greet him.

She saluted respectfully and said sincerely, "Welcome, Lord City Lord."


The door of the carriage opened, and Mu Liang, Yue Qinlan and others got out of the car.

"This is the city of Salun, it's more broken than I thought." Xibeqi muttered, and her golden eyes looked around curiously.

There were many people outside the Turan Tavern, most of them came to watch the fun, and some of them were regulars at the Turan Tavern.

In the crowd, Yu Tu stood out, and he came to see what Turan was doing.

He also recognized Mu Liang, and after hearing Turan's address to him, his heart suddenly burst, Lord City Lord?

Yu Tu looked at Mu Liang in astonishment, is he the lord of Black Tortoise?

Mu Liang looked at the picture in the crowd with awareness, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

He was clearly laughing, but Yu Tu's body trembled, and cold sweat broke out immediately.

"Did he see me?" Yu Tu felt his scalp numb and his body stiff.

He had heard about Mu Liang's record in the slums, and the Knights of the Palace fell to the ground without moving, and almost lost his life.

"Huhuhu~~~" Yu Tu took a few deep breaths, and when he looked at Mu Liang again, the other party had already looked away, as if he had never noticed him.

"You can't provoke him, absolutely not!!" He gritted his teeth and swore to himself, dispelling the idea of ​​revenge.

Mu Liang just glanced at Yu Tu, and returned his attention to the Tulan Tavern.

"Sir City Lord, there is no one in the tavern, and everything has been emptied overnight." A smile appeared on Turan's plump face.

"Very good." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

Turan gestured sideways to the three-story wooden building, and asked curiously, "How is the city lord going to transform the tavern?"

"You'll find out later." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose.

He turned his head slightly and ordered: "Evacuate the crowd."

"Yes." The highland guards responded in unison.

They turned around and began to drive away the onlookers, leaving the surroundings of Turan Tavern empty.

Although the townspeople were dissatisfied, they took a few steps back in cooperation when they thought that the person in front of them was the Lord of Black Tortoise.

After the crowd dispersed, Mu Liang was ready to start rebuilding the Turan Tavern.

Of course, when the new hotel is built, the name will naturally change.

Mu Liang raised his hand and used his ability to twist gravity.


With the sound of wood cracking, the entire wooden building shook violently, and as the space distorted and changed, the wooden building completely collapsed.

Tulan stared at Danfeng's eyes, stunned, and a little disappointed in his heart.

She built the Turan Tavern from scratch, and now it was suddenly torn down, and she felt a little reluctant to give up.

The onlookers were already stunned, but with a wave of their hand, the three-story wooden building was destroyed in one fell swoop.

"It's amazing!!" Yu Tu opened his mouth wide, firming his mind even more, and must not provoke Black Tortoise City.


After the wooden building collapsed, the wood piled up like a hill.

Mu Liang stepped forward, raised his hand and waved, the piles of wood disappeared, and were easily put into the portable space.

Space "Magic!!"

"The lord of Black Tortoise is actually a space magician!"

"With such strength and mysteriousness, the Lord of Black Tortoise is at least a ninth-order magician.

There were exclamations from the crowd again, and the crowd had been stunned.

Among them, more than 90% of them have never seen space magic, so they are so surprised.

Mu Liang didn't move, he lifted his foot and stepped forward.


The ground shook, and under the shocked eyes of the city residents, the ground sank ten meters deep, forming a quadrangular deep pit.

"Earth-type magic is instant again!!" Yu Tu screamed.

The townspeople were in a trance, their throats shaking a little.

Mu Liang kept moving and exerted his ability crystal control.

The color of colored glaze is radiant, and the 10-meter square deep pit is filled with colored glaze, which is the foundation of the new hotel.

The glaze continued to spread upward, and the lines gradually curved to form a building that was 40 meters high.

The shape of the building is very strange, like twisting a cuboid by 180 degrees.

The appearance of the restaurant is easy to build, and the interior is divided into eight floors, each of which is more than four meters high.

The center of the restaurant is a spiral staircase, and a square hole with a side length of three meters is reserved on the left and right sides. This is the position reserved for the transportation ladder.

The elevator on the left is for passengers, and the elevator on the right is for hotel staff.

Mu Liang walked into the restaurant and began to perfect the interior details.

The first floor of the restaurant is the reception hall, which is also the lobby of the restaurant. It is also a place for check-in, reception, and inquiries.

He also used colored glaze to separate shops on the second floor, and in the future, boutique clothing, blue and white porcelain, etc. will be sold here.

(Nuo's Zhao) The third floor is the dining area. In the future, all kinds of fine food will be sold here. Liquor, fruit wine, and all kinds of ice drinks will appear here.

The fourth to eighth floors are the accommodation areas of the restaurant, which will be divided into double rooms, twin rooms, deluxe suites and so on.

According to the original idea, Mu Liang used colored glaze to separate the rooms, and then let the people from the decoration workshop do the soft decoration.

Outside the restaurant, Yu Tu and others were dumbfounded.

, "This, what kind of magic is this?" He opened his mouth and looked up at the building in astonishment.

"It's pretty good." Sibeqi muttered.

Yue Qinlan put her arms in front of her and said in a low voice, "Black Tortoise City doesn't have such a tall building yet."

Yue Feiyan smiled and said: "Mother, the palace on the tree of life is already high enough.

"That's right, they're almost living in the sky." Yue Qinlan smiled lightly.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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