Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1270 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1270: A bland life is not for me. (1 more)


Mu Liang descended from the sky with the fox fairy and returned to the eighth floor of the highland.

At the entrance of the palace, Buff saluted obediently: "Master Mu Liang, Master Huxian is back."

Mu Liang nodded and asked in a gentle voice, "Um, ~ is dinner ready?"

"Mister Mu Liang, dinner is ready." Buff said clearly.

"Let's have dinner then." Mu Liang said, walking towards the restaurant.

In the restaurant, Yue Paiyan, Xibeqi, Minuo and others have already taken their seats.

Mu Liang walked into the restaurant, glanced at everyone, and saw Mia, a cat-eared girl whom he had not seen for a long time.

Minuo stood up and smiled sweetly like a flower: "Mu Liang, Big sis is here.

"Okay, you should get together." Mu Liang smiled and reached out to rub the bunny-eared girl's head.

Minuo's pretty face was slightly red, and he turned back and stuck out his tongue playfully at Big sis.

A hint of helplessness flashed in Mia's eyes, Little Sister seemed to like Mu Liang more and more.

She looked at Mu Liang and said softly, "Mu Liang, sorry to bother you."

Mu Liang sat down and asked in a gentle voice, "I haven't seen you for a while, how is Miss Mia doing?"

"It's good." Mia's cat's ears shook and she slowly sat down.

"Huxian blinked her rose-red eyes and looked at Catwoman with interest.

Her slender legs were crossed, and she laughed and teased: "Mia Miss, I haven't seen you for half a month, you seem to have become a lot more restrained."

"Really... Mia was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

She stayed in the orphanage day and night, facing those innocent children, no matter how cold her character was, she had to be wiped away.

"Is there?" Mino blinked his beautiful blue eyes and looked at Big sis sideways.

Mu Liang suddenly said: "Mia Miss, Oasis has joined Black Tortoise City, rounding are also from Black Tortoise City."

"Send, can rounding be used like this?

Fox Fairy's red lips parted slightly. When Mu Liang taught her mathematics, he never said that rounding can still be used like this.

Mia's crimson eyes narrowed slightly, and she replied softly, "That's right..

"Mia Miss, do you want to stay in the orphanage all the time?" Mu Liang picked up the chopsticks and looked at Catwoman.

"I..." Mia pressed her pink lips, looking like she was hesitant to say anything.

The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose, and he spoke out for Catwoman: "I know, you don't want to go on like this, you prefer to be stronger."

Mia smiled bitterly, nodded calmly and said, "You are right, plain life is not suitable for me.

Minuo's pink lips parted slightly, and she said in surprise, "Big sis, is staying in the orphanage making you unhappy?"

"No, I'm happy, but that's not the life I want." Mia shook her head.

She looked at Little Sister and whispered: "The children have learned to take care of themselves, and the oasis has been incorporated into the city of Black Tortoise, then my mission is complete."

"Big sis" Mino reached out and gently took Catwoman's hand.

"Mia, I will let someone take care of the orphanage." Mu Liang picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it.

He looked at Catwoman calmly, and sent an invitation: "If you want, you can join the Ghost Special Forces and become a member of the Ghost Tactical Assassination Team."

The ghost special forces are divided into two groups, one is in the dark, that is, the ghost special assassination team, which is responsible for secretly performing various tasks.

The other branch in Ming Dynasty is mainly responsible for guarding the safety of the highlands, that is, the highland guards.

"Can you?" Mia's crimson eyes lit up.

Mu Liang nodded with a smile: "Of course, with your strength and awakening ability, you are very suitable for the ghost tactical assassination team."

"I'll join." Mia agreed without hesitation.

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly, not expecting Catwoman to agree so bluntly.

He took a fancy to Mia's awakening ability, which could allow her to walk in the dark and perform various difficult tasks such as exploration, secret stealing, and assassination.

Minuo's beautiful eyes glowed, and he said excitedly: "Big sis joins the ghost special forces, will he be able to live in the palace in the future, and can see each other often!!"

"Well, let Mia live next to you." Mu Liang said with a clear laugh.

Minuo hurriedly shook his head and said angrily: "No, just let Big sis and I live in the same room."

"Well, that's it." Mia looked at Little Sister with guilt in her heart.

She left when Little Sister was a child, and reunited after a few years. Only by living together can it be convenient to cultivate relationships.

"Alright." Mu Liang smiled lightly.

He turned his head and said calmly: "Take a day off tomorrow, and then go to the Ghost Special Forces base on the sixth floor to report the day after tomorrow. Let's practice for a while, and then the position will be the same as Liyue."

Elina smiled playfully: "Mia, give me more advice in the future."

...for flowers 00

"Okay." Mia blushed slightly, and her mind was a little complicated. How should I tell Lilina about this when I went back?

She remembered the character of her friend. If she knew that she was going to leave the orphanage, she would probably scold her for a few days.

The fox fairy saw that Catwoman was hesitant to speak, and directly asked: "Mia Miss, is there anything else you want to say?"

Elina said naively and naively: "It's all my own, just say something."

Mia looked at Mu Liang and hesitated for a while, then asked: "Mr. Mu Liang, Lilina wants to be a judge, I want to ask her if there is a chance."

Lilina once watched Yue Qinlan try cases in the court, and was fascinated by the judge's image of justice and justice.

"Lilina." A human face flashed in Mu Liang's mind.

Lilina with dark green long hair, like Mia, is an oasis person and also stayed in the orphanage to take care of the children.


Mia pressed her lips and looked at Mu Liang expectantly.

"Lilina, I remember."

Mu Liang put down his chopsticks and said softly: "It's not easy to be a judge, she has to know all the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise City, and be able to memorize them like a good one.

In addition to memorizing all the laws and regulations, it is necessary to have a case trial, and at the same time have the concept of fairness and injustice.

No matter who the criminal suspects are, the judge will not allow personal feelings, wrong or arbitrary sentences.

"She can." Mia's crimson eyes lit up.

Lilina often attends the courtroom, and in order to become a judge, she has kept all the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise in her mind.

"It seems that she has already prepared in advance." Mu Liang looked surprised.

The laws and regulations of Black Tortoise City have been revised several times, and now there are three or four hundred regulations.

It is probably easy to remember so many rules, but it is not easy to apply them backwards, unless Lilina also has the ability to remember.

Mia said seriously: "Lilina really wants to be a judge, so she has a deep research on the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise City."

Mu Liang smiled and said, "Interesting, let her come to the palace to find me tomorrow, if she can pass the examination, she can make an exception to become a judge.

Those who understand the law are elites.

"Okay!!" Mia was shocked, her fluffy cat ears stood upright.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. zero,

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