Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1272 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1272: Trial run of the train. (3 more)


It was already bright, Mu Liang yawned and walked into the palace.

In the main hall of the palace, Susu, who was mopping the floor, asked with concern, "Master Mu Liang didn't sleep last night, did you?"

"I didn't sleep last night." Mu Liang waved his hand.

He had just returned from the library of Haiting Palace, read books overnight, and had not had a good rest for several days in a row, so he was not used to it psychologically.

"Then, is Mr. Mu Liang going to sleep?" Su Su Jiao asked innocently.

"Don't sleep, it's nothing." Mu Liang said warmly.

"Then Mr. Mu Liang, I'm going to help you make tea." Susu put down the mop, turned around and hurriedly went to the tea room.

Mu Liang walked to the kitchen, where Minuo, Xiao Zi and Yun Ting were preparing breakfast.

Minuo turned around and saw that Mu Liang was coming, with two dimples on his face.

She said hello sweetly: "Mu Liang, good morning."

"Morning." Mu Liang smiled back.

He leaned against the door frame and asked gently, "What's for breakfast today?"

"Shredded pork and green vegetable porridge, cabbage dumplings, fried three-colored eggs with tomatoes, and pickled salted golden duck eggs." Minuo reported the name of the dish.

"Huh? Salted duck eggs kneel?" Mu Liang asked in surprise.

16 He taught the rabbit-eared girl how to pickle salted duck eggs before, and asked her to try it out to see if she could make it, but she did it without a sound.

Minuo gestured to the salted duck eggs on the kitchen island, and said angrily, "I knocked one open and looked at it, and the egg yolks inside were all oily, should it be okay?"

Mu Liangyan stepped forward, picked up a washed golden duck egg, shook it gently in his ear, and heard that it was solid inside, without the sound of egg liquid and yolk shaking.


He tapped his knuckles with his knuckles and easily cracked open the eggshell to reveal the egg whites inside.

Mu Liang moved his nose and smelled the taste of salted duck eggs. There was no fishy or abdominal odor, but a faint earthy fragrance.

"It looks good." He peeled off a small piece of egg white and put it in his mouth, where the salty aroma diffused.

Mu Liang smashed his mouth, the taste was much more fragrant than the salted duck eggs in memory, and it was delicious.

He guessed that this may be related to the difference in eggs, after all, this is the egg of a golden duck, which is different from ordinary duck eggs.

Mu Liang took another bite of the egg white, revealing the oily egg yolk inside, and the rich fragrance spread out, making people appetite.

"It's so fragrant, it should be a success, right?" Minuo asked in a crisp voice.

This is her first time making salted duck eggs, and she has only heard it described by Mu Liang before.

"Well, very successful." Mu Liang stretched out his hand to show his thumb.

"That's good, I can do more in the future, it should be a long time." Minuo asked softly.

Mu Liang chuckled and nodded: "Well, well-preserved flowers can be stored for a year or two."

"You can keep it for so long!!" Mino exclaimed in surprise.

"Of course." Mu Liang reached out and rubbed the rabbit-eared girl's head.

In previous lives, salted duck eggs were vacuum-packed so that they could be stored for a longer period of time.

"Isn't Xiaolan back yet?" he asked casually.

He hadn't seen Wei Youlan for several days.

Yun Ting explained: "Not yet, the business district is still very busy, the business of the perfume shop has been very good these days, and she has to be busy for a few more days."

"Okay." Mu Liang put down the duck egg in his hand.

Half an hour later, everyone living in the palace gathered in the dining room.


Xi Beqi was holding a large bowl, blowing steaming porridge with shredded pork and green vegetables, and her golden eyes often looked at Mu Liang.

Yue Feiyan ate the scrambled eggs with tomatoes, with an expression of enjoyment on her face.

Yue Qinlan jokingly said: "It's just a tomato scrambled egg, why does it look like you're going to heaven?"

Yue Feiyan pouted and said, "Mother, I'm going to Misty Sea today, and next time I want to eat the palace's tomato scrambled eggs, I'll have to wait until next month.

According to the plan, she and Xibeqi will set off back to the old continent today, to various big cities and transit bases, to transport the parts and goods of the transport spaceship back.

Minuo Jiao said angrily: "It's not difficult to scramble eggs with tomatoes, and it can be done in the kitchen on the transport spaceship.

Yue Feiyan said solemnly: "The taste they make is not as good as yours.

She was referring to "they are the cooks on the transport ship.

There is a kitchen on each transport spaceship, and it is equipped with chefs on board. They will cook some simple dishes, and the taste is not inferior to the chefs in the gourmet building.

"It's not much different." Minuo blushed slightly, and was very happy to be praised.

"Let's eat more here." Yue Feiyan waved her hand, digging her head and pulling the scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Yue Qinlan and Mu Liang looked at each other, both Didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Are you busy this morning?" Mu Liang asked softly.

"Not busy in the morning." Yue Qinlan shook her head gently.

Mu Liang instructed: "Lilina should be here in the morning. She wants to be a judge in Black Tortoise City. You can help me with the assessment."

Yue Qinlan tilted her head and asked, "Lilina, that woman in the orphanage with Mia?"

"Well, it's her." Mu Liang replied.

"It's really surprising that she wants to be a judge." Yue Qinlan said in surprise.

Mu Liang said warmly: "Listening to Mia, she decided to become a judge after seeing your performance in court."

"Hey, is that so?" Yue Qinlan was even more surprised. It turns out that she still has an inspiring role?

Mu Liang nodded and said, "Well, so it's up to you to evaluate. If you think it's possible, let her be a trainee judge first. If it doesn't work, make another plan."

Yue Qinlan is a judge. She is very familiar with the laws and regulations of Black Tortoise City, and has tried many cases. It is very suitable for her to evaluate Lilina.

"If you don't do 907, just be my deputy." Yue Qinlan smiled like a flower arrangement.

She intends to train new judges so she can focus on other things, rather than going to court every two days to hear a batch of cases.

"Well, you can do it as you see fit." Mu Liang responded.

"Got it." Yue Qinlan blinked her water blue eyes.

She remembered something and reminded her sideways: "By the way, the train will run for a trial run tomorrow, do you want to take time to check it out?"

Today's newspapers have announced this event, and tomorrow there will be many people at the train station who want to witness the first trial run of the train.

In this trial run, the train will start from the inner city Chengmen railway station and travel all the way to the outer city business district station, passing through the No. 1 Acropolis station on the way.

If the trial run is successful, train tracks will be laid in the future to connect the No. 2 Acropolis, No. 3 Acropolis, and No. 4 Acropolis.

"Of course." Mu Liang nodded.

"Then I'll let Bouvier to arrange related matters. Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Mu Liang asked calmly: "How is she getting started with inner city work now?"

Simple "Everything can be handled independently, I don't need to worry." Yue Qinlan praised.

"That's good." Mu Liang smiled and nodded.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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