Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1279 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1279: Say less about daydreaming. (1 more)

Wei Youlan's eyes flashed coldly, and she stepped sideways to block Verishaya.

She said coldly: "You two, she is a staff member of our store, and now it's working hours, so I won't go with you."

Xifeng grinned and sneered: "Hehe, it's not up to you."

Fei Luo said confidently: "That is, if we black Phoenix, there is nothing that we can't get."

"Black Phoenix?" Wei Youlan's eyes flashed slightly, and she remembered it in her heart.

She put her hand in front of her and reminded: "All fighting and disturbances are prohibited in the city of Black Tortoise. Violators will bear the consequences."

The little maid raised her chin, and the fourth-order aura spread out.

After Yueqinlan's training and the help of Star Fruit and Star Tea, all the battle maids in the palace are now Tier 4 masters, except for the newly added Xiao Zi and Su Su.

After the tree of life has evolved to ten first-levels, there are countless low-level Star fruits, and the little maids can eat one every day.

"Tier 4!" Xifeng's slender eyes narrowed slightly, surprised by the strength of the little maid.

Fei Luo's eyes flickered, and he said in surprise: "I didn't expect that you are already a fourth-order powerhouse at such a young age, and your soul taste should be very good.

"Have you seen it?"

907 Xifeng smiled and asked: "Otherwise, that siren belongs to me, and she belongs to you."

"Hmph, do you think I'm stupid?" Philo pouted.

He looked at Wei Youlan and sneered: "Although she is a genius, the Kraken's soul is purer and tastes the most delicious."

"It's too early to say these things, let's take them back and divide them." Xifeng said with a regretful expression on his face.

"Okay." Fedillo agreed.

Velissaya's pretty face turned pale, her heart was extremely angry, she was being treated as food.

Fei Luo and Xi Feng looked at each other, and the breath of the fifth-order powerhouse spread out.

"Tier 5!!" Wei Youlan's face changed.

Xifeng stretched out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, then said with a wicked smile, "I'm afraid, just be obedient and you will suffer less."

"Dream." Wei Youlan snorted coldly.

Her eyes were cold, her body squatted down slightly, her slender legs burst out with amazing strength, and she rushed towards the west peak at a high speed.

In her opinion, Xifeng was thin and looked weak, and he should be better than Fei Diluo.

"Youlan, be careful!!" Verisa exclaimed.

She didn't expect that Wei Youlan, who looked thin and thin, would be the first to shoot, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

Xifeng raised his brows lightly and said in surprise, "It's quite fast."

He raised his fingers, and the magic elements around his body surged up, casting magic.


The little maid rushed forward for a while, and her body fell straight down as if she had been injected with lead.

"This is the same ability as Mr. Mu Liang!!" Wei Youlan's pupils contracted.

"Cough cough...

She struggled to get up, but the gravity on her body was getting higher and higher.

Xifeng put his arms in front of him and smiled proudly: "Jie Jie Jie, my gravity magic is not something you can break free."

"Youlan!!" Verishaya exclaimed, and was about to step forward to help.

Seeing this, Fei Luo also shot, the muscles of his legs bulged violently, his body rushed out, and his five fingers spread out to pinch the neck of the Kraken girl.

Velishaya hurriedly avoided and said angrily: "I have no enmity with you, why do you arrest us?"

Fediro said hoarsely: "You are a sea monster. Not only is your soul delicious, but even if you sell it as a slave, you can earn at least a few thousand gold coins."

Velissa Shaya's pretty face turned even paler. Her father said that some human beings are very sinister, and I really saw it today.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" An exclamation came from outside the perfume shop.

Hongsha stood outside the shop door, looking at the messy perfume shop and the little maid lying on the ground, her expression suddenly became serious.

Wei Youlan looked up at Hong Sha, and her nervous expression suddenly relaxed.

"Who are you? Hong Sha gave a soft drink.

Her sixth-order aura spread out, directly crushing Xifeng and Fediro.

"Sixth-order master!!" Fei Luo's pupils shrank, and his face suddenly became solemn.


"Tap on.

"The sound of crisp footsteps came.

"What happened? Hai Die has a graceful gait, and the glazed heels hit the ground making a crisp sound.

"Miss Conch!! Wei Youlan exclaimed in surprise, and then she completely relaxed.

Xifeng's throat rolled up and down, and he asked in a hoarse voice, "Who are you?"

Hai Die directly ignored him, Mei Mu looked at the little maid who got up from the ground, and seemed to understand something.

Wei Youlan stretched her finger to her chest and said with a pale face: "Miss Haidie, these two are busy."

Hongsha pouted and sneered: "Dare to make trouble in the business district, is your brain caught in the door?

After she and Hai Die left the train station, they originally planned to go directly to Salun'er City, but when they were about to leave, they felt the aura emanating from Xifeng, so they stopped by to take a look.

"Don't mind your own business," Philo warned.

"I'm nosy?" Hai Die raised her brows lightly.

She raised her slender hand and said indifferently, "If I don't care, Mu Liang will probably dismiss me."

"Mu Liang?" Xifeng and Fei Luo were stunned, who is Mu Liang?

Before the two could figure it out, Hai Die had already started.

She took a step forward, a pair of faint blue butterfly wings grew on her back, and the momentum of the eighth-order peak spread out, directly suppressing Xifeng and Fei Luo.

"So strong!!" Xifeng's face turned pale in an instant, and his body fell down.

The red gauze pink lips were wide open, and she said in shock: "Your Excellency has reached the peak of the eighth order!!"

When she and Hai Die first joined Black Tortoise City, Hai Die was only an eighth-order advanced powerhouse, and it has only been two months since then.

Verishaya looked at Qin Yuyu with admiration in her eyes, and her momentum alone made the two fifth-order powerhouses lose their combat effectiveness, stronger than their father and mother.

Hai Die looked down at the two people lying on the ground: "Hmph, you dare to make trouble in Black Tortoise City, you are tired of living.

She broke through half a month ago, thanks to the tenth-level Star fruit given by Mu Liang, and she is sure to break through to the ninth level within six months.

We "wrong, spare us. Xifeng" begged for mercy with a terrified face.

Hongsha put her hands on her hips and snorted coldly, "Don't say such daydreaming words."

They "professed to be the "Black Phoenix", Mr. Mu Liang should be interested." Wei Youlan said clearly.

Hai Die nodded and said: "Then bundle it up and send it to the Lord of the City.

She stepped forward and kicked both feet neatly, causing Xifeng and Fediro to roll their eyes and faint.

Wei Youlan quickly found the spider silk rope and tied the two black magicians tightly.

Hai Die said crisply: "Then I'll leave it to you, and I have to go to Saran'er City."

"Hey, thank you Miss Conch for your help." Wei Youlan said gratefully.

"It's all a family." Conch waved and turned to leave the perfume shop.

"It's amazing.. Verishaya watched the conch leave with adoration.

ps: (1 update): The second update of the positive code.

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