Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1282 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1282: Bloodbath Black Tortoise City? (1 more)


The icy area where the Black Tortoise City Prison is located is cold and windy day and night, and the ice on some grounds is already 20 to 30 centimeters thick.

step, step, step~~~

Azhu wrapped his fur coat tightly, blocking the cold wind, and walked towards the prison.

It was half an hour later when she arrived at the prison.

"Warden!!" In front of the prison gate, the guards saluted respectfully.

"Open the door. A Zhuqing" said coldly.

"Yes." The prison guard responded.


The door of the prison slowly opened, and A-jie stepped into the prison, and the heat rushed to her face.

"It's really warm." A Zhuchang sighed and took off his fur coat, revealing his clean black prison uniform.

There is heating in the prison, even if you only wear one piece, it will not get cold.

The close-knit female prison guard asked in surprise, "Lord, the prison guard, what's wrong with coming to the prison so late?"

"Master Prisoner, drink some hot water to warm your body first." Another prison guard brought hot water.

"Well, someone wants to judge." Azhu stretched out his hand and took the hot water handed over by his subordinates.

The prison guard's face was clear: "Are those two black magicians sent by Captain Elina in the evening?"

"Well, where is the person?" Sister put down the cup and asked.

The prison guard responded: "Already locked in the interrogation room."

"Well, I'll take a look." Azhu walked towards the back of the prison.

She walked down the stairs to the underground cell. The first cell was the interrogation room, which was separate from the other cells.

In the interrogation room, Xifeng and Fei Luo had woken up and were tied to the interrogation chairs.

The two of them were stuffed with cloth balls, which completely filled their entire mouths, causing them to be speechless.

The interrogation room was dark and there was no light, only the sound of each other's heavy breathing could be heard.


There was anger and panic in Xifeng's eyes, which was the fear of the unknown.

Fedillo's state is also not good, and his spirit is a little lethargic. This is the reason why the prison guards punished them.

The door of the interrogation room was opened, and Ajiezhu and two prison guards entered the interrogation room.


The lantern beetle on the wall was awakened, and the light illuminated the interrogation room.

Xifeng and Feidi fell consciously and closed their eyes, and slowly opened their eyes after getting used to the bright light.

The two looked at A-sister-in-law Zhu with a cold light in their eyes.

Ajiezhu looked at the two of them coldly, pulled out the chair and sat down in front of them.

She raised her hand and gestured: "Remove the burlap from their mouths.

"Yes." Hearing the words, the prison guard stepped forward, and simply tore off the sackcloth from their mouths.

"Cough cough!!

Xifeng retched a few times and coughed violently.

Philo roared angrily: "Damn it, let go of us."

Xifeng threatened in a bad tone: "If you don't let us go, Lord Red Deacon will bloody wash your Black Tortoise city!!"

"Blood on Black Tortoise City?" A-jiezhu raised the corners of her lips when she heard the words, as if she had heard a joke.

"Are you out of your mind?" The policewoman next to her rolled her eyes, and the long whip in her hand was about to lash out.

Xifeng's face shook, he was a dark magician, unlike those knights who practiced the body, if the long whip was used on the face, it would definitely open the skin.

"I ask you to answer. If you cooperate honestly, you can suffer less." A Zhu said calmly.

"Is this threatening us?" Feidi Luo sneered.

Azhu folded his straight legs and said indifferently, "You can think so."

"Do you know who we are?" Xifeng asked with a dark face.

Ajiezhu remained expressionless and asked calmly, "Who?"

"We are the "Black Phoenix" people!" Xifeng said proudly.

"Black Phoenix?" Sister Zhu raised her brows lightly.

She tilted her head slightly, supported her chin with two fingers, and said indifferently: "What black Phoenix, I don't know."

"You don't even know Black Phoenix!!" Xifeng widened his eyes.

"I really don't know, then tell me what the black Phoenix is." A-jiezhu gestured to the recorder.

Xifeng raised his chin and said proudly: "Hmph, our "Black Phoenix" forces spread across dozens of countries, destroying your Black Tortoise city, that's a very easy thing."

Azhu raised his eyebrows lightly and wrote lightly: "It's spread across dozens of countries, it sounds like it's very powerful.

"Of course it's amazing, our Lord Red Deacon is an eighth-order magician." Federico said with a smile.

"Eighth-order magician?

"Aah~~~" Azhu couldn't help laughing out loud.

The female prison guard pouted and threatened: "What is the pride of an eighth-order magician? Our city master is still an eleventh-order master. It is easier to kill an eighth-order magician than to break a green vegetable."

"Eleventh-order master?" Xifeng was stunned.

The female prison guard responded and said, "Yes, in terms of your side, it is the Saint-level powerhouse."

After the ninth order, the new continent is called the king order, the holy order and the supreme order for the order, the eleventh order and the twelfth order.

Azhu glared at the female prison guard: "Shut up, talk more."

"Yes." The female prison guard shouted and muttered.

"Holy rank powerhouse, impossible!!" Xifeng mocked in disbelief.

Fei Diluo looked at the female prison guard with the eyes of a fool, and said coldly: "There are not many strong kings on the mainland, let alone saints."

Xifeng said with contempt, "Is it really a wild flower on the side of the road when you are a saint?"

Azhu's beautiful eyes lit up, if what Fediro said was true, it meant that Black Tortoise City could walk sideways in the New World.

"Sir, just use the punishment, they can't ask anything like this." The female prison guard said with the long whip in her hand.

Ajiezhu nodded slowly and ordered: "Well, use the punishment first, if I can't figure it out, I will take action."

Prisons must have their own means of interrogation, and they cannot rely on her awakening ability for every interrogation.

The female prison guard grinned and said expectantly: "Okay, several new punishments are just designed, I don't believe they can hold it up.

"Well, record every word you say." Ajiezhu instructed.

"Yes." The female prison guard and the recorder nodded with 920 force.

"What are you going to do?" Xifeng and Fei Diluo had an ominous feeling.

"Since you don't cooperate, then I have the means to get you to cooperate." The female prison guard waved her hands to prepare torture instruments with a cold face.

Xifeng and Fediro's bodies trembled, looking at the unique torture tools on the wall, and thinking about how they looked when they were used on themselves, they were even more afraid.

Ten minutes later, there was a shrill scream in the interrogation room, which made people feel horrified.


"Help, please spare me!!"

Azhu raised his eyes and looked, there was no emotion in the pure white eyes.

"I said, I said everything Xifeng couldn't hold on anymore.

"So fast?" The female prison guard curled her lips and put down the pliers in her hand, with Xifeng's nails on them, which were pulled out abruptly.

She regretted: "The chilli water and salt water have not been used yet.

What happens if a finger with a pulled nail goes into salt water and pepper water?

Xifeng and Fediro trembled, and the fear in the bottom of their eyes became more intense.

Ajiezhu instructed: "Separate the interrogation, and finally compare the answers. If they are not the same, then they will all be killed."

"Yes!" The prison guards responded in unison.

Xifeng and Fediro's faces turned paler, and all the plans in their hearts came to nothing.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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