Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1287 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1287: The drunkard's intention is not wine. (3 more)

Li Yue walked into the palace and walked to the study.

"Knock knock knock~~~" She raised her hand and knocked on the study door.

"Come in." Mu Liang's indifferent voice sounded.

Li Yue pushed the door open and walked into the study, and saw Mu Liang sitting behind her desk, looking through the list that Yue Qinlan sent.

Tomorrow, the Black Tortoise restaurant in Saarland will open, and he is looking at the guest list for the opening ceremony.

Li Yue said softly, "Mu Liang, the moon wolf car is ready, are you going now?"

"Well, let's go." Mu Liang put down the list, stood up and walked out.

He was going to the port of Salon City to see the piece of land that Bouvier bought.

The two walked out of the palace, the moon wolf beast car parked in the square, and there were twelve highland guards waiting.

In the Highland Guard, the newly added cat-headed orc, Xiao Miao, is in it.

"Mister Mu Liang, are you ready to go?" Mia asked.

Catwoman has changed into the ghost armor, her helmet has been improved, and there are two more cat-ear shaped shields in the ear position, so that wearing the helmet will not press the ears.

Among the 16 people who went out this time, in addition to Liyue and Mia, there was also the Kraken Velia.

"Sir Mu Liang." Villa raised his hand and gave a military salute.

She is wearing the water god armor, from the outside, it is impossible to tell that she is a sea monster, and the unique breath of the sea monster is also blocked by the water god armor.

"Well, let's go." Mu Liang replied and got into the car with Liyue.


The moonwolves roared and pulled the car down the high ground.

The highland guards rolled over and sat on the Moon Wolf, followed by leaving the highland.

Outside the carriage, Mia and Vilia sat side by side, with faint smiles on their faces.

Mia looked sideways at the Seagod armor on the Kraken girl and praised: "Your armor is beautiful.

"Your armor is also very beautiful." Villa blushed slightly.

The two looked at each other and smiled. It was the first time for each of them to have a high-level spiritual weapon. How could they not be happy.

Mia asked curiously, "Can your armor be invisible?"

Villa shook his head and said softly: "No, but it can make me swim longer and faster in the water, and it can freeze the water into ice, making it easier to cast water magic."

When making the water god armor, Mu Liang used a lot of scales of the ice snake, which gave the water god armor more ice power.

"It's amazing." Mia exclaimed.

"Yours too." Willia said with a smile.

The two praised each other and chatted all the way to Wengcheng in the business district.

Moon Wolf slowed down, pulled the carriage through the bustling crowd, and crossed the commercial area to Shanhaiguan.

The animal carriage left Shanhaiguan, and with the help of Mu Liang, the moonwolves pulled the carriage into the air and flew across the sea to the port.

There was a series of exclamations along the way, which made Vilia a little uncomfortable, and always felt that outsiders would see through the identity of the siren, and then it would bring trouble to Mu Liang.

Moon Wolf pulled the car down from the sky and landed steadily on the port, and the surrounding people avoided them one after another.

step, step, step~~~

Moon Wolf ran again, pulling the car to the left side of the port.

Ten minutes later, the surroundings became rare, and the sight was full of rubble and weeds, and it seemed that no one lived here.

Not far away, Bouvier was already waiting with someone.

Beside her, there were Princess Rime and Second Prince Mette, as well as a group of guard knights.

Bouvier waved and shouted: "The Lord of the City is here."


The Moon Wolf slowed down and stopped in front of Bouvier.

"Mister Mu Liang, we're here. Mia" said sideways.

After a few breaths, the compartment door was pushed open, and Mu Liang and Liyue got out of the car.

Baishuang's purple and golden eyes lit up, and she waved her hand with a smile like a flower: "Mu Liang, we meet again.

"Your Excellency Mu Liang." Mette greeted politely.

"Meet again." Mu Liang nodded and smiled back.

He asked curiously, "What are you two doing here?"

Mette explained: "We are here mainly to bring His Excellency Mu Liang to divide the land area."

"Yes." Bai Shuang's eyes wandered.

After she learned that Mu Liang was going to visit the land, she hurriedly pulled Big Brother to offer her help, and dividing the land was just an excuse.

Mu Liang looked surprised, nodded slowly and said, "I'm really sorry that the two Highnesses made a special trip for such a trivial matter.

"No trouble, I'm bored in the palace anyway." Bai Shuang waved his hand indifferently.

The princess is clearly the drunkard's intention not to drink.

Mette glanced at Little Sister, and a large part of the reason she came out was because of the support of her mother Fu Lingna.

"So it is." Mu Liang nodded slowly and turned to look at Bouvier.

Bouvier saluted in a proper manner: "Mr. Mu Liang."

"Is this the land you bought?" Mu Liang looked around, and his eyes fell on Bo Wei.

"Yes, there are no people living within three kilometers around, and it is in an undeveloped area, which is very suitable for building warehouses.

Bouvier said with a serious face: "Face the sea on one side, surrounded by forests on three sides.

Mu Liangyan rose into the air, overlooking the surrounding terrain from a height, the situation was the same as what Bouvier said.

He returned to the ground and nodded with satisfaction: "Well, it's not bad."

Only then did Bouvier breathe a sigh of relief.

Bai Shuang asked in a crisp voice, "Mu Liang, do you need me to show you the boundary of the land?"

"No, I have seen it in the air." Mu Liang shook his head.

The palace has already brought people to divide the land, and nailed large wooden pillars on the boundary line to distinguish it.

The wooden pillars are dyed bright red, and there are no obstructions around them, so they are easy to see in the air.

Mu Liang lifted his foot and stepped down hard, and the ground suddenly shook, as if a fourth-level earthquake had occurred.


The ground shook violently, and where the wooden pillars were nailed, the surrounding earth and stones gathered together to form a wall twenty meters high and eight meters thick.

The wall was very long, leaving all the land that Bouvier bought inside.

"!!" Mette opened her mouth wide, and was once again so horrified that she was speechless.

He didn't understand why Mu Liang could use so much earth and stone for his own use without chanting a mantra.

Somewhat fortunately, fortunately, my father did not intend to be an enemy of Black Tortoise City, but chose to befriend.

"Mr. Mu Liang is amazing!!" Villa was also stunned and had a new understanding of Mu Liang's strength.

Mia glanced at the Kraken girl and said softly: "You still know too little, it's nothing."

She had seen the big scene, when the city of Black Tortoise was renovated, the scene of Wang Shi overwhelming the sky and the sky is still vivid in her mind.

Vilia's face full of thirst for knowledge, she turned her head sideways and whispered: "Sister, can you tell me when you are free in the future?

"Okay." Mia nodded slowly.

"Thank you. Willia" thanked her earnestly, and regarded her as a friend.

She is a sea monster, and she didn't believe in humans before, so apart from her clan, she has no other friends.

"You're welcome." Mia blinked her crimson eyes.

ps: (3 more): Please customize.

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