Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1292 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1292: What a monster. (2 more)

Mu Liang stretched out his arms and hugged the life element spirit and looked at it carefully.

"Father, what's wrong?" Ling'er blinked her emerald eyes.

Mu Liang said with a smile on his lips: "I haven't seen you for a few days. It seems that I have grown taller and gained a little weight."

Ling'er pouted and said angrily, "It's possible to grow taller, but it's impossible to get fat.

"Hahaha, it's really a little heavier." Mu Liang smiled, reached out and patted the life element elf's face lightly.

Ling'er tilted her head and asked in a clear voice, "Father, I'm a vegetarian every day and I don't eat meat, how can I gain weight?"

"Okay, I didn't gain weight." Mu Liang Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Linger's IQ is getting higher and higher, and now it is equivalent to a twelve- or thirteen-year-old human child.

"This is a elf and it doesn't look like a elf." Luo Nai's eyes showed surprise.

She was full of curiosity, how could an elf call the city master his father, did the city master make the elf his wife?

Linger grabbed Mu Liang's hair and asked curiously, "Father, what are you doing?"

"I'm learning to draw a magic circle." Mu Liang explained softly.

Yue Qinlan stretched out her hand and said gracefully: 16 "Linger, come to me, your father is still busy."

"Okay, don't disturb father." Ling'er replied obediently.

She flew up lightly and landed in Yueqinlan's arms.

Luo Nai didn't dare to ask more, just watched quietly.

"Go back to the study." Mu Liang glanced at her, turned and walked back to the palace.

Yue Qinlan and Luo Nai followed, and they had different thoughts.

Mu Liang remembered something and said sideways: "Qinlan, did Buff tell you, Yan and the others have successfully entered the sea of ​​mist.

"Well, I see." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

Luo Nai's eyelids jumped when she heard the words, and she entered the sea of ​​mist? Are you dying?

After the group returned to the study, Mu Liang sat down and picked up the Magical Beasts spar on the table, recalling the process of Ronai drawing the magic circle.

Five minutes passed, and Mu Liang's black eyes lit up.

He imitated Ronai, holding the Magical Beasts spar in one hand, and with the other hand stretched out his index finger, lightly pressed it on the Magical Beasts spar, and began to try to draw a magic circle.

Yueqin's blue eyes showed anticipation, and sure enough, Mu Liang wanted to draw the magic circle by himself.

Seeing this, Luo Nai couldn't help but asked in a low voice, "Lord Qinlan, is Lord City Lord a wind magician?"

"Of course not." Yue Qinlan shook her head gracefully.

"Hey, I'm not a wind magician, I can't draw Luo Nai half of her words, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

In her stunned and puzzled eyes, Mu Liang was surrounded by wind elements, and he exerted his "wind element manipulation ability, which was inherited after the evolution of the Flying Fish King.

Luo Nai's head is full of question marks, and she just said that Lord City Lord is not a wind magician, why can you control the wind element now?

"Shhh!!" Yue Qinlan glanced at her and put her hand to her lips.

Luo Nai nodded slowly, her breathing was quiet.

Mu Liang's expression was focused, his soul power was injected into the Magical Beasts spar, and a blue line appeared in the Magical Beasts spar.


His fingers moved slowly, and the lines in the Magical Beasts spar began to move, as smoothly as if they were drawn on paper.

Although Yue Qinlan couldn't understand it, but judging from the expression on Luo Nai's face, Mu Liang seemed to be able to draw the wind magic circle.

She turned her head sideways and lowered her voice, and asked in a low voice, "Mu Liang is the first time to draw a magic circle, what do you think of the level?"

"Drawing a magic circle for the first time?" Luo Nai opened her mouth wide, but it didn't look like she was drawing a magic circle for the first time. She was more skilled than her.

Yue Qinlan smiled and said: "Yes, he has never been in contact with magic before this, let alone a magic circle."

"Lord Qinlan, you are joking."

The corners of Luo Nai's eyes jumped, and she said astringently: "Lord City Lord's skills in drawing magic circles seem to be much stronger than mine.

Yue Qinlan smiled lightly and said gracefully, "That means he is very talented and a genius.

"Luonai gave a wry smile, if it's really like what Yue Qinlan said, this is the first time the city owner has come into contact with the magic circle, then this talent is much more terrifying than a genius.

The magic circle seems simple, but it is actually very difficult.

When drawing a magic circle, there are requirements for the thickness of each line, which requires a lot of practice.

Ordinary magicians have not experienced hundreds of thousands of failures, and it is difficult to draw a magic circle successfully.

This practice process is extremely long. Ordinary magicians practice at most five or six times a day, and their physical strength, magic power, and soul power will not be able to keep up, and they need to rest to recover.

Therefore, if an ordinary magician wants to learn to draw a magic circle, it takes several months or even half a year to practice.

It took Luo Nai three months to successfully draw this sixth-order wind magic circle.

"It's a monster." Her throat moved, a few words stuck in her throat.

Mu Liang's speed of drawing the magic circle began to speed up, and he gradually became more and more handy.

Ten minutes later, Mu Liang recovered his soul power, the Magical Beasts spar in his hand lit up with blue light, and a large amount of wind elements condensed into a vortex, which was absorbed by the magic circle in the Magical Beasts spar.

The azure light was prosperous, and it soon returned to calm.

"Did it work?" Mu Liang folded his fingers and looked at the Magical Beasts spar.

With bitterness on the corner of Luo Nai's mouth, she said respectfully, "It looks like it was a success.

"Well, I'll give it a try." Mu Liang left a sentence, got up and left the study.

Yue Qinlan and Luo Nai hurriedly followed, wondering if Mu Liang really drew a magic circle.

The three came to the outside of the palace, and Mu Liang raised his hand to aim at the sky, and once again used his ability, the wind element, to exercise 920 controls.


The Magical Beasts spar lit up with cyan light, the wind element condensed into substance, and six wind blades shot out, rushing to the distant sky again.


"Again!!" Ling'er puffed up her bun face.

Her body disappeared in a flash, and when she reappeared, she was already in front of the wind blade. It was just a wave of her hand, and the six wind blades dissipated.

Sure enough, "It worked." Mu Liang had a satisfied smile on his face.

Luo Nai couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked respectfully, "Lord City Lord, I heard from Lord Qinlan, this is your first time drawing a magic circle?"

"Well, it's the first time." Mu Liang replied casually.

Luo Nai was shocked and said in astonishment: "Then you remember this sixth-order magic circle once you see it?"

She remembered that Mu Liang unfolded the magic scroll and watched it for a few minutes, but never touched it again.

Mu Liang glanced at her and said indifferently: "Well, it's not very complicated, just take a look and remember."

"...Monnai was completely speechless in shock, and she didn't know how to express her shock.

Yue Qinlan hugged Linger who fell from the sky and asked gracefully, "How many times can such a magic circle be used?"

Luo Nai pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "As long as the Magical Beasts spar is not damaged and the magic circle inside it is repaired regularly, it can last a long time.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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