Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1294 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1294: 10,000 people will definitely be invited. (1 more)

Mu Liang picked up the second eighth-order Magical Beasts spar and began to adjust his breathing.

Luo Nai looked at Mu Liang, although her first attempt failed, her shock remained undiminished.

You must know that it almost succeeded just now, that is the space magic circle of the king rank. If those powerful forces on the mainland knew about it, the gate of Black Tortoise City would be trampled by those who recruited.

Yue Qinlan asked softly: "Mu Liang, do you want to rest first.

Mu Liang shook his head and said gently, "No, I'm not tired.

He saw Liyue and asked peacefully, "Liyue, what's the matter?"

"There is movement over the Black Phoenix." Liyue stepped forward and whispered.

"What's the situation?" Mu Liang frowned lightly.

Li Yue said softly: "The people who watched found that the people from the Black Phoenix went to the Duke's Mansion last night, but they haven't come out so far.

"Well, let's keep watching." Mu Liang nodded thoughtfully.

Li Yue said softly: "Well, it has been arranged.

"I don't worry about your work." Mu Liang smiled.

Li Yue's slender eyelashes trembled, and the corners of her lips rose.

Mu Liang turned his attention back to the magic circle, holding the Magical Beasts spar with one hand, and preparing to draw the magic circle with the other hand.

"It's on," he said quietly.

Yue Qinlan, Luo Nai and others subconsciously let go of their breaths.

Mu Liang started his 920th attempt and the Magical Beasts spar shined again.

Luo Nai clenched her fists with both hands. At this moment, she was even more nervous than Mu Liang. She kept praying that the magic circle could be drawn successfully.

Time passed slowly, Mu Liang's hand was still steady, and the magic circle in the Magical Beasts spar became complete.

Luo Nai looked at it seriously and understood that the drawing of the magic circle was at a critical time. Whether it could succeed this time depends on whether a closed loop can be produced in the end.

"It must be successful." Yue Qinlan pressed her lips, feeling very nervous.

Mu Liang's fingers slid over the Magical Beasts spar, and his originally deep black eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw Star when he pushed through the clouds in the dark night.


"Success." As soon as Mu Liang finished speaking, the Magical Beasts spar in his hand shone brightly, illuminating the entire study.

"Really successful!!" Ronai exclaimed, shocked beyond recognition.

"It's great, I knew Mu Liang, you would be successful." Yue Qinlan's lips rose, and she was equally excited.

"It's harder than I thought." Mu Liang smiled, holding the eighth-order Magical Beasts spar in his palm.

Luo Nai took a deep breath and said with a serious face: "Lord City Lord, if you let people from all major forces know that you can draw (bgaa) a king-level space magic circle, thousands of people will definitely invite you."

"Yeah, that's really interesting." Mu Liang replied indifferently.

Luo Nai nodded slowly and said: "With the ability of Lord City Lord, there is really no need to join other forces."

Yue Qinlan urged expectantly: "Mu Liang, let's try the power of the space magic circle first.

"Okay." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose, recalling the casting method written on the booklet.

He raised the Magical Beasts spar in his hand and aimed it at Yue Qinlan and the others. With a thought, he used his space manipulation ability.

The Magical Beasts spar lit up with white light, and an invisible wave spread out, and soon enveloped the entire study.

Yue Qinlan blinked her water blue eyes and glanced left and right, but nothing happened.

"Mu Liang, is this a failure?" She looked at Mu Liang with puzzled eyes.

"We'll find out later." Mu Liang smiled mysteriously.

With his five fingers, he interrupted the operation of the space magic circle, then turned the Magical Beasts spar to one side and activated the magic circle again.

Everyone's eyes flashed, and the scene from ten seconds ago appeared in the study.

The picture is very clear, but it is mixed with the environment of the study, which makes people look a little dazzled and can't distinguish the real and the image.

"Success!!" Yue Qinlan exclaimed in surprise.

Liyue stretched out her hand to touch the image beside her, but her fingers penetrated through it, unable to touch the substance.

She exclaimed: "It's amazing, like a dream...

Luo Nai blinked her eyes and said in astonishment: "Send, the effect of the king-level space magic array is only like this.

"This is not an attack-type magic circle." Yue Qinlan said with a smile.

"It turns out." Luo Nai's eyes showed a look of pity.

If this is an attack-type magic circle, the value may be able to buy a prosperous street in Salon City.

Yue Qinlan turned her head and asked, "Mu Liang, how long can this magic circle record images?

Mu Liang said softly: "After ten days of continuous video recording, the space elements in the magic circle will be exhausted, and they will need to be replenished at that time."

Yue Qinlan said in surprise: "That is to say, if there are enough space elements, you can record images all the time?"

"Well, that's what it says in the book." Mu Liang tapped the animal skin book on the table.

"That's great, I can make TV series and movies!!" Yueqin Lanyanlu said expectantly.

Luo Nai is puzzled, what are TV shows and movies?

"Don't worry, I'll try to see if I can improve it." Mu Liang said gently.

Now that there is a way to record images, we should study how to crop images and splicing images, and also study issues such as audio recording and dubbing.

"What to improve?" Yue Qinlan looked at Mu Liang in surprise.

"Of course, the space magic circle is made into a camera, which is convenient for filming." Mu Liang mysteriously said.

"Camera?" Yue Qinlan and Li Yue looked at each other and asked with their heads full.

Mu Liang coughed lightly and said indifferently: "I'll know later, it's just an idea, whether it can be made or not is another matter."

"You can, there is nothing you can't do." Li Yue said with a serious face.

"So optimistic about me?" Mu Liang raised his brows and looked at the silver-haired girl with a smile.

"Of course." Liyue nodded vigorously.

Yue Qinlan smiled gracefully and teased: "Our city master is omnipotent."

Mu Liang Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, Yue Qinlan liked to tease him more and more, did he need to clean up.

Luo Nai looked at her with admiration, and she still had many doubts in her heart. For example, the city owner said that she was not a magician, so why could she draw the wind magic circle and the space magic circle?

She hesitated, then said sincerely: "Sir City Lord, can you teach me wind magic?"

Mu Liang glanced at her and said calmly: "I don't understand magic now, maybe later."

He was already planning to learn magic.

"Okay." Luo Nai didn't ask any further questions.

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing, and I understand that.

She saluted respectfully: "Sir City Lord, if there is nothing else, I will go back first."

"Well, let's go." Mu Liang gestured first.

"Yes." Luo Nai saluted again, turned and left the study.

Mu Liang thought about it for a while, then asked sideways: "Liyue, go to Salun City to find out. If there is a magic circle map, buy it all back."

"Yes." Li Yue responded.

ps: (1 update): The second update of the positive code.

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