Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1297 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1297: He has seen what invincibility is. (1 more)

Salon City, where the Black Tortoise restaurant is located.

dong dong dong~~~

The melodious bell rang on the top floor of the Black Tortoise restaurant, one after another, like a continuous wave of waves lapping on the beach.

The bell rang ten times, and the reverberation still lingered within a kilometer range.

On the top floor of the Black Tortoise Restaurant, a six-meter-sized Black Tortoise clock hangs high.

This Black Tortoise bell is also a high-level spiritual weapon, which was specially refined by Mu Liang and placed here. In his words, this is a kind of cultural invasion.

Whenever the Black Tortoise bell rings, people who hear it will think of or mention Black Tortoise City and Black Tortoise Restaurant, thereby opening up more visibility.

Qin Yu walked out of the Black Tortoise restaurant, wearing a purple thunder armor that was eye-catching.

Her task today is to ensure that the opening ceremony of the Black Tortoise restaurant goes smoothly.

Qin Yu looked sideways at the deputy who was following, and ordered: "Taigen, lead someone to tear down the surrounding retaining walls."

Within 50 meters around the Black Tortoise restaurant, a five-meter-high retaining wall was built to avoid being disturbed by other people and to ensure the smooth progress of the decoration construction.

"Yes." Teigen raised his hand and gave a military salute, and led the city defense troops to dismantle the retaining wall.

Since he joined the city defense army, his temper has become much calmer, and he is no longer the thief Teigen he used to be.

Qin Yuyu ordered in a dignified tone: "The rest are responsible for vigilance, and all those who make trouble will be detained and imprisoned, and those who insist on resisting will be killed."

"Yes!! The city guards responded in unison.

The loud voice came out of the retaining wall, making those who were secretly monitoring the heart light up, and their hearts were filled with fear.

ta ta ta

The city defense army was divided into six teams, each of which consisted of 12 people, with military crossbow quivers on their waists, and long knives or spears in their hands.

There are six city defense teams, one team is on duty at the entrance of the Black Tortoise restaurant, two teams are responsible for the security issues in the Black Tortoise restaurant, and the remaining three teams are guarding around the Black Tortoise restaurant.


The retaining walls around the Black Tortoise restaurant were all removed, and the vision in front of those onlookers became wider, and they could see the entire Black Tortoise restaurant.

The renovated Black Tortoise Restaurant is 45 meters high, and the facade is entirely composed of colored glass. The rotating building reflects colorful rays of light in the sunlight.

The Black Tortoise restaurant has two entrances, one is only in and out, the other is only in and out, so it is convenient to manage the security of the building.

In front of the entrance, there is a small square thirty meters long and wide, with many flowers and green trees planted around the square.

The entrance gate of the Black Tortoise restaurant is very large, three meters high and five meters wide.

The gate is also made of glazed glass, with a thickness of eight centimeters. It is a sliding door that opens to both sides. It is equipped with pulleys and slide rails at the top and bottom, so it is not difficult to open the gate.

There are also two Guardian Lions left and right in front of the door, six meters high and four meters wide.

"I don't know what's the use?" Qin Yu glanced sideways at Guardian Lions, the shape and material looked simple and unpretentious, why are they here?

If Mu Liang was there, he would say that this is hometown feeling.

da da da~~~

Qin Yu raised her head following the sound and looked at the door of the Black Tortoise restaurant, where a giant swinging clock five meters long and wide was hung.

"It's half past ten, and the Lord of the City hasn't come yet, she whispered to herself.

At this time, a staff member came, hung the red satin on the gate, and prepared large scissors, which was in preparation for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

step, step, step~~~

In the distance, several beast carts came galloping.

Judging from the shape of the cart and the number of horned beasts pulling the cart, the owner of the cart is either rich or expensive.

step, step, step~~~

The first and second animal vehicles arrived at the Black Tortoise Restaurant and slowly stopped outside the square.


The door of the carriage opened, and the duke got out of the car, followed by three men in black robes, whose faces were covered by robes.

The other two got on and off from the other beast car, also covering their faces in loose black robes.

Raya looked up at the Black Tortoise restaurant, and said in a surprised tone: "Is this the Black Tortoise restaurant, it looks very extraordinary!!"

Red deacon whispered: "I don't know what's inside...

"I'll find out later when I go in." Laya said in a relaxed voice.

"You two, you have to follow closely." A hoarse voice came from in front of the two women.

The Duke turned his head and stared at the two women with a half-smiling expression. The men in black robes behind him were scattered and vaguely surrounded them.

Hong deacon pouted and said coldly, "Don't worry, Lord Duke, we won't get lost."

"That's good." The expression on the Duke's face turned cloudy, and his face became better.

The red deacon looked indifferent, raised his hand and pressed down the wide brim of his hat.

step, step, step~~~

A third chariot arrived, followed by forty-five knights on horns.

The carriage door opened, and the knight commander got out of the carriage and walked towards the duke with his hands behind his back.

The Duke turned around and said indifferently, "The knight commander is here too.

"My lord the duke came quite early." The knight commander nodded humbly.

The eyes of the two people flowed, and they exchanged their eyes secretly. Although they didn't say it clearly, they knew each other well.

In front of the gate of the Black Tortoise restaurant, Qin Yu looked at the Knights coldly, and suddenly became vigilant in her heart.

Taigen came to Qin Yu and said in a low voice, "Master Qin Yu, the comer is not good.

Qin Yu's expression remained unchanged, and she said coldly: "We also have cavalry, don't panic."

"I'm not panicking at all." Teigen grinned, his expression equally calm.

After all, he has seen what invincibility is.

step, step, step~~~

The Duke and the Knight Commander approached the Black Tortoise restaurant, but were stopped by Qin Yu.

Qin Yu looked at everyone indifferently, and said calmly: "Don't be in a hurry, everyone, wait for our Lord of the City to come, and enter after the ribbon-cutting ceremony is over."

"So much trouble?" The knight commander had a displeased look on his face.

Qin Yu said indifferently: "Our announcement to the outside world is also open at eleven o'clock."

Hearing this, the knight commander looked at the swinging clock on the gate, fifteen minutes before eleven o'clock.

The duke put his hand on the shoulder of the knight commander and said hoarsely, "Don't worry, just wait.

"Humph!!" The knight commander snorted coldly, his hands behind his back, and became quiet.

The Duke looked at Qin Yu and was attracted by the purple armor on her body.

"This is...

His eyes flashed with brilliance, and he said in horror: "This purple armor is a high-level magic tool!!"

The Duke's words made the knight commander and others look at Qin Yu again, and they were equally horrified, and then greed, jealousy, and envy filled everyone's hearts.

The red deacon's pink lips parted slightly and whispered softly: "Another high-end waste tool, how many high-end magic tools are there in Black Tortoise City?

"Interesting, Black Tortoise City has many secrets." Raya's eyes flowed, and she was very interested in Black Tortoise City.

She turned her head to the red deacon and said in a low voice, "I have to find a chance to go to Black Tortoise City."

"I have this plan." The red deacon nodded slowly.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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