Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1323 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1323: A short-sighted person. (2 more)

Salon City, within the jurisdiction of Black Tortoise City.

temporary accommodation.

Xixi stood outside the door, staring wide-eyed at the earth and rocks flying by in the sky.

She was shocked, she had never seen such a scene before, she was shocked beyond words.

Xilin looked out, his eyes widened as well, and he shouted excitedly: "Big sis, the sand is flying, is this magic?"

"It should be." Xixi nodded slowly.

She's just an ordinary person and doesn't know much about magic.

"Big sis, let's go over and take a look. Shirin" said suddenly.

Xixi said with a stern face: "No, it's being rebuilt over there, it's too dangerous."

"Big sis, it's alright, we can watch from a distance, just don't get too close." Xilin shook the girl's arm gently, her eyes bright as stars.

"Can not.

Xixi was unmoved, raised his hand and tapped Little Brother's head lightly, and said angrily: "Those people told us not to run around, did you forget?"

The people she mentioned were the city defense forces responsible for the security of the temporary shelter.

"Okay... Xilin pouted and looked at the dirt and rocks flying by in the sky with regret.

He turned his head and asked suddenly, "Big sis, do you want to be a magician?"

"Think." Xixi nodded vigorously.

Her father and mother were magicians. Although they were only second-order magicians, they were also respected by ordinary people.

Xilin suggested: "Then Big sis, go to the Magician Association and try, maybe he can really become a magician.

"No, one test requires a lot of gold coins." Xixi shook his head and said.

The magic stone is extremely rare and only in the hands of a few people. If outsiders want to use the magic stone to become a magician, they need to pay a lot of gold coins or Magical Beasts spar.

Xilin said with a serious face: "Big sis, I will work hard in the future, earn a lot of gold coins, and then you will be able to go to Qiling.

"Okay." The corner of Xixi's mouth rose, but he sighed inwardly.

By the time she has earned enough gold coins, she will have passed the best age to test her soul power and enlightenment.

She glanced at Little Brother, maybe when he earned enough gold coins, Little Brother could go to enlightenment, if he could become a magician, life would be much easier.


The ground shook again, and the houses in the No. 2 area began to collapse.

Mu Liang began to renovate the residential area, close to the temporary residence where Xixi and Xilin were.


Under the stunned gazes of the two sisters, the houses twenty meters away in front of them collapsed in pieces and turned into ruins.

The dust rises, and the next moment is pushed back to the ground by invisible gravity.

"Get up!" A calm voice echoed in the air.

Mu Liang raised his hand and grabbed it, and the wood and debris in the rubble rose into the air, forming a hill under his control.

"Wow... Shirin was stunned again.

"It's amazing." Xixi was amazed, and felt a little lost.

In the collapsed house in front of her, there is a small room where she once lived with her father and mother.

"Everything has to start anew." Xixi sighed and regained his energy.

All the people in the temporary shelter came out, watching Mu Liang remodeling the residential area, and the scene of the earth and rocks in the sky made them exclaim.

For the next three hours, they watched as old houses collapsed and disappeared, and then two or three hundred new buildings rose.

The shortest buildings are four-storeys, the tallest are eight-storeys, each storey is nearly three meters high.

The buildings are neatly arranged, the narrowest interval is 6 meters, and the widest is 20 meters.

From Gate 1 to the Black Tortoise restaurant, there is an avenue of 18 meters wide, which is one of the main roads and a dividing line with other residential areas.

The reason why the road is so wide is mainly for the green space. If the air is good, the more green the better.

Xilin asked with a blank expression: "Sister, are we going to live there in the future?"

"I don't know either... Xixi opened his mouth wide and looked at the buildings covered with colored glass, his mood was very complicated.

"When can I live in?" Xilin shouted excitedly.

"Uncertain things, don't be too happy." Someone beside him poured a basin of cold water.

"That is, these buildings are not necessarily for us to live in.

"I don't think the city owner of Black Tortoise would be so kind to build such a nice building for us to live in."

There were many negative voices in the crowd.

Xilin retorted with a serious face: "No, Nijisha Big sis said, we will have a new house to live in."

Xixi sneered and retorted: "Are you all blind? The environment and conditions of this temporary residence are better than the houses you lived in before."

As soon as these words came out, the noisy people were suddenly speechless.

"Short-sighted people really want to deceive us, it's better to drive us away yesterday." Someone sneered coldly.

"That is, why build us temporary shelter and provide food and water.

"No brains."

"Nijisha Big sis is so good, I still doubt her." Xilin said in a bad mood.

With a smile in his eyes, Xixi reached out and rubbed Xilin's head.


The shaking of the ground continued, and new remodeling began.

On the other side, the palace.

In the discussion hall of the front hall, the king, nobles, and ministers are discussing.

The old man in gorgeous costumes trembled and saluted, and said righteously: ","Your Majesty, the Lord of Black Tortoise built a city in the city of Salun, which is a provocation to the royal family's power.

"Yeah, this disturbance is too big, and it has seriously affected the tranquility of Salun City." Another earl said with a serious face.

The marquis raised his eyes and stared at the king, and said solemnly with a dark face: "I want to expel the city of Black Tortoise, for the peace of the Kingdom of Haiding and the city of Sarun.

"I called you here this time, not for the sake of Black Tortoise City." The king lowered his eyes and his voice was unusually calm.

"King, the matter of Black Tortoise is obviously more important!!" The Count raised his head and said loudly.

The king asked indifferently: "Have you seen the tactics of the Black Tortoise lord, do you still think that King Haiding is going to be his enemy?"

"This...the nobles and ministers were speechless.

Mette said solemnly: "The knight commander and the duke are finished. They are all ninth-rank powerhouses, and they don't even have the strength to resist under the Black Tortoise City Lord (Nuohao Zhao)."

Kebbins said coldly: "If such a person is an enemy or a friend, you must be very clear.

This time, "I called you here to discuss a new candidate for the knight commander." The king spoke again.

The Marquis, Earl and others wisely didn't mention Black Tortoise, the current royal family is different from the previous royal family.

Without the duke and the knight commander, no one can threaten the royal family's dominance in the Haiding Kingdom.

"I think that with the strength of the great prince, he can become a new knight commander." A minister raised his hand and gestured.

"Second." The count nodded indifferently.

The king's expression remained unchanged, and he made a final decision: "Then the first prince, appoint the knight commander from today."

"Yes." Kebbins stood up.

Others silently shut their mouths, even if they had opinions, they chose to hold back, not wanting to offend the royal envoy.

ps: (2 more]: Please customize.

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