Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

Chapter 1334 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

1334: I'm too old? (1 more)

It was completely dark when Mu Liang left the Yuzheng Firm and returned to the Highland Palace.


It happened that the tree of life displayed its life Realm, blooming billions of rays of light, illuminating the entire turtle's back.

Mu Liang walked into the palace and smelled the fragrance wafting from the kitchen.

He paused, turned and walked towards the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Minuo is preparing dinner with Qingwu and Susu.


The food in the pot is boiling and fragrant.

"What's delicious?" Mu Liang stood in front of the kitchen.

"Mu Liang, you're back~ Minuo's beautiful eyes lit up, and there were two pear eddies on his face.

"Master Mu Liang!" Qing Wu and Su Su respectfully saluted.

Minuo moved the food in the pot and said angrily: "Today's dinner is a pot of stew, and I don't know if it's delicious."

In the cauldron, the Magical Beasts meat is being cooked by candlesticks, and there are also washed green vegetables on the side.

Mu Liang moved his nose and said gently: "The scent is good, and the taste should not be bad."

"Then you have to eat more." Minuo's lips rose.

She waved her hands tenderly and said angrily, "There is a lot of oil smoke here, go back to the study, and have dinner in half an hour.

"Okay." Mu Liang smiled, turned and left the kitchen.


He returned to the study, took out the Philosopher's Stone and studied it carefully.

step, step, step~~~

The crisp footsteps came, the sound of heels hitting the ground.

The study door was pushed open, and Yue Qinlan probed in, only to see Mu Liang walking into the room afterward.

She asked casually, "Did you go to Yuzheng Firm to see the Philosopher's Stone?"

"Go, and brought back the Philosopher's Stone." Mu Liang smiled and gestured to the Philosopher's Stone in his hand.

Yue Qinlan blinked her water blue eyes, and said with a smile on her lips: "Bought it, or robbed it?"

"That's what I said." Mu Liang Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, raised his hand and tapped next Yue Qinlan's forehead.

"Isn't it?" Yue Qinlan's lips curled up.

"No, I copied it back." Mu Liang coughed dryly.

Yue Qinlan's face showed a look of surprise, she nodded and said, "I almost forgot, you still have the ability to copy items.

She asked again, "Not found?"

"No, I made him turn around." Mu Liang briefly described the scene at that time.

"Kikaka, so Yu is scaring yourself?" Yue Qinlan said with a sweet smile.

"Yeah." Mu Liang smiled and patted Yue Qinlan's hand.

Yue (bgaa) Lan asked in a crisp voice: "How do I use this magic stone?"

"Just stick your hand on it." Mu Liang said calmly.

"I'll try." Yue Qinlan reached out and put her hand on the magic stone when she heard the words, waiting for the result.

After a while, the Philosopher's Stone still did not respond, and it looked like a beautiful stone.

Mu Liang thoughtfully said, "Maybe you are too old to have the best year for enlightenment."

"I'm too old?" Yue Qinlan's eyebrows trembled, and she gave Mu Liang a resentful look in her eyes.

"Ahem, I was wrong." Mu Liang sneered.

Yue Qinlan turned her head and curled her lips: "Hmph, I'm too old to compare to those young girls.

"That's what I said." Mu Liang Didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to use his nirvana.

He stretched out his hand and pulled Yue Qinlan into his arms, lowering his head to cover her mouth.

"...Yue Qinlan closed her eyes, her lashes were so long that her lashes fluttered.

….time flies by.

Yue Qinlan stood up weakly, and gave Mu Liang a blushing look.

Mu Liang's Adam's apple moved up and down, and changed the subject: "Go and call Yao Er and the others, try the magic stone to see if it works."

"Okay." Yue Qinlan raised her hand and folded her long hair, turned and left the room with a graceful gait.

Seven or eight minutes later, she walked into the study with the maid who was not busy.

"Master Mu Liang!" Yao Er, Ba Guan, Yun Ting, Xiao Mi, Xiao Zi and Wei Youlan saluted.

The perfume store in the business district is already on the right track, with Velishaya and several other shop assistants watching, and Wei Youlan is not required to be stationed every day.

Mu Liang put the magic stone across from the desk, and said gently, "Let's try them all."

Yao Er asked excitedly: "Mr. Mu Liang, what are we going to do?

"Just stick your hand on it." Mu Liang said clearly.

"Okay." Yao'er stepped forward and put her little hand on the Philosopher's Stone.

The other little maids stared at her with wide eyes.

I was also very nervous, and even my palms were sweating.

After a while, the Philosopher's Stone remained unchanged.

"Unfortunately, the next one." Mu Liang said regretfully.

"Yes." Yao Er moved away in frustration, holding the skirt of the maid's skirt with her little hand and lowered her little head.

"Buff, you go first." Yue Qinlan raised her hand to signal.

"Okay." Buff stepped forward and put his little hand on the Philosopher's Stone.

She bit her lower lip nervously, and suddenly felt a warm current in her palms, drilling into her body.

She widened her beautiful eyes, and before she could speak, the magic stone under her hand lit up with blue light, and it didn't go away for a long time.

"Send! The magic stone is lit up!" Yueqin Lan's beautiful eyes lit up immediately.

Mu Liang stood up and said happily: "It should be that Qi Ling succeeded, and Buff can become a magician."

Buff opened his mouth slightly, and said in a trance: "I can become a magician!?"

"Well, looking at the color of the light, it should be the attribute of wind." Mu Liang nodded.

Great, "Okay, I can become a magician!!" Buff was so excited that he was over two meters high and almost hit his head on the ceiling.

"Next." Mu Liang continued with a smile.

Yun Ting stepped forward nervously and put his hand on the Philosopher's Stone.

Time passed slowly, the Philosopher's Stone did not glow, and there was only loss on her face.

"Next." Yue Qinlan rubbed Yun Ting's head soothingly.

Xiaomi and Wei Youlan looked at each other and said in unison, "You go first.

"Xiaomi, you go first." Mu Liang raised his eyes and gestured.

"Okay." Xiaomi took a deep breath, stepped forward and put her hand on the magic stone.

A few breaths passed, and the magic stone lit up again, a dazzling flame color.

"Fire attribute." Mu Liang was a little surprised.

Xiaomi paused and whispered in surprise, "I can become a magician too!?"

"Yes." Mu Liang nodded.

"This means you will work harder in the future." In order to take care of Yao'er and Yun Ting's emotions, Yue Qinlan didn't appear too happy.

"I will try my best." Xiaomi said firmly.

"Hmm." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

Yue Qinlan patted Wei Youlan on the shoulder and said softly, "Xiaolan, it's your turn."

Wei Lan held her lips, put her hand on the magic stone, and carefully felt the changes in her body.

After a few breaths, the magic stone lit up again, this time it was a dazzling purple, making people unable to open their eyes.

"Purple thunder attribute!!" Mu Liang stepped forward in surprise, there was a jumping arc in the purple light.

"Thunder attribute, a very rare attribute." Yue Qinlan exclaimed in shock.

"Can I become a magician too?" Wei Youlan opened her mouth a little nervously.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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