Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1767: Don't mess with your food next time. (2 more)

In the study, Mu Liang returned from a full meal and opened the documents sent by the Administration.

He picked up the pen and wrote on the paper.


The door of the study was gently pushed open, and Xiaomi brought hot tea and placed it gently beside Mu Liang.

Mu Liang looked at the hot tea and remembered something: "Yuffie hasn't come to the restaurant for a few days to eat together?"

Xiaomi thought for a while, then said softly, "It's been eight days."

"Staying in the research room all the time?" Mu Liang frowned slightly.

He was a little busy these days, and he ignored Yuffie's life.

"Except for washing, I basically stay in the research room to do research." Xiaomi answered truthfully.

"I'll take a look." Mu Liang's body disappeared in a flash.

Xiaomi was stunned for a while, then left the study as usual, and stayed outside the door obediently.

On the other side, Mu Liang appeared in the side hall of the research room, and saw Yuffie and Yi She who were together at a glance.

The two were staring at a glass vessel containing a viscous liquid.

Mu Liang stepped forward, making a silent step that the two of them didn't notice.

Yuffie bit her lower lip and said nervously, "I don't know if I can succeed this time."

"Hopefully, I have tried dozens of times." Yi She sighed.

She has been staying in the research room, and it can be said that she is another 31 Mayfair. The two have the same temperament and are obsessed with doing research.

The two researched the seventh-order body strengthening secret medicine this time, and they have failed dozens of times.


The liquid in the glassware boiled, but because it was too thick, only bubbles bulged on the surface.

Yi She said uncertainly: "Yuffie, this doesn't look like it can strengthen the body, it's more like a poison, is it a failure?

"I'll know after tasting it." Yuffie scooped up a little viscous liquid with a glass spoon and blew it before sending it into her mouth.


She moved her throat and found that the black liquid was very sticky, and it was difficult to swallow when it stuck to the throat.


Yuffie's golden eyes widened, and her tone was vague: "Give me... who.

"Who?" Yi She asked in confusion.

"She wants water." Mu Liang suddenly said a word.

"Ah!" Yi She's body trembled, startled by the sudden appearance of Mu Liang.

Yuffie was also taken aback, her golden eyes were round, and she stared at Mu Liang without blinking.

"Don't eat indiscriminately next time." Mu Liang raised his hand to condense a ball of clear water and put it into the mouth of the girl with blond hair and two ponytails.


Yuffie hurriedly swallowed the water, and the black liquid in her throat was swallowed, and the bitter taste made her brows wrinkle.

"It's so bitter." She endured the feeling of vomiting.

Mu Liang asked gently, "Do you still need water? 99

"No, I'm full." Yuffie shook her head quickly.

Mu Liang patted the girl's back and asked softly, "How do you feel after taking that secret medicine?"

Yuffie carefully felt the changes in her body, and finally opened her eyes and said helplessly: "It's non-toxic and harmless, but it doesn't have the slightest effect, it's just pure suffering. 99

"That's a failure." Yi She drooped her face.

After seven or eight days of experimentation, although I got used to failure very early, it was still discouraging.

"Forget it, try another method later." Yuffie sighed.

Mu Liang pulled a high-leg chair and sat down, and asked calmly, "How many days have you not rested?"

"Every day there is a rest." Remembering what Mu Liang had said before, Yuffie lowered her head angrily.

Mu Liang asked again, "How many hours of sleep a day?"

"I don't know, it doesn't count." Yuffie's long eyelashes trembled.

Hearing this, Mu Liang looked at Yi She: "How many hours of sleep?"

"Three hours." Yi She's heart tightened, and she answered truthfully without thinking.

Mu Liang raised his hand and knocked on Yuffie's head, and said with a serious face: "Okay, rest for two days before doing the next experiment.

"Two days off?" Yuffie raised her head and reached out to rub her head, which was hurt by Mu Liang's beating, but she didn't dare to look directly at Mu Liang.

"Why, two days is too short?" Mu Liang asked angrily.

"Two days, just two days off." Yuffie said hurriedly.

Mu Liang sighed and said with a headache: "Every time I say something, you ignore it.

He almost forgot that it was the first time he told the girl to pay attention to rest. Every time he finished speaking, it only took a few days. As long as he threw himself into the research, he would forget about it again.

"No, I just forgot..." Yuffie bowed her head in embarrassment.

Mu Liang raised his hand and gently tapped the girl's forehead: "Forget it, let Xiao Lan and the others supervise your rest every day in the future. 39

"No need for that." Yuffie covered her forehead, but her ears were all red.

"That's it." Mu Liang decided.

At 35 Yuffie's eyes were filled with resentment, and she couldn't do experiments secretly at night.


Mu Liang glanced at the two of them and ordered: "Now, go and pack up and rest.

"Yes." She Yi saluted respectfully, turned around and left the institute obediently.

Yuffie was helpless and had to be obedient.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "Sometimes it is helpful to relax oneself properly, which is conducive to developing thinking, and may be more helpful for experiments.

"Okay~~~" Yuffie nodded obediently.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Mu Liang secretly, and ran away blushing.

Mu Liang shook his head and sighed, muttering, "This girl...""

He glanced at the research room, and his body disappeared in place.

After a while, Yuffie went back to the research room, and saw that Mu Liang was no longer there, a trace of loss flashed in her eyes, and she felt relieved that she could continue the experiment.

"Tap tap~~""

"You really came back." Yishe 950 also returned to the research room.

Yuffie, who was still wearing the explosion-proof suit, raised her eyebrows and said, "You're not coming back too.

"I'm just coming back to see if you're gone." Yi She shook her tail.

Yuffie waved her hand and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, and think about why the experiment just now failed. 35

Only then did Yi She step forward, discuss with Yuffie in a low voice, sum up the experience of failure, and prepare for the eighty-fifth experiment.

"I think, it should be without me that you will fail." The cold voice sounded again in the research room.

Yuffie and Yi She were both stiff, and they didn't have to turn around to know who was behind them.

Mu Liang went back and forth, guessing that Yuffie wouldn't be so obedient to take a rest, and came back to check it out, but he didn't expect to be right.

"Mu Liang, listen to my explanation." Yuffie turned back and smiled.

Mu Liang threatened: "Give you one more chance to rest for two days, or I will send you to the New World for a January tour. 35

"No, go to rest now." Yuffie's golden eyes widened, and she shook her head quickly.

Yi She didn't say a word, turned around and left.

Mu Liang looked at the blond girl calmly, and under his gaze, he really left the research room with a blushing face.

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【2 more】: Please customize.


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