Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1769: The founding ceremony. (1 more)

Palace, in the study.

Mu Liang stood in the middle of the room with his hands raised, and the little maid was measuring his body with a ruler.

He said helplessly: "Didn't you measure it before? 35

Yun Xin said with a serious face: "Master Qinlan said that the clothes worn at the founding ceremony must be re-measured, and there can be no mistakes."5

The clothes to be worn at the founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China must be more extravagant and gorgeous if they are to be remade.

"...Okay." Mu Liang sighed.

In half a month, he will announce the establishment of the Xuanwu Kingdom to the world, and hold a grand ceremony to invite guests from all over the world.

"Lord Mu Liang, lower your head." Yun Xin said on her toes.

Mu Liang cooperated with his lower body so that the little maid could touch his head.

Yun Xin put the ruler against his forehead, and then went around the back of his head to measure the circumference of his head.

Mu Liang asked in confusion, "What is this measurement?

Yun Xin said as a matter of course: "Measure the circumference of the head, Lord Qinlan said to be a crown.

"I didn't even think of making a crown." Mu Liang frowned lightly.

Yun Xin smiled like a flower and said, "Sir Qinlan thinks a lot about this."

"That's true." Mu Liang nodded slowly.

Soon the little maid measured all the data, filled a piece of paper, and prepared to send it to the garment workshop, so that the workers could make several sets of royal robes within half a month.

Yun Xin asked in a crisp voice, "Okay, what color of royal robes does Mr. Mu Liang like?

"Gold, black is also good." Mu Liang said gently.

"Okay." Yun Xin wrote down the colors Mu Liang said one by one.

She coquettishly said: "Okay, I'll send it to the garment workshop."

Mu Liang waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, remember not to make the robe too expensive."

"But Lord Qinlan said that if you want to embroider a little more cloud pattern, it will look better." Yun Xin said crisply.

"The cloud pattern is fine." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Okay." Yun Xin then turned and left the study.

After the little maid left, Mu Liang sat back on the dragon chair, pulled a piece of paper and began to write the process of the founding ceremony.

The founding ceremony will be held in the main city square, and people from all over the country can participate.

"The main city square needs to be expanded." Mu Liang whispered to himself.

The banquet will be held in the Great Hall, and all royal families, nobles and wealthy businessmen can participate.

He pulled out a new piece of paper and drew on it the appearance of the new square. The square now needs to be doubled in size, which will only be enough for the founding ceremony.

Mu Liang put down his pen, pondered for a while, and decided to expand (dbea) to build the main city square.

He raised his eyes and shouted, "Come in. 35


"Mr. Mu Liang, what's the matter?" The door of the study was pushed open, and Ling Fei'er walked into the study.

"Tell Yiliyi to publish this in tomorrow's newspaper." Mu Liang handed out a piece of paper.

"Okay." Ling Fei'er took the paper, on which was written a notice that the square was going to be expanded, and the entire main city would be notified through the newspaper.

The little maid left with the paper, stamped with Mu Liang's seal, and just handed it over to Yiliyi.

On the other side, in the direction of Qianji Pass, a medium-sized transport spaceship flew into the glazed portal and flew towards the customs of Qianji Pass.

Ten minutes later, the transport spaceship landed safely on the square of Customs, and all the people on board got off the ship and entered the city only after regular registration.

"I'm back." Xibeqi stretched, and was about to get moldy in the cabin.

She yawned, passed through the customs through the special passage, and then flew into the air and landed on the city wall.

"Captain Xibeqi is back." Sallefin saw the vampire girl and hurriedly greeted her.

Xibeqi asked in a clear voice: "Well, is there anything wrong with the military camp?"

"No, everything is fine." Sallefin said with a serious face.

Xibeqi nodded and said: "That's good, I'll go back to the highlands and come back tomorrow.

"Yes." Sallefin raised his hand in a salute.

The vampire girl turned and flew into the air, flying towards the high ground.


It took more than half an hour for Xibeqi to see the crown of the tree of life.

"It's too big, it takes more than half an hour to fly without a magic weapon," she muttered.

The shoes on the girl's feet are magic weapons given to her by Mu Liang, which can increase the flight speed up to eight times.

More than ten minutes later, Xibeqi landed on the eighth floor of the high ground, and her bloody eyes turned golden.

"Tap tap~~~

"Miss Xibeqi is back." Wei Youlan greeted.

"Is Mu Liang in the palace?" Xibeqi asked in a crisp voice.

Wei Youlan smiled and said, "Mr. Mu Liang is in the study.""

"Okay, I'll go find him." Xibeqi rushed into the palace and hurried to the study.

"Knock knock knock~

Xibeiqi shouted: "Mu Liang, I'm back."

"Come in." Mu Liang's voice was smiling.

The vampire girl pushed the door open and saw Mu Liang sitting behind the desk, with a smile on her lips.

"How is the situation?" Mu Liang asked gently.

Xibeqi's eyes were erratic, and she said sharply: "The goods have been safely delivered to the transit base, don't worry. 95

Since she absorbed a drop of Mu Liang's blood again, the girl couldn't control her desire.

"I'm asking about Yeyue City." Mu Liang smiled.

Xi Beqi pouted, stretched out her hand and gestured: "Yeyuecheng is fine, the ancestors have returned, and the corners of the mouths of the first elder and the second elder are grinning to the roots of their ears.

Mu Liang asked amusingly, "They didn't embarrass you and let you stay?"

Xibeqi Tsundere said: "Yes, but I don't want to, I'm from Xuanwu City, why stay in Yeyue City?"

She rambled, and told Mu Liang what she had seen and heard after returning, and detailed the story of Tesid going to the Lufa family and the Michel family.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he asked in a warm voice, "I won't go back in the future? 35

"If there is no other important matter, I won't go back, there is my ancestor here." Xi Beqi said crisply.

"Well, Xuanwu City will always be your home." The corners of Mu Liang's lips curled slightly, proving that he was not wrong, Xi Beqi was still looking towards Xuanwu City.

"Nothing else, I'll go change my clothes." Xibei raised her hand to signal for the study door.

"Go ahead. 33 Mu Liang nodded indifferently.

Only then did Xibeqi leave the study, and when the door closed, her pretty face gradually turned red.

The drop of Mu Liang's blood in her body is almost finished, and she can continue to take the next drop of blood for a month at most.

"What did Mu Liang mean by just asking me to stay?" Xibei bit her lower lip, her ears getting redder and brighter.

Does Mu Liang like me too?

She was startled, and hurriedly turned around to look at the study door, just a few breaths to make up a big scene.

"He said that Xuanwu City will always be my home, and this is Mu Liang's home...that's our home." Xi Beqi's pretty face became more and more red.

"Is this a confession?

Her steps were light, and under the influence of the drop of blood from Mu Liang in her body, all she thought now was related to Mu Liang.

. oooooooo

[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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