Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1773: Then next time I will take the initiative. (2 more)

The planting area of ​​Lingmi is covered by a glass barrier to prevent outsiders from entering.

Mu Liang walked out of the glazed barrier, and in front of him was the corn planting area. Looking around, he saw a mixture of green and gold.

The green ones are corn leaves, and the golden ones are corn silk and exposed corn kernels.

Mu Liang glanced at it and continued to fly forward.

In the depths of the cornfield, the staff were breaking corn cobs, and more than a dozen animal carts were piled up in animal skin bags full of corn.

These corns will also be sent to the granary, some of which are dried and threshed for easy storage, and some of which are not stripped of the outer layers of husks, which can be kept fresh, can be stored for a period of time, and can be sold quickly.

The corn planted near the main city is larger than the corn planted in other areas of the turtle's back, and has better taste and taste, which cannot be grown in other places.

Correspondingly, the price of these corns is more expensive than that of ordinary corn, and the quantity is relatively scarce.

Not only corn, green vegetables planted near the main city are better, the price will be higher, and they are more popular with nobles.


Mu Liang reached out and broke off a piece of corn, peeling off the outer layers of husk, revealing the golden kernels inside.

He peeled off a grain of corn and put it in his mouth. After biting it, the unique sweet aroma of the corn spread in his mouth.

Mu Liang chewed and tasted the taste of the corn: "This corn, there is a bit of the breath of life elements...

Surprised in his heart, he took another bite on the corn in order to prove it, and tasted the corn from different corners of the farmland.

Mu Liang swallowed the corn in his mouth and said with admiration: "Sure enough, affected by the field of life, these corns contain life elements. Although they are not as good as Lingmi, they can also help people eat to keep fit."

The corners of his lips rose slowly, if so, the price would be raised.

Green vegetables containing life elements are at least dozens of times more expensive than ordinary green vegetables, and they are also worth the money.

He still had a guess in his heart, so he flew to other farmlands around the main city and tasted tomatoes, peanuts, and various green vegetables.

Mu Liang's beautiful eyes flashed: "Sure enough, it is related to the region, the green vegetables grown around the main city all contain life elements~

He had an idea in his heart, so he returned to the Highland Palace as quickly as possible.

As soon as he entered the study, Mu Liang saw Yue Qinlan sitting on the dragon chair, flipping a document in his hand.

She brought the document to Mu Liang for approval last night, and she will take it back and distribute it to other managers today.

Yue Qinlan put down the document, stood up and asked, "Where have you been?"

"I went to the farmland. Nian Mu Liang explained casually.

Yueqin's blue eyes revealed in surprise: "Hey, I don't urge you to go to the farmland by yourself, which is also strange."

Mu Liang couldn't help laughing and laughing, and asked, "In your heart, how much do you dislike going out for inspections? 35

Yue Qinlan rolled her eyes gracefully: "You know, I mention it eight times out of ten before you go out to inspect Xuanwu City.

"Cough, then I'll take the initiative next time." Mu Liang coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment.

A smile flashed in Yueqin's blue eyes, and she asked gracefully, "So when you went to the farmland this time, did you find anything?

Mu Liang nodded and said: "Yes, the farmland near the main city, I don't know when it started, and the green vegetables grown contain life elements.

"Really?" Yue Qin's blue and red lips parted slightly.

"Well, I've tasted them all, and I brought some back. You can taste them." Mu Liang flipped his hand and put a tomato in the woman's hand.

Yueqinlan looked at the tomato in her hand, the shape was very regular and full, the skin was smooth and lustrous, and the color was brighter red, like a red dye.

She was surprised: "This tomato looks different from other tomatoes."

"Obviously, right." Mu Liang nodded.

Yue Qinlan responded, her red lips slightly opened and she bit the tomatoes, and the sweet and sour juice bloomed in her mouth.


She widened her blue eyes. Although the taste was also the taste of tomatoes, there was still a certain difference, and the taste was completely different, which was better than ordinary tomatoes.

Soon, a tomato was eaten by the woman, and the red lips were stained with tomato juice, which looked very attractive.

Mu Liang moved his throat and took out another corn and sweet potato. The sweet potato has been washed and can be eaten directly.


Yueqinlan broke off a few corns and stuffed it into her mouth. The taste was also sweet. Although it was raw, it was delicious.

"It's the breath of life. She exclaimed.

She has taken life elements several times, so she can taste the breath of life elements from the corn seed.

The woman bit another piece of sweet potato flesh, which also tasted different from ordinary sweet potatoes.

Yue Qinlan swallowed the sweet potato in her mouth, raised her eyes and said seriously, "Mu Liang, these green vegetables can't be sold casually any more."

"Same thought as I. 35 Mu Liang nodded slowly.

He pulled a piece of paper, picked up the pen and said, "々, I plan to raise the price of these green vegetables that contain the elements of life, and the price will be at least one hundred times higher. 55

Yue Qinlan said softly, "If that's the case, only the royal family and wealthy businessmen can afford it."

Mu Liang raised the corners of his lips and said, "Those big families and people with high power can afford it.

Yue Qinlan nodded thoughtfully: "Well, then let's let the fox fairy open a few stores in the commercial city, specializing in selling this green vegetable.

"The decoration of the store should be a little more expensive.""

"The signboard at the entrance of the store should clearly write the benefits of this green vegetable and accurately attract customers.


Yue Qinlan looked serious, and said one point of attention.

Mu Liang looked at Yue Qinlan and admired her growth.

"What's the matter, am I wrong?" Yue Qinlan gave Mu Liang an angry look.

With a smile in his eyes, Mu Liang nodded and said, "Yes, what you said is right, just do what you said. 55

"Well, I will tell the fox fairy to open the store as soon as possible. Yue Qin (Wang Zhao) Lan elegantly said.

When the fox fairy returns in the evening, I will discuss this matter with her in detail.

"Well, you can arrange it." Mu Liang responded.

Yue Qinlan continued: "We still have to arrange for someone to measure the boundaries of the farmland, encircle the areas where this green vegetable can be grown, and manage it separately. 95

Mu Liang said warmly: "It's not difficult, just let Linger go and see the team.

The life element elves are more sensitive to life elements, so it is more appropriate to leave this matter to her.

"Well, that's fine." Yue Qinlan agreed.

She thought of something, and suddenly said: "By the way, talking about these green vegetables, I just remembered that Su Jin asked someone to bring you a gift. 99

Su Jin helped Xuanwu City recruit workers in Jinyuan City, and when she transported the spaceship to pick up people, she happened to bring back the gift.

"What gift?" Mu Liang was stunned.


ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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