Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1783: Isn't it a big loss. (3 more)

The nobleman in the animal fur coat said solemnly: "I just want to go to the island to find someone."

Another nobleman who was over fifty years old said hoarsely: "Yes, my brother went to the Misty Sea a few years ago, and he hasn't come out yet. I suspect that he is on the island."

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Not everyone can survive in the misty sea and go to that island with good luck. 35

"Your Excellency is cursing my family?" the old noble said with a black face.

"I'm just telling the truth." Mu Liang glanced at him.

"Humph!" The old noble snorted coldly.

Mu Liang looked at the other nobles and asked calmly, "You all went to the island to find someone?

"Yes." Many people present nodded.

"I don't think so." Mu Liang sneered.

He knew in his heart that some of the people standing here were really for those people on the island, but there were also some people who were there for the secrets that made people stronger on the island.

"What do you mean by your words?" Some people's expressions changed slightly.

The old noble said coldly: "Your Excellency has received the remuneration, you only need to take us to the island, and you don't need to ask anything else."

Mu Liang said calmly: "If that's the case, I'm not interested in your remuneration, you can find a way to do it yourself."

Yue Qinlan and Hu Xian looked at each other and understood that Mu Liang was bargaining.

"Luther, shut up for me." Another old woman blackened her face and angrily scolded the ill-spoken old aristocrat.

She looked at Mu Liang and said sincerely: "Your Excellency, I really just want to go to the island to find my husband and have no other purpose. 35

Another middle-aged noble raised his hand and said with a serious face: "I can swear, I really just want to go to the island to find someone. 35

"Me too." The others said.

Mu Liang glanced at everyone present and said indifferently: "I can take you to the island, but not now.

The old woman's eyes lit up and she quickly asked, "When was that?"

"One month later." Mu Liang said indifferently.

The day of the founding ceremony is coming, and the establishment of the kingdom will be announced to the public. In addition, there will be auctions, which will be busy for a while.

"Okay, I can wait~`." The old woman nodded in agreement without hesitation.

The middle-aged man said solemnly: "I can too, as long as I can go to that island, it's not a problem to wait a month."

Mu Liang nodded slowly and said, "As for the toll to take you there, there are two eighth-order Warcraft spar per person. 99

"Why don't you grab two eighth-order Warcraft Crystal Stones per person?" Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

"This remuneration is too high." Many people began to shake their heads.

The fox fairy chuckled twice and said indifferently: "It seems that the person you are looking for is not worth two eighth-order Warcraft spar."

This remark suddenly made many people black.

"Maybe there is another purpose, not to find someone." Yue Qinlan continued elegantly.

"I think so too." The fox fairy crossed her legs and glanced at everyone with her rose-red eyes. Seeing the different expressions on their faces, a sneer hung on the corners of her lips.

Mu Liang glanced at the nobles present and said calmly: "This is just the fee for taking you there. If you need to take you out of the island, each person will receive two more tier eight monster spar. 35


More people made an uproar, and when they thought of what the fox fairy said, they didn't dare to speak.

"I can accept it. The 39-year-old woman just pondered for a while, and then chose to agree.

"I can also accept it. These are four eighth-order magical beast spar." The middle-aged nobleman took out an animal skin bag.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "No hurry, give it to me on the day of departure.""

He smiled and said, "However, I suggest you to prepare more monster spar, if you really find someone on the island, they will also use it."

The old woman understands that if the people on the island want to leave, they need to rely on Mu Liang for help, which also requires a fee.

"Understood. She nodded, as long as she could find her husband, it would be worth spending more magic beast spar.

Mu Liang stood up and said in a clear voice: "It's acceptable, prepare the magic beast spar in a month and wait at the Treasure Building in Shanhai Commercial City.

"Okay." The noble who had already accepted agreed.

Mu Liang paused as he left, then turned around and said, "I can take you to the island, but it will only stay for three days. No matter if you find someone or not, I will leave after three days. 35

Before the nobles could protest, Mu Liang had already left the main hall.

The fox fairy blinked her rosy red eyes, got up and followed Mu Liang's footsteps and walked towards the living room.

Yueqinlan Shi Shiran got up and said gracefully, "Xiaolan, help see off the guests. 99

"Yes." Wei Youlan nodded obediently.

She looked at the nobles, raised her hand and said coldly, "Everyone, please.

The nobles had different expressions, and they definitely couldn't be called good-looking, but they didn't dare to get angry here, so they could only get up and leave in a heartbeat.

On the way to the living room, Mu Liang was in a good mood. If these people wanted to go to the mysterious island, then everyone had to prepare four eighth-order Warcraft spar, which could be converted into 400 million evolution points.

The fox fairy asked in a charming voice, "So happy?"

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "々. Of course I'm happy to earn a lot of monster spar.

He still has many domesticated beasts and domesticated plants to evolve, and there will never be enough evolution points.

The fox fairy smiled like a flower and said: "This is only a part of the people, there will be more people who want to go to that island in the future, and can earn more monster spar.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "There is a month, enough time for them to prepare the magic beast spar. 35

The fox fairy thought of something, and said charmingly: "I hope that when the auction ends, they will still have the magic beast spar. 55

The auction will start in less than ten days. There are many good things. If these nobles also want to bid, they must prepare more monster spar.

"Then it depends on their preparations." Mu Liang said gently.

He remembered something, and said sideways: "By the way, the people on that list, try to find a way to find their relatives or friends, and let them know the news. 99

"Tell them directly that the person they are looking for is on that island?" Fox Immortal asked in surprise.

"Of course not, just reveal a little bit of information, it's up to them to believe it or not." Mu Liang shook (Wang Zhao) head.

He raised the corners of his lips and said warmly: "I just missed this opportunity, next time I will be in a good mood, and the toll will be doubled.

Occasionally in a good mood to earn some extra money, this is no problem, but if you want Mu Liang to pick up people often, strangers don't have so much face.

The fox fairy covered her mouth and chuckled: "If you let them know what you think, you will definitely seize this opportunity.

"It's a pity they don't know. 33 Mu Liang's black eyes gleamed.

Among the nobles present today, there are not many people who are willing to spend four eighth-order Warcraft Crystal Stones. After all, they are not sure whether the person they are looking for is really on the island.

If you spend four eighth-order Warcraft spar, just in exchange for an 'island tour', wouldn't it be a big loss.

There are many people who have such thoughts, and Mu Liang expects them to go back and think about it for a month to change their minds.

. . . . . . . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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