The fox fairy reminded: "His Royal Highness Lingyun had better make a decision quickly, the last train is going to leave today, and if it is late, you can only take the animal car to the main city."

The newly built trains have been put into use in the past few days. In addition to the preparations for the founding of the People's Republic of China, the number of trains from Shanhai Commercial City to the main city has become three, one in the morning, one in the evening, and one in the evening.

Lingxiang suggested: "Lingyun, go to the main city with me first, and then the uncle will be able to meet when he arrives in the main city. 35

"Alright." Ling Yun made up her mind.

First follow to the main city, and then meet when father and mother go to the main city.

The bottom of Feng'er's eyes flashed, this is better than going to the Acropolis. If the Red Deacon and the others are not in the main city, they will try to find a way to visit other Acropolis.

When the fox fairy heard this, she turned her head and said, "Xiao Lan, go and prepare a train ticket.

"Yes." Wei Youlan responded.

She looked at the deputy knight commander and the others, and went to the ticket window after confirming the number of people.

After more than ten minutes, Ling Yun, the deputy knight commander and others all got train tickets, and they all took the train for free.

In the lobby, a staff member's ticket checking prompt sounded: "Please pay attention to all passengers. Passengers who have purchased train tickets to Acropolis No. 1 and the main city will start ticket checking now."

Fox Immortal raised her hand and patted: "The ticket checking has started, everyone, let's go.

"Don't you go to the main city together?" Qi Erna asked casually.

Hu Xian smiled and said: "There are still many guests who need me to receive, and I can't leave for the time being, but I have arranged for the staff to take you there."


"Okay." Zierner nodded understandingly.

Ling Xiang suddenly asked: "Your Excellency Fox Immortal, is Randy in the main city?

"You still know Randy?" Hu Xian's face showed surprise.

Ling Xiang said crisply: "Hmm, I want to catch up with her.

"Randy has gone on a mission and is currently not in the city." Huxian shook his head.

Randy, like Huxi and the others, went to the major kingdoms to send invitations, but they haven't come back yet.

"Okay." Ling Xiang sighed regretfully.

Everyone stopped staying, and followed the reception staff to the ticket gate.

The fox fairy watched a few people enter the ticket gate, and when she couldn't see the back, she concealed the smile on her lips.

She has received too many royals and nobles today, and the corners of her mouth are going to freeze with laughter.

Wei Youlan asked softly, "Lord Foxxian, do you need a break? 35'

The fox fairy raised her hand and rolled up her hair on the temples, and said coldly: "No, the people from the kingdom of Hongyan (dbea) are here, let's go meet them.

Wei Youlan blinked and said softly, "Red Rock Kingdom, I remember it was the kingdom that Your Excellency Xinxi stayed in before."

Fox Immortal glanced at the maid and said with a chuckle, "You have a good memory.

Wei Youlan said weakly: "Lord Qinlan said that as a battle maid, your memory is naturally better.

"Well, very good." Huxian raised her hand and pinched the little maid's face.

She said charmingly: "When Xinxi lived in the Red Rock Kingdom, she didn't reveal her strength, she just treated them as ordinary guests."5

"Yes." Wei Youlan nodded obediently.

The two walked towards the departure hall, and saw that the reception staff who had been arranged in advance were already talking to the people from the Red Rock Kingdom.

Twelve people came to the Red Rock Kingdom, but the king did not come, but the eldest prince.

The eldest prince of the Red Rock Kingdom is called Hongli. He is an eighth-order strong man with a square face and thick eyebrows. He has long black-brown hair and a height of 1.8 meters with a full body of muscles, giving people a sense of oppression.

"Don't go to the main city now?" Hong Li frowned.

He got off the train and went to the toilet because of an upset stomach, so he was delayed and missed the last train to the main city.

The reception staff explained: "His Royal Highness, there is no train to the main city today, we can only have it tomorrow morning."

Hongli said with a cold face: "So we have to wait here all night?"

The accompanying guard knight said coldly: "That is, how did you arrange it to ask our Highness to wait here?"

The staff smiled and said: "No, rooms have been arranged in Xuanwu Restaurant, you can stay for one night, and then leave for the main city tomorrow."

Hong Li said coldly and arrogantly: "This is a waste of time, I do not accept this arrangement. 35

"This..." The staff was embarrassed.

It wasn't his fault in itself. The train had already been arranged, but it was because the people in front of him were too procrastinating that they failed to catch the train.

"Then how do you want us to arrange it?" The fox fairy stepped forward, her rose-red eyes staring at Hong Li calmly.

The staff breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly saluted the fox fairy: "Lord fox fairy.

Hongli looked at the foxtail woman, was amazed by her face, and couldn't help but lose her mind for a moment.

"Your Highness?" The accompanying knight couldn't help but reminded.

Hongli came back to his senses, looked at the foxtail woman with fiery eyes, and praised: "Fox fairy, it's a good name, it's like a fairy.

A trace of disgust flashed in the bottom of Hu Xian's eyes, and she said in a flat tone: "Your Excellency is not satisfied with this arrangement of my subordinates?"

Hongli grinned, shook his head and said, "Of course not, I just don't think we should waste time here. It would be better to visit your city lord in the main city earlier."5

He came to Xuanwu City this time to participate in the founding ceremony of the country.

The fox fairy said coldly: "Don't worry, our city master has been very busy these days, and we don't have time to meet any guests. We will meet you at the founding ceremony."

"So, I'm in a hurry." Hong Li raised his brows lightly, making it impossible to see his joy and anger.

The fox fairy said neither humble nor arrogant: "Your Excellency can choose to take the animal car to the main city, or wait for the train tomorrow.

"Then let's wait for the train tomorrow." Hong Li pouted.

A temptation to get Xuanwu City is the kind of tough attitude.

The staff told him about the speed of the animal car, and it would take two days to travel day and night to reach the main city, and the comfort level was far less than that of the train.

Hu Xian looked at the staff and warned: "Send them to Xuanwu Restaurant and arrange the train seats for tomorrow morning.

"Yes." The staff saluted respectfully.

The fox fairy looked at Hongli and said in a light tone: "If you have any dissatisfaction, you can tell me again."

"No, I'm very satisfied with this arrangement." Hong Li raised the corners of his lips, staring at the foxtail woman with burning eyes.

"It's very rude to stare at others like this." Hu Xian's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

A hint of surprise flashed in Hong Li's eyes, and she generously admitted her mistake: "Sorry, it's my fault."

He is a prudent person. If he does not understand the situation of Xuanwu City, he will not rashly offend the people here, not to mention that he cannot see through the woman in front of him.

The fox fairy raised the fox tail to cover half of her face, and said indifferently: "I am tired from the journey, your Excellency has a good rest.

"Okay." Hong Li grinned and followed the staff to the exit of the train station.

Wei Youlan said coldly, "Don't be angry, Lord Huxian, Lord Mu Liang will teach him a lesson."5

"Don't tell him, he's been too busy these days." Hu Xian glanced at the maid.

"But..." Wei Youlan opened her mouth.

The fox fairy said indifferently: "I can solve this kind of person."

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