Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1797: Strictly guard against death. (1 more)

"Knock knock knock~

Palace, the study door was knocked.

"Come in." Mu Liang replied without raising his head.


Su Jin gently pushed open the study door and protected the cake just baked with her arms.

Mu Liang smelled the cake and raised his head in surprise, even more surprised when he saw Su Jin's face.

Su Jin asked softly: "The cake is baked, do you still want to try it?

"I'm just hungry." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose.

Su Jin's eyes flashed with joy, she walked gracefully to Mu Liang's side, and put down the ugly cake in her hand.

She said softly: "It's a bit ugly, but it should taste pretty good. You can try it. If it doesn't taste good, throw it away."

The cake made by the woman is cylindrical, but the shape is a little crooked, and it does not look very good.

"Okay." Mu Liang took the spoon and scooped a piece of cake into his mouth.

The entrance of the cake is sweet and soft, the taste is not very delicious, but it is not unpleasant.

"How is it?" Su Jin pursed her pink lips.

Mu Liang said gently: "It's delicious, haven't you tried it?"

Su Jin's pretty face blushed slightly, she shook her head and said, "No, this is the only one that wasn't baked."

"Then try it." Mu Liang scooped up a piece of cake and brought it to Su Jin's lips.

Su Jin's beautiful eyes trembled slightly, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Her pink lips parted slightly, she caught the cake on the spoon, and found it extra sweet.

"How?" Mu Liang asked, putting down his spoon.

Su Jin's ears turned slightly red, and she said softly, "It's not bad, but it's not as good as what Xiaomi and the others make."

"The first time I did it, it was already very good." Mu Liang praised.

"Well, then I'll practice again." Su Jin smiled.

"Okay. 39 Mu Liang chuckled a few times.

"Eat the rest, I'll help clean up the kitchen. 35 Sujin turned around and left.

She made cakes all afternoon and almost turned the kitchen over. The little maids were helping to clean it up. She was embarrassed and wanted to help.

Mu Liang said in a clear voice, "Let Xiaomi and the others do this kind of thing."

"It's quite messy, I'd better help." Su Jin said apologetically.

"Okay. 39 Mu Liang understands, this is to integrate into his life circle.

It's just that the little maid should know how to treat guests, and it shouldn't happen to ask guests to clean up the kitchen.

Su Jin turned around and left the study, and after returning to the kitchen, the maids were still arranging dishes and cooking tables.

"I'll help." Su Jin rolled up her sleeves and picked up the rag to help scrub the countertop.

"Miss Su Jin, it's fine if we come." Seeing this, Xiaomi quickly stepped forward and took the rag away from Su Jin's hand.

Xiao Zijiao said naively: "Miss Su Jin, let's watch the TV series, the new episode should be updated. Luo

"I can help." Su Jin pursed her pink lips.

Xiaomi said in a clear voice: "No, Miss Su Jin, let's go to rest, we will clean up these things soon.

"Okay." Su Jin was helpless, seeing how the maids were 'guarded and guarded', it was difficult to help.

She turned and left the kitchen, just in time to meet Yue Qinyi walking into the palace.

Yue Qinyi took a step and was stunned: "Hey, Su Jin, aren't you leaving?"

"I came back yesterday." Su Jin said softly.

"Oh." Yue Qinyi blinked her blue eyes.

She said apologetically, "I'll go take a shower first."

"Okay." Su Jin nodded gracefully.

Yue Qinyi muttered something in her heart, and walked towards the side hall.

Night falls.

After a busy day, Hu Xian and the others returned to the palace and were a little surprised to see Su Jin. After greeting each other, they went back to the side palace to wash up.

Half an hour later, everyone came to the restaurant after washing up, and the maids were ready for dinner.

"Yeah, Qinyi's mother is here too!" Yue Feiyan walked into the restaurant and looked at Yue Qinyi in surprise.

"Why, you're surprised to see me?" Yue Qinyi said with a smile.

Yue Feiyan said naively: "Qinyi's mother hasn't come back to the palace for a long time.

"Isn't this busy?" Yue Qinyi said crisply.

"Yes, busy man." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Yue Qinyi rolled her eyes and did not quarrel with her sister.

"Move chopsticks." Mu Liang said with a smile.


After Mu Liang took a piece of meat, the girls all picked up chopsticks.

"Sister Su Jin, eat meat." Minuo said innocently.

Su Jin nodded to the rabbit-eared girl: "Okay."

Minuo looked at Yue Qinyi and asked curiously, "Sister Qinyi is back tonight to prepare for the founding ceremony?

"Well, Mu Liang said let me speak on stage." Yue Qinyi shrugged.

She looked at Mu Liang and said helplessly, "I still don't know what to say when I go up. 35

Mu Liang said in a clear voice: "I will write the manuscript for you, memorize it, go up and read it out. 95

"Then that's fine." Yue Qinyi smiled and nodded.

After dinner, Yue Qinlan and Yue Qinyi went to Mu Liang's study.

Yue Qinlan entered the study room and said gracefully, "Mu Liang, the Acropolis No. 8 has been resolved, and arranged for people to clean all the blocks overnight."5

"What about the green plants?" Mu Liang asked casually.

"Let the crystal fish go to the rain, and the glass pipes will be connected to the back to facilitate the irrigation of the green plants." Yue Qinlan said crisply.

"The whole city is covered with glazed pipes, and only the green plants are watered. The project is a bit too big." Mu Liang said calmly.

Yue Qinlan thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Then we can only arrange a sprinkler, which can save manpower."

The Acropolis already lacks manpower and cannot be wasted on laying pipelines, at least not now.

When the Xuanwu Kingdom develops and has enough inhabitants, it may be possible to build an irrigation system,

"Well, you can also ask Little Crystal Fish to help." Mu Liang said indifferently.

Let the little crystal fish stay in the waterwheel converted from the animal cart. When the waterwheel moves, it can easily water the green plants 183 on the roadside.

"Well, I understand." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

"Are you finished talking?" Yue Qinyi came in from the door.

Mu Liang laughed: "Come first. 35

"What's wrong with my sister?" Yue Qinlan asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm looking for Mu Liang, not you." Yue Qinyi glanced at her sister.

Yue Qinlan looked at Mu Liang curiously: "What's the matter?"

Mu Liang moved his throat and explained: "The day after tomorrow Qinyi is going to take the stage, so I made a skirt for her.

"When did you do it, why don't I know?" Yue Qinlan raised her brows lightly.

"A few days ago." Mu Liang's black eyes flashed.

"That's it. On March 33, Qinlan nodded slowly.

Yue Qinyi's beautiful eyes were smiling, and she teased, "My sister is jealous that I have a new skirt?

"I have so many skirts, and Mu Liang made three for me." Yue Qinlan smiled like a flower arrangement.

Yue Qinyi wrinkled her pretty nose and pouted, " won. "


"Try it first, if it doesn't fit, then change it. Mu Liang flipped his hand and took out a glass box.

"Okay." Yue Qinyi hugged the box and turned to go out.

"Just go to the lounge." Mu Liang said warmly.

"Alright. Yue Qinyi took a step, opened the door and entered the lounge.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code.

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