Inside the Great Hall.

The alchemist said excitedly: "Colorful coral, great, my seventh-order potion can be refined."

"I want this piece of colorful coral." Another royal noble said with fiery eyes.

He needed a bottle of eighth-order potion to heal the dark wounds of his body. The alchemist in the palace told him that if there were colorful corals, the possibility of successful refining would reach 60%~.

In the Great Hall, many people's eyes became hot, and they all held the number plates in their hands.

The fox fairy looked at the crowd at the scene and said coldly: "Colorful coral, the starting price is 100,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins, and each increase shall not be less than 1,000-yuan."

"110,000 yuan." Someone immediately raised their hands and shouted.

The fox fairy smiled and said, "Guest No. 32 quoted 110,000 yuan.

"150,000 yuan." Another noble raised his number plate, and his voice echoed in the Great Hall.

"155,000 yuan."


There were more than 1,000 people at the scene, and hundreds of people held up number plates, and the quotations were higher than each other.

"The highest bid right now is 168,000 yuan." Hu Xian's ears shook, trying to capture the highest bid on the scene.

The pharmacist shouted, "200,000 yuan."

Another nobleman shouted: "Humph, two hundred and one thousand yuan. 99

"Twenty-five thousand yuan." The alchemist shouted with red eyes.

"300,000 yuan. 35 The nobles who bid 35 said calmly.

No one let anyone, and soon raised the price to 500,000 yuan in Xuanwu coins.

"550,000 yuan." The pharmacist shouted through gritted teeth.

"551,000 yuan." The bidding noble smiled indifferently.

Every time the pharmacist made an offer, he only increased the price by one thousand yuan of Xuanwu coins. While he was bound to win the colorful coral, he also humiliated the other party.

The pharmacist's eyes were red with anger, and he raised the number plate and shouted: "One million yuan Xuanwu coins!"

"One million and one thousand yuan..." The nobles who bid were stunned, but the bid amount was already out.

In his stupefied effort, Fox Immortal had already confirmed his offer: "The highest price is now one million and one million yuan for the ninety-ninth guest, is there anything higher?

The alchemist snorted coldly, and closed his mouth not to speak.

"Damn." No. 99's aristocratic gritted his teeth.

He was accidentally thrown out.

According to the currency exchange rate of the Xuanwu Kingdom, 1,000,000 yuan of Xuanwu coins is equivalent to two eighth-order Warcraft spar, exchanged for a colorful coral the size of a palm, a big loss.

The fox fairy raised his hand and asked with a smile, "Is there a higher price?"

The Great Hall became quiet, and no one continued to bid.

The fox fairy smiled and clapped her palms: "Congratulations to guest number ninety-ninth for taking pictures of this colorful coral at the price of one million and one thousand Xuanwu coins.

No. 99 nobleman had a dark face. Two eighth-order Warcraft Crystal Stones were nothing to him. The unpleasant thing was that someone put them together.

The staff member got off the high platform holding the tray, and another staff member came up, also holding a tray in his hand.

The fox fairy lifted the red cloth on the tray, revealing the items in the tray, it was a fist-sized ball, and the outer shell was the skull of a monster.

She looked around the Great Hall and raised her voice: "The second lot is a space storage magic tool, which is a high-level magic tool.

"Advanced Magic Tool!

The nobles and wealthy businessmen at the scene raised their spirits and looked at the high platform with fiery eyes.

The fox fairy picked up the space to store the magic equipment and introduced: "There is a cubic meter of space inside the magic equipment, which can be used to store items.

She said and showed it again, put the tray in the hands of the staff into the magic tool, and turned over to take it out.

The action of the foxtail woman made the nobles in an uproar, and her eyes became more fiery.

"There is such a magic tool, I have never seen it before." The refining master present was excited.

They were tempted, and they were going to buy the space storage magic tool back for research, maybe it could be re-engraved.

Not only the refiners, but the nobles are also very interested in storing magic tools in space, and rare things are even more beloved.

The fox fairy raised his hand and said gracefully: "The magic equipment is stored in space, and the quality is high-grade magic equipment. The starting price is 2 million yuan Xuanwu coins, and each increase shall not be less than 10,000 yuan.

The words of the foxtail woman made many people shut their mouths directly, and they could not participate at this price.

In the room on the second floor.

Yue Qinlan turned her head and asked, "Will this starting price be too high?"

"No." Mu Liang smiled confidently.

Among the people present today, about half of them have high status, and two million yuan in Xuanwu coins is just a small amount of money for them.

・・・・For flowers・・0

Sure enough, someone quickly raised the number plate to bid, raising the price to 2.5 million Xuanwu coins.

Lingyun looked sideways at her quiet father, and asked suspiciously: "Space to store magic equipment, don't you want it, father?

"Yes, but not in a hurry." Yom said calmly.

He explained: “When there are fewer bidders, we will bid again. 99

Lingxi likes this magic tool, so he will take a picture and give it to his wife.

"Old man, how about giving me this magic tool?" Qi Erna discussed.

Yeom refused without hesitation: "That won't work."

Qi Erna snorted coldly: "Then let's rely on our own strength. 35

Ling Xiang tilted her head and asked, "Father, what's so good about this demon?"

In her opinion, this space for storing magic tools is not as good-looking as colorful corals.

Qi Erna said with a serious face: "You don't understand, this space storage magic has collection value and research value."

"Okay." Ling Xiang pouted, girls prefer perfume and beautiful dresses to storage space for magic tools.

She raised her eyes to look at the foxtail woman on the high platform, and was very fond of the skirt on her body.

"Three million yuan." The Queen of Luohai Kingdom said.

"Three million two hundred thousand yuan." The king of the Lengsa Kingdom also participated in the bidding, with an expression on his face that he was bound to win.

"Three million seven hundred thousand yuan." The Queen of Luohai Kingdom opened her lips slightly, and raised the price by five hundred thousand yuan without hesitation.

Ling Xiang murmured, "Are you crazy, 500,000 and 500,000 yuan plus?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard her father raise the price to four million yuan.

"Four million yuan." Qi Erner held up the number plate, and the voice of the quotation spread throughout the audience.

Yom pouted and raised his number plate: "Four and a half million yuan.

"4.6 million yuan." The Queen of Luohai Kingdom raised the number plate again.

Up to now, only a dozen people are still participating in the bidding, and the rate of increase has also become lower.

In the end, there were only four people left to participate in the bidding, Yom, Qierna, the king of Lengsa Kingdom, and the queen of Luohai Kingdom.

Yeom said loudly: "Four million and eight million yuan.

The fox fairy swayed the fox tail and asked in a warm voice, "The current highest price is 4.8 million yuan, is there any bidding?"

0. . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Ask for a custom towel.

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