After Yue Qinlan and Wei Youlan left, Mu Liang took out the drawings and prepared to make a model of the escalator.

After the produced model is active, the real object that can be used by people is produced.

Mu Liang's thoughts moved, and the colored glaze poured out from his palm, condensing into the parts drawn on the drawing.

The first thing he made was a step board for an escalator, which looked like a cuboid from the front and a triangle from the side, except that one side was curved.

There are also four wheels on the two sides of each step, which is the key to the smooth movement of the steps.

"Let's do thirty first." Mu Liang whispered softly, and made thirty identical steps in the same way.

The structure of the escalator is composed of different numbers of steps and handrails, driving gears, handrail drives, return wheels, guide chains, inner rails, power systems and other components.

After he finished the steps, he began to make gears of different sizes to drive the handrails and steps, and also to make guide chains to make the steps move.

The production of these parts is not difficult, just follow the pre-drawn drawings.

It should be noted that the size relationship between different parts should be well controlled, so as to avoid the parts made of different sizes, which cannot be installed and connected together for use.

Mu Liang made all the parts in turn, most of them can be made of glazed glass, only the armrests are replaced by rubber.

"The next step is to assemble." He looked at the pile of parts on the table, recalled the installation process of the escalator, and then picked up each part to start assembling.

The assembly process is not very smooth, and the size of the parts needs to be adjusted, which is a delicate job, otherwise even if the assembled escalator can move, it will shake a lot, and the safety is not high.

It took Mu Liang more than an hour to adjust the size of the escalator components, and the final assembled escalator model was only half the size of a desk.

"I hope it can move." He reached out and turned the gear inside the escalator, and the chain drove the steps to move.

The four wheels on the steps move on the inner two circles of the escalator, and the steps rise step by step. This process will still shake, but it will not affect the use.

"Perfect, only one power system to make the escalator work." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose.

The escalator of the earth relies on motors to drive the steps to move. In this world, there can only be other methods.

Mu Liang had two ideas in his mind, one was to use a steam engine as the power system, and the other was to make a magic tool or a magic tool and let it pull the steps to move.

He thought about it for a while, and soon gave up the plan to use the steam engine as the power system.

The steam engine can move the steps, but the power and power are unstable, and it is difficult to keep the moving speed of the steps consistent.

And the size of the steam machine is too large, and it needs to burn boiling water all the time, which is not suitable for use on escalators.

Mu Liang whispered softly, "You can use the Thunder Ball."

Having a new idea, he got up and left the study to go to the studio.

Mu Liang entered the studio, picked up a few pieces of thunder-attribute monsters, and prepared to make a new magic weapon.

He wants to use the Leizhu as an energy source, and the material needs to be able to withstand the power of the Leizhu, that is, it needs to be resistant to electricity.

"The shell of the electric worm can only be processed by heating it at a high temperature..."

Mu Liang whispered softly, the temperature of his palm rose, and flames emerged from between his fingers, wrapping the material in his palm.

The electric worm is a kind of amphibian monster that lives underground and in the sea. The adult electric worm is one meter long and looks like a beetle.

The place where electric worms live must be places where lightning is frequent, and there are electric worms in the foggy overseas storm waters.

"Zi La~~~"

After the shell of the electric worm has been treated with high temperature, the color has changed, from dark blue to dark red, and there are many complex lines on the surface.

He gently moved the shell of the electric worm to flatten it, and began to build 'vein' on it

Mu Liang's expression became focused, and the movements on his hands were steady. For him, building a pulse was already within his grasp.

Time passed, and the veins were quickly constructed, and the shell of the electric worm had become a square, looking like a dice, with a straight round bone at one end.

Mu Liang took out a thunderball and put it into the spirit tool, ready to test whether the newly made spirit tool could be used.

In fact, the power of the thunderball is still too great. As soon as he pressed the magic beast spar on the spiritual tool, the entire spiritual tool shook, and the arc shot out.

"Failed." Mu Liang's expression remained unchanged, he raised his hand and waved, the spiritual tool disappeared into the studio and was swallowed by him into the inner space.

He pondered for a while, summed up the experience of failure, picked up the materials of the electric worm and tried again.

This time he was a lot more careful, and the construction of the veins was more complicated and careful.

Outside the studio, Qin Feier was quietly guarding, not letting anyone disturb Mu Liang's work.

When Mu Liang was busy in the studio, a woman came to the heights.

Feng'er stood on the roof of a residential building closest to the highland, staring at the huge tree of life with gluttony.

"What a rich breath of life." She took a few deep breaths and felt comfortable all over.

She found an excuse to leave Ling Yun and others, and stayed in the main city for the tree of life. The tree of life in front of her could make her immortal, and her strength could even break through to the holy order.

"How do I get in..." Feng'er's throat moved, looking at the highland guards patrolling the highland wall, her eyes darkened.

She had been wandering outside the Highlands for three days, finding no way to get in safely.

She regretted it a little at this time. She should have followed Yom and Lingyun into the highland a few days ago, and there may be a way to stay in it.

Feng'er frowned, her irritable heart gradually calmed down.

She felt that there was a terrifying existence in the highlands, and if she was not careful, she would be doomed, and she could not act recklessly.

"What should I do..." Feng'er took a deep breath.

She looked around, trying to find some opportunity, but unfortunately the defense of the highlands was so good, as long as she got close to the highland walls, she could feel that something was staring at her.

After she tried twice, she gave up her plan to climb over the wall.

Feng'er's eyes glowed red, and she said to herself in a deep voice, "Deacon Red, Deacon Lan, Mo Lian, don't let me find you.

When she thought of those subordinates who defected, her teeth itch with anger.

"Let's observe for a few more days." Feng'er recalled that Yom and Qi Erna had sought Mu Liang for the mysterious island in the Misty Sea.

"It's almost time." When they set off for the island, it was time for her to act.

She stayed on the roof for more than an hour, and after confirming that she had no chance to enter the high ground, she turned and left the roof, disappearing into the crowd on the street.

"It's timid." A low voice came from the air.

A green light flashed by, but no one noticed.

. . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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