Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1846: Shocking insider information emerges. (3 more)

Palace, in the study.

Mu Liang looked at the drinks and porridge sealed on the table, everything looked normal from the outside, but he didn't know if it had deteriorated.

He picked up the glass cup and shook it gently: "It's the fifth day, and I should be able to preliminarily judge whether the 'storable medicine' is effective.

Eight days, under the effect of the ability of eight times the speed, is equivalent to sixty-four days have passed.

Ordinary porridge and beverages have already deteriorated after 64 days of storage. If they have not deteriorated after inspection, it proves that the shelf-stable agent is effective.

Mu Liang ran his fingers across the mouth of the bowl, and the glass that sealed the mouth of the bowl loosened.

He opened the glass, picked up the white porridge and smelled it, there was no odor or sour taste, and it was initially judged that it was not rancid.

He made a spoon out of colored glass and scooped up a spoonful of white porridge into his mouth.

Mu Liang's eyes drooped slightly, and he felt the taste of the white porridge in his mouth. It was neither sour nor smelly, but the taste was slightly worse than the freshly cooked "197" white porridge, and it did not deteriorate.

"Still useful. 35

The corners of his lips rose, he opened the glass, took a sip of the drink, and it didn't deteriorate.

Mu Liang is very satisfied with this, and will continue to do research to calculate how long the 'storage-stable drug' will have the longest effect.

With the storage-resistant agent, the sales of bottled beverages can be realized, and the transport spacecraft can be transported no matter how far they are, and the inventory can be stored for at least two months without fear of damage.

In addition to bottled beverages, boiled rice, sweet soup, sweet potato soup and other foods can also be packaged for export.

Mu Liang tapped his fingers lightly on the table and whispered softly, "It's time to develop new foods."

"Tap tap~~~"

The study door was pushed open, and Yue Qinlan walked in with graceful steps.

She entered the door and asked: "Mu Liang, all the activities in the Acropolis have ended, and I have earned a lot of magic beast spar, but the number is still being counted, when do you need it?

Mu Liang shook his head slowly, and said warmly: "Don't worry, I won't need it for the time being, and I will also keep some of the monster spar for exchange.

Some people exchange Warcraft spar for basalt coins, and naturally some people exchange basalt coins for Warcraft spar.

It's just that at present, only basalt coins can be exchanged for the 1st to 5th-order Warcraft spar, and the higher-order Warcraft spar can only be entered.

"Don't you need to use Warcraft spar?" Yueqin's blue and red lips parted slightly.

Mu Liang chuckled: "Of course not, just not in a hurry.

The rock turtle has evolved to the twelfth level, and the tree of life has also evolved to the twelfth level. It takes trillions of evolution points to evolve to the thirteenth level, which cannot be saved in a year or two.

"Then leave it alone." Yue Qinlan nodded slowly.

"Hmm." Mu Liang nodded lightly.

He flipped his hand over, took out a piece of paper and handed it to Yue Qinlan: "This is how to make a storage-resistant potion, and let someone produce a batch.

"Okay." Yue Qinlan looked at the words on the paper and nodded slowly.

"Is there anything else?" Mu Liang asked in a warm voice.

"There are a lot of things, but I can solve it, don't worry. Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

The Xuanwu Kingdom has just been established, there are many things, big and small, and the main city administration has been operating day and night.

Mu Liang said seriously: "If you need me to do, just tell me.

"Of course, I will." Yue Qinlan nodded gracefully.

"Well, thanks for your hard work." Mu Liang raised his hand and patted Yue Qinlan's hand.

The corners of Yueqinlan's lips rose, and she said softly: "I'm used to it, but it's not very hard, it's much better than when I was in the Yuetan tribe.

She recalled her life in the Moon Lake Tribe, where she was treated as a tool for producing water every day, condensing water day and night, and living a life more tiring than a slave.

"I hope it will make it easier for you in the future." Mu Liang gently pinched Yue Qinlan's nose.

Yue Qinlan smiled and said: "It's already very good now, it's easy enough to have Xiaolan to help me."

"People want to pursue a better life." Mu Liang said clearly.

"Okay, listen to you." The corners of Yue Qinlan's lips rose, and tenderness flashed in her water-blue eyes.

She felt very fortunate at this time that she had chosen to leave with Mu Liang in order to have her current life.

Mu Liang and Yue Qinlan looked at each other, the two breathed together, breathing close to each other.

"Knock Knock~~~

"Mu Liang, are you busy?" The study door was knocked hard, and Yue Feiyan's voice sounded.

The corners of Mu Liang's eyes jumped, and he looked at Yue Qinlan who turned around gracefully with regret.

"Come in." Yue Qinlan replied on her behalf.


The library door opened.

Yue Feiyan happily ran into the study and said casually, "Mother is here too."

Yue Qinlan asked gracefully, "Well, what are you looking for with Mu Liang?"

"I remembered one thing. When I was outside the highlands a few days ago, a woman bumped me. Maybe it was at that time that she pulled my hair out." Yue Feiyan said with a serious face.

Yue Qinlan got up and asked quickly, "Do you remember what she looks like?

"I don't remember much..." Yue Feiyan said angrily.

Mian....what's the use of you?" Yue Qinlan said the lines she learned from the TV series.

Yue Feiyan said depressedly: "Mother, she bumped into me, got up and left, I didn't have time to take a closer look."

"At least this is a clue." Mu Liang said softly.

Yue Feiyan agreed: "Well, at least I know that Deacon Zi may be a woman."

Yue Qinlan guessed: "Then what if that woman is only Deacon Zi's companion and only helps to get your hair, not herself?"

"...Yue Feiyan lowered her head.

Mu Liang reassured: "Don't hang your head down, wait for her to take another shot, and you can catch her.

He has already made the life element elf pay attention to the changes on the turtle's back. If Deacon Zi absorbs the life element, it will be discovered by Ling'er.

"You have a way? Yueqin blue eyes lit up.

Mu Liang smiled and said, "Well, don't worry, I will catch her."

"That's good, I can't wait to pluck her legs." Yue Feiyan said viciously.

Mu Liang asked amusingly, "If it's really a woman, how do you pluck your legs?

Pulling the leg hair...what a childish punishment.

"Who said women can't pluck their legs?" Yue Feiyan asked back.

Mu Liang couldn't help laughing and laughing: "Women with hairy legs are still very few in 4.0...

"No, Bai Yu has leg hair, Diane has it, and Xia Li also has it. Yue Feiyan snapped her fingers, revealing amazing inside information.

Mu Liang was silent, the faces of the three people mentioned by the red-haired girl appeared in his mind.

Bai Yu is Su Jin's subordinate, it is normal for him not to pay attention, he has only met a few times, which is very rare.

Xia Li is a vampire. He stays in the air force camp every day. When they meet, he also wears long-sleeved trousers or a suit of armor.

Diane is the same, Mu Liang really doesn't know if she has leg hair or not.

Yue Feiyan continued: "Some of the highland guards also have leg hair. 99

"Okay, you win." Mu Liang twitched the corners of his mouth, deciding not to discuss in depth on who has leg hair.

. . . . . .

ps: [3 more]: Please customize.

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