Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1845: Ready for production cars. (2 more)

"Tap tap~~~

Jia Luo walked out of the Spirit Tool Workshop and walked towards the escalator.

Between the eighth floor and the seventh floor, there are already four sets of escalators connected, which makes it much easier to get up and down, and there is no need to wait for the transport elevator with others.

In addition to the escalators connecting the eighth and seventh floors of the high ground, there are also two sets of escalators on the seventh and sixth floors.

In the present Xuanwu Kingdom, escalators are only installed in the highlands, and escalators are installed in all places on the highlands, and other places will be arranged.

The current escalator production workshop can only produce one set a day, that is, two escalators running up and down.

Jia Luo stood on the steps of the escalator and went to the eighth floor of the high ground.

When she entered the palace, the little maid greeted her with a crisp voice.

Buff asked in a crisp voice, "Miss Gallo, are you here to find His Majesty?"

"Well, is His Majesty there?" Galoping asked in a harmonious voice.

"Yes, Miss Galo can go directly to the study." Buff said obediently.

"Yeah." Gallo responded and walked to the study.

When she knocked on the door of her study, Mu Liang was designing new amusement facilities to enrich the playground of Acropolis No. 10.

Playgrounds are so lucrative.


"Come in." Mu Liang replied casually.

Jia Luo pushed in the door and saw Mu Liang put down his pen and raised his eyes to look at himself.

Mu Liang asked calmly, "Gallo, what's the matter?"

The corners of Jia Luo's lips were slightly raised: "I built the car, do you want to check it out, Your Majesty?"

Mu Liang raised his brows lightly and said in surprise, "So soon?"

Does he remember giving Gallo the 'electric engine' or ten days ago, that made the new car?

"It's not difficult to make a car." Jia Luo raised his chin slightly, with the word pride written all over his face.

Mu Liang smiled and couldn't wait to stand up and said, "Go, show me.

"Okay." Gallo walked out briskly.

The two left the palace and came to the square. The woman flipped her wrist and stroked the magic tool in the space, and the car appeared in front of her.

Mu Liang's black eyes lit up, and he stepped forward and reached out to touch the car body. The touch was slightly uneven, it was the lines on the purple-grained light steel.

He praised: "This color is beautiful~`.

The corners of Jia Luo's lips were slightly raised, and he watched Mu Liang walk around the car twice without blinking.

"It looks decent." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction.

He looked at Galo and asked in a clear voice, "Have you tried driving?

"Of course, the speed is much faster than a motorcycle." Gallo raised his chin.

"Very good, I'll take a test drive." Mu Liang opened the car door and was about to go in.

Jia Luo hurriedly stepped forward and pressed the door, and suggested, "Wait, let me take you to get acquainted.

"Also." Mu Liang chuckled lightly, and let go of his hand and went around to the co-pilot on the other side to sit down.

After getting in the car, he realized that there were seat belts in the car, so out of habit, he reached out and pulled the buckle beside the seat.


Gallo also fastened his seat belt, put his hands on the steering wheel, and prepared his feet.

She turned her head sideways and said seriously: "Your Majesty, pressing this beast spar is to start the car, here is the brake and acceleration..."

"Okay, I see." Mu Liang nodded with a smile.

"Let's go now." Gallo looked ahead, stepped on the accelerator pedal, and the car sped out.

Mu Liang felt the feeling of pushing his back, the vision in front of him was fast, the speed of the car was very fast, and it drove to the edge of the square in a short while.

He was about to use his ability to reverse the direction of the car, but Galo took the lead in turning the steering wheel, allowing the car to reverse the direction and drive back.

"Not bad." Mu Liang extended his thumb to Jia Luo.

"This, this is the basic operation." A trace of tension flashed in Galuo's eyes.

"Okay." Mu Liang chuckled lightly.

He is very satisfied with the car, which is not only faster than a motorcycle, but also more stable.

Jia Luo drove the car around the square with Mu Liang three times, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Mu Liang said, "Stop.

"Okay." Jia Luo lightly stepped on the brakes and slowly stopped the car in front of the palace.

At the entrance of the palace, Mino and the maids had their eyes widened, and when they saw the car stopped, they immediately surrounded them.

"Wow, Mu Liang, what is this?" Minuo stared at her blue eyes sparkling.

"This is the car I told you about," Mu Liang introduced.

"It turns out that this is a car, it looks so strange." Mino walked around the car, reaching out and stroking the body carefully.

Jia Luo got out of the car, ready to give Mu Liang a test drive.

Mu Liang got out of the passenger seat, walked around to the driver's seat and said, "Come on, I'll take you for a ride."

"Okay." Mino exclaimed in surprise, excitedly walked to the side, clumsily got into the driver's seat and sat down.

Mu Liang looked at Buff and the others and raised his eyebrows: "There are three more positions."

Buff and Xiao Zi and the others looked at each other, rushed forward in unison, opened the door and squeezed in.

There are only three seats in the back row, but the little maid is so thin that it can fit four people.

Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, turned his head and said, "々. Sit down, we're going.

"Okay~~~" The maids responded in unison.

Mu Liang stepped on his foot and the car sped out.

His eyes glowed, and he regained the feeling of driving on Earth before.

Mu Liang exerted force on his feet, the speed of the car rose in a straight line, and soon came to the other side of the square, his hands hooked on the steering wheel and turned a circle, and the car body drifted out.


The girls in the car screamed, clutching the seat tightly.

Mino screamed: "Mu Liang, the speed is too fast.

"Your Majesty!" Xiao Zi and the others also shouted nervously.

"It's okay, it's safe." Mu Liang said calmly, operating the car and continued to speed.

Buff's face was slightly pale, and he regretted getting into the car.

In front of the palace, Jia Luo's red lips were wide open, watching the speed of the car gradually soaring.

She moved her throat and wanted Mu Liang to stop, but seeing the car was driving steadily, she felt it was unnecessary.


The car drove a few more laps before stopping in front of the palace.


The door opened, and the little maids scrambled to get out of the car.

"I almost vomited." Minuo pouted and glanced at Mu Liang resentfully.

"Is it exciting?" Mu Liang laughed.

"It's so exciting." Mino rolled his eyes and unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.

Mu Liang patted the steering wheel, got out of the car with satisfaction and walked towards Galo.

He said in a clear voice: "The car seat is a little hard, so change it to a softer one, and there is a problem with the headlights, so I have to install it too."

Today's cars do not have headlights, nor do they have turn signals.

"No problem. These problems are easy to solve." Gallo said crisply.

"Well, sort out the drawings and arrange for someone to start mass production." Mu Liang said warmly.

Gallo smiled and nodded: "Okay.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize.

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