Shanhai Commercial City, in the room on the lower floor of Xuanwu Restaurant.


Xuan Niao yawned, woke up from the large soft bed, and smack his lips sleepily.

"It was a really comfortable sleep.

She sat up, stretched, and dawdled out of bed, the red wings on her back drooping relaxedly.

She went to the bathroom barefoot, washed briefly, and then tied her hair up.

"Tap tap~~~

"What would you like to eat today?" Xuan Niao opened the door in thought and walked towards the transport ladder.

After the Beastmaster left, she became free and could relax in Shanhai Commercial City for a few days~.


Xuanniao took the transport ladder to the first floor, left the Xuanwu Restaurant under the attention of the staff, and came to the wide street, where the lively atmosphere was blowing.

On the street, people came and went, including orcs, nobles, merchants, and elves. Everyone chatted and laughed with each other, and talked about the newly opened shops and delicacies.

Commander Xuan Bird whispered softly, "It's really nice here..."

She walked into the crowd and walked to the new store on the street, selling a delicacy called sauce bone.

The first floor of the store was already full of people, and the clerk was very busy, bringing plates of sauce bones to the table, and the fragrance wafting out of the store made everyone passing by stop.

"smell good.

"Go in and see, I'm hungry. 35

After a while, the vacant seats on the second and third floors of the store were filled with people.

Xuanniao sat on the third floor, ordered three plates of sauce bones with different flavors, and drank free boiled water.

"Tap tap~~

The clerk ran upstairs and downstairs and brought plates of sauce bones to the table.

"Wow, it looks delicious." Someone swallowed saliva, grabbed a piece of sauce bone and gnawed it, the meat was completely marinated.

Commander Xuan Bird glanced sideways, his throat couldn't help sliding a few times, his fingers tapped on the table lightly, waiting for the sauce bone he ordered to be delivered to the table.

There were too many people, and she waited for more than ten minutes before the clerk brought the three plates of sauce bones to her.

There are three plates of sauce bones, which are the original sauce flavor, spicy flavor, and special tomato flavor.


Commander Xuan Bird swallowed saliva, grabbed a piece of original sauce bone, tore off the meat on top and stuffed it into his mouth.

"It's delicious." Her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she began to enjoy it.

The sauce bone is very fragrant, and the raw material is a newly-bred Octopus beast, which is a herbivorous animal, and its size is much larger than that of the Octagonal Tusk beast.

Just like its name, the Octopus has eight legs, and its head is very similar to that of a cow on Earth, but its meat and taste are completely different, without the slightest odor.

The octopus has a very strong reproductive capacity. As long as the food supply is available, it can give birth to a calf every three months, and each calf has at least eight cubs, which can be eaten after three months.

Precisely because it has many advantages, its breeding scale has surpassed that of the Octagonal Tusk, and it has become one of the main sources of meat food in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

In addition to the eight-legged cow beast, there are many aristocratic breeders of folded-eared fluffy rabbits, three-colored chickens, and golden ducks, but they are all in short supply at present.

Since Mu Liang announced the founding of the Xuanwu Kingdom, orders of all kinds have surged, among which orders for food and drinks are the largest.

In the food, all kinds of canned food, jerky, meatballs, sausages, and bacon are very popular with merchants and nobles, and each order is hundreds of thousands or millions of catties.


Commander Xuan Niao tore at the meat on the sauce bone, and she ate the three plates quickly, leaving only a table of bones.

She sucked every finger, got up and left, contented.

"Go buy an ice drink, watch a new movie, play billiards at night, go to the No. 12 Acropolis tomorrow...?" Xuanniao planned the day's itinerary.


She was walking when the road in front of her was suddenly blocked.

Xuan Niao raised her eyebrows with a frown. After seeing the person in front of her, her impatient expression froze for a moment.

Wei Youlan said crisply: "Miss Xuanniao, our Lord Qinlan wants to see you.

"Yue Qinlan, see me?" Xuanniao asked suspiciously.

Wei Youlan nodded and said, "Yes, I have something very important to discuss with Miss."

Xuanniao stared at the girl's beautiful eyes, and asked suspiciously: "Are you sure...not talking to our Beastmaster? 35

"Yes, please come with me." Wei Youlan turned around and walked towards the treasure house.

Commander Xuanniao hesitated for a while, but followed up with full of doubts.

When the two passed through the bustling crowd, when they entered the treasure building, there were already more than a dozen people picking goods on the first floor.

"Please come with me." Wei Youlan gestured with her hand and walked to the second floor.

Commander Xuanniao followed and came to Huxian's office.

"Knock Knock~~~"

Wei Youlan knocked on the door and said respectfully: "Lord Foxxian, Lord Qinlan, Miss Xuanniao is here."

・・・・For flowers・・0

"Come in." A fox fairy's charming voice came from the office.


Wei Youlan pushed open the door and turned sideways to open the door.

Commander Xuan Niao glanced at the little maid before stepping into the office, seeing Yue Qinlan and the foxtail woman behind the desk, Yao Er standing beside them.

The fox fairy lifted her eyes, her rose-red eyes looked at Commander Xuanniao, and said with a smile: "Sit down, Miss Xuanniao.

Commander Xuanniao sternly asked, "You two, what's the matter with calling me here?"5

Yue Qinlan said gracefully, "Sit down first, you will definitely be interested in what we will talk about later.

"Hopefully." Commander Xuanniao pouted and sat opposite Yueqinlan and Huxian.

Wei Youlan brought hot tea and cakes, put them down and stepped aside.

The commander of the mysterious bird picked up the teacup, looked at the tea like an emerald, and was about to take a sip to quench his thirst.

Yue Qinlan said coldly, "Your Beastmaster is dead.

"What?" Commander Xuanniao shook his hand and spilled half a cup of tea.

She suddenly raised her head to look at Yue Qinlan, the pupils in her beautiful eyes tightened, wanting to see a joking look on her face.

"Your Beastmaster is dead." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

She paused for a moment and added: "It's been almost two days since she died."

"Your Excellency, this joke is not funny." Commander Xuan Bird stood up abruptly, his face terrifyingly cold.

"Calm down, listen to me. On the 39th, Qin Lan glanced at Commander Xuan Niao.

She stood up and continued: "Your Beastmaster, on the way to the Holy City, deliberately released the magic potion to lure sea monsters, attracting more than a dozen high-level sea monsters, including one supreme sea monster. 39

"Supreme Sea Warcraft!" Commander Xuanniao paused for a while, thinking of something, his pupils contracted again.

"Looks like you know something." Yue Qin Lan's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly as she came to stand in front of the woman.

The fox fairy suddenly asked, "You know about the potion, right?"

"I...know." Commander Xuanniao's voice was dry, with Yao'er around, she knew it was useless to lie.

"Sure enough." The fox fairy sneered, her rose-red eyes as cold as ice.

. . . . . . . . .

[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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