Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1879: Don't have the guts to question it. (1 more)


In the depths of the misty sea, in the endless mist where you can't see five fingers, the transport spacecraft broke through the wind and moved forward.

in the lounge.

Mu Liang put down the mahjong tiles in his hand, raised his eyes and looked in the direction of the transport spaceship, as if his line of sight could penetrate the ship's hull and see the outside.

"What's the matter?" Li Yue picked up a mahjong tile and touched it with her finger, it was '30,000'

The transport spaceship is very boring when sailing, and several people can only sit around and play mahjong to pass the time.

Mu Liang's deep eyes lit up, and he said warmly, "It's coming."

Mia's beautiful eyes lit up, and her furry ears shook: "It's finally here.

Mu Liang stood up and said, "Enter the special sea area around the island in ten minutes, slow down and move forward."

"Yes." Mia responded, picked up the helmet, put it on, and disappeared into the shadow.

Mu Liang looked at the silver-haired girl and said warmly, "Go, go to the deck. 35

"Okay." Li Yue responded.

The two left the lounge and came to the deck, and the speed of the transport spacecraft had slowed down.

The nobles on the deck felt that the speed of the transport spacecraft was slowing down, and they were all guessing what happened.

31 horns on deck blared.

Mia's voice spread throughout the transport spacecraft: "In about ten minutes, we are about to arrive at our destination. 39

"It's great, it's finally here." The eyes of the nobles lit up, and everyone was refreshed.

Mu Liang came to the middle of the deck and said indifferently: "Before landing on the island, I hope everyone will follow my command."5

"Of course." The nobles nodded in response.

Mu Liang nodded with satisfaction and continued: "After landing on the island, the transport spacecraft will stay for three days, during this time you can move freely, and you will return in three days.

Someone frowned and said, "Three days is too short."

"Three days, this is the time you all set before signing up." Mu Liang's expression was cold.

He glanced at the person who was speaking and said indifferently: "Of course, you can stay here forever."

"..." The speaker opened his mouth, and finally shut his mouth wisely.

Mu Liang raised his eyes, looked around the crowd, and said solemnly: "Remember, once the three days are up, the transport spacecraft will not stop for anyone. 35

The nobles looked at each other in dismay, and only a few people responded.

Mu Liang didn't care about this, looking towards the front of the transport spaceship, the fog had become much thinner.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~

The sound of the sea surging became clear, and everyone could hear it.

The nobles walked towards the bow and stretched their heads to look ahead.

The fog became less and less, and after five minutes, the visibility had reached a thousand meters, and the peculiar island could be seen from a distance.

In the annular waters around the island, the waves were surging into the sky at this time, and there were hundreds of waterspouts on the sea surface, and the storms kept going.

The fat-headed nobleman said worriedly: "Can you fly over?"

"With the strength of Your Excellency Mu Liang, it should be possible."

The nobles became worried and looked back at Mu Liang, who had an indifferent expression.

Mu Liang raised his eyes, his body disappeared in a flash, and the next second he appeared in front of the transport spaceship, facing the violent sea.

"Stop." He raised his hand and activated his ability with a single thought.


Invisible fluctuations spread out, covering the sea area in front of you.

The next moment, the surging sea level subsided, the sea surface seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and the sea became calm.

Mu Liang took the lead in flying ahead, and the transport spacecraft followed behind, safely flying to the island beach.

As he approached the island, he turned around and gave the order: "Drop altitude."

Before long, the transport spacecraft began to descend to a height of 100 meters.

The sky above the island is forbidden, and for safety reasons, the transport spacecraft will land on the beach.


Mu Liang chose a relatively flat beach and gave the order to land and dock.

Five minutes later, the transport spacecraft landed safely on the beach, and the cabin door slowly opened.

The nobles disembarked and looked around curiously.

"The location of the holy city in the center of the island." Mu Liang reminded.

The young noble asked, "Then why don't you fly in?"

Mu Liang said indifferently: "Forbidden air, you can only climb the mountains and enter.

"So it is." The young noble suddenly realized that he chose to believe Mu Liang's words, and did not have the courage to question the truth and the false.

Some people believe, and naturally some people doubt, the nobles who can fly have already vacated, and they are unswervingly flying high into the sky.

When they flew to a height of 100 meters, their bodies seemed to hit an invisible wall and fell headfirst.

Mu Liang watched this scene with no expression on his face.

Mia asked softly, "Mu Liang, shall we enter the island? 35

"Well, go in and have a look." Mu Liang nodded indifferently.

Mia said, "Then I'll stay with the transport spaceship."

Mu Liang said warmly: "No, the transport spacecraft is very safe, 35

He changed the gravity around the transport spaceship. Unless it is a saint-level powerhouse, no one can get close to the transport spaceship. Forcibly entering will only be crushed by gravity.

"Okay." Mia blinked her crimson eyes and followed Mu Liang towards the mountain.

Not far away, Qi Erna and Yom looked at each other and quickly followed Mu Liang's footsteps.

"Stay safe with Mu Liang." Yom whispered.

Qi Erner nodded in agreement: "Well, I think so too."

Not only them, but most of the other nobles also thought so and chose to follow Mu Liang into the mountains.

Liyue looked back and said coldly, "Mu Liang, they all followed.

"Ignore it." Mu Liang said indifferently.

"Okay." Li Yue turned her head and followed Mu Liang to the top of the mountain quickly.

Qi Erna and others hurriedly accelerated their pace, their own strengths were not weak, and climbing mountains was very easy for them,

After climbing the mountain, Mu Liang took Liyue and Mia out of everyone's sight.

Lingxi said regretfully, "I don't want us to follow."

Yom said solemnly: "I saw the holy city just now at the top of the mountain, let's go directly.

Lingxi nodded vigorously, her eyes showing hope: "Mmmm. I hope to find the ancestor. 35

Yom said with a serious face: "Mu Liang said that the ancestor is in the holy city, he should not lie to us.

"Then let's go." Lingxi's beautiful eyes lit up.

Yom nodded, looked back at Qi Erna, and asked with his eyes: "Are you going to the Holy City too?"

Qi Erna said in a clear voice: "Of course, I'm not familiar with this place, let's go to the holy city first."

When he came to the island, he thought about whether he could get the chance to improve his strength and increase his knowledge by the way.

"Let's go together then." Yom greeted.

"Okay." Qi Erna grinned, and the three walked together through the dense jungle towards the holy city in the center of the island.

The other nobles scattered, some chose to go to the Holy City, and some to explore unfamiliar areas.

0. . . . . . . . .

[1 update]: The second update of the positive code.


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