Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

1998: I Did Not Disappoint You. (1 More)

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, in the gymnasium, the trials for the sports meeting are in progress.

In the gymnasium of Nuoda University, the clear voice of the staff spread to every corner: "Next is the women's five-meter platform diving competition."

In the referee's seat, Yue Qinlan picked up the list of contestants in front of her, glanced briefly, and her eyes fell on the first one.

She was a little surprised: "Five-meter platform diving... Liu Xin is the first to appear?"

The female referee exclaimed in surprise, "Hey, Liu Xin also signed up for the platform diving competition?"

"Really, isn't she tired?" the male referee said in amazement.

The female referee rolled her eyes and said crisply: "How can you not be tired, if you dance like her, you will be very tired.

"That's true." The male referee said angrily.

Yue Qinlan glanced at the two of them: "Quiet, the game is about to start."

"Yes." Only then did the two referees "383" quiet down.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

When Liu Xin stepped onto the five-meter platform, the audience at the scene were all surprised, and they didn't expect the girl to participate in the five-meter platform diving competition.

Yue Feiyan said crisply: "Liu Xin is on stage."

Xi Beiqi was a little worried: "I don't know if her platform diving is as good as the springboard."

"I'll find out later." Yue Feiyan raised her face slightly, watching the girl standing on the five-meter diving platform.

Liu Xin let out a breath slowly, stepped to the end of the platform, raised her hands flat to adjust her breathing.

The rules of platform diving and springboard diving are similar. They are also in a group of five, jumping three times in turn, and finally ranked according to the three scores.

Liu Xin closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she jumped up, her body tucked her knees in the air and rotated twice, and then stretched out her body and plunged straight into the water.


The girl plunged headlong into the depths of the pool, quickly unfolded her body to control her figure, and turned around to swim back to the pool.

In the referee's seat, the referees praised Tian Sheng.

The female referee praised: "Beautiful, this jump was a bit splashy, but it's no problem to get nine points.

"I'll give 9.5 points." The male referee said seriously.

"Well, five minutes past nine." Yue Qinlan picked up a pen and wrote down the score.

After the staff confirmed, the scores were reported to the audience.

"Liu's heart jumped first, and finally scored nine points, nine point five points, nine point five points.

"It's amazing." The audience exclaimed.

"Yeah, let me fart, maybe the splashes are bigger than just now.

The first jump of Liu's heart made the contestants behind them tense up, and the pressure on their shoulders suddenly doubled.

I don't know if it was influenced by the girl, but the second player made a major mistake when diving. Before he finished his moves, he directly smashed into the swimming pool and splashed more than ten meters high.

"Three points, three points, three and a half points." The staff reported the final score.

The competition was still going on, and after fifteen minutes, it was Liu Xin's turn to take the stage again, this time diving with his back to the pool.


The girl jumped up, her body spun twice in the air, and entered the water perfectly again.

Nine past five, nine past five, ten. "The staff responsible for reporting the score were all amazed.

Yue Feiyan's eyes flickered, and she said excitedly: "With Liu Xin's two jumps scoring and the third jump without making any mistakes, she should be able to win the first place.

Xi Beiqi nodded approvingly: "It depends on whether she can perform the third jump stably."

"What if other people can dance better than her?" Nijisha turned her head and asked.

" shouldn't be possible?" Yue Feiyan muttered uncertainly.

Yan Bing said calmly, "At least the players in the first group are not as strong as her."

Yue Feiyan said delicately, "Yeah, that's true."

Not long after, Liu Xin came on stage again, this was her last jump.

When the girl stood on the five-meter platform, the audience fell silent, for fear of affecting the girl's jump.


Liu Xin let out a sigh of relief, jumped up high, and once again completed the movement perfectly [Finally zero water splash' into the water.

The staff shouted: "Ten, ten, ten."

The audience immediately cheered, amazed that the girl scored three points again.

"This is too powerful." The other contestants were all hit.

"Hmph, I will definitely be stronger than her." Another female contestant waved her fist.

Another contestant said discouragedly: "Come on, Liu Xin has just participated in the springboard diving. Under the condition of huge physical exertion, it is incomparable to still jump out with such a result."

Her words left many people speechless. Although they didn't want to admit it, it was the truth.

Two hours later, the women's platform diving competition ended.

The staff member picked up the scored score sheet, cleared his throat and read: "The first place, Liu Xin, with a total score of eighty-seven points, the second place, Nuo Ke, with a total score of eighty-one points... ..."

He read out the top 20 contestants, these people can participate in the official competition half a month later, and the rest are all eliminated...

Nuo Ke clapped his hands and sighed: "Oh, I am convinced after losing to Liu Xin."

"Yeah, she's so strong."

"How can I become as powerful as her?"

"She hasn't rested for a month, and she practices diving for at least eight hours a day, which I can't do.

Liu Xin's strength has convinced many people to lose.

"It's great, I haven't practiced in vain this month." After Liu Xin heard her name, she sat down softly, her eyes were slightly red.

Not only in platform diving, but also in springboard diving, which surprised everyone.

The voice of the staff sounded: "The morning competition is over, and the 500-meter freestyle competition will start at two o'clock in the afternoon."

The voices of the staff fell, and there was a series of unsatisfactory voices in the stadium, and the people got up one after another, and left the stadium one after another

"It's over." Yan Bing stood up and walked towards the backstage.

Xi Beiqi and the others also got up quickly, and followed to the backstage where the players were resting.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

When everyone came to the backstage, Liu Xin had just showered and changed into clean clothes, and was about to leave with an animal skin bag.

Nijisha shouted from a distance: "Liu Xin, congratulations."

"Are you all here?" Liu Xin's beautiful eyes 4.1 suddenly lit up.

"Yeah, everyone has come to watch your game." Xi Beiqi said charmingly.

Liu Xinmei's eyes curved, and said happily: "I didn't let you down.

Yue Feiyan stretched out her hand to pick up the girl, turned around several times, and said with a smile: "Yeah, you are the best, the first place in the audience."

"Okay, stop spinning, you'll faint later." Nijisha quickly stopped her.

Yue Qinlan walked into the backstage, and said gracefully with a smile on her face: "Let's go back to the palace first, Cen Fei'er and the others have prepared delicious food, you have to make up for it.

"Okay." Liu Xin nodded with a smile like a flower.

"Let's go, I'm hungry too." Xi Beiqi held Liu Xin's hand.

The girls looked at each other and smiled, and walked out with laughter.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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