Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2013: Life And Death Have Long Been Separated. (3 More)

"Wow, wow, wow~~..."

On the sea, a huge wooden boat sailed with the wind, and the sails were blown by the sea wind.

In the cabin, Lai Wu rested comfortably on the bench with his hands on his head, and all kinds of things from the tomb were piled up behind him.

Not only was she in the cabin, but other thieves were also there besides the driver.

They are studying the things brought out from the tomb, trying to find out their origin so that they can sell for a high price.

"It's like a jug for wine, nothing special." The thief with a fifth-level strength was fiddling with a teapot-like utensil in his hand.

Da Luo glanced sideways, and said angrily, "That's a chamber pot."

"Ah." The fifth-level thief shouted in disgust, and threw the chamber pot in his hand.


The other thieves laughed loudly, making the man blush, and quickly picked up another "607" funeral object to study.

Da Luo cursed and said: "If you have the time, why don't you study the writing on the stone tablet and see if you can figure out what is written.

"Da Luo, those words seem to be drawn casually, how could we understand them through research."

"Yeah, you don't even understand it, so don't tell us about us."

"That's right..." The thieves just kept going with a few words and continued to study other funerary objects.

...?" Da Luo twitched the corners of his mouth, looked sideways at Laiwu, and opened his mouth to say something.

"I don't understand either." The Laiwu queen said decisively.

She put down her crossed legs, turned over and sat up, stretched herself, yawned and said, "If I can understand, why do people take rubbings to investigate?"

"Okay." Da Luo nodded resentfully.

He scratched his head, and couldn't help asking: "Big sister, are we really not going to save Fupi and the others?"

When Fopi was arrested, Da Luo watched from a distance and knew what happened.

"Fupi is a man with a bad mind, and he will be arrested if he is caught." Laiwu said indifferently.

After Fupi was arrested, she decided to leave Haiting Kingdom overnight, so as not to have long nights and dreams, the fastest way was to leave by boat.

Before Haiting's royal family reacted, they had already left.

"Okay." Da Luo opened his mouth.

Laiwu asked with a half-smile, "Are you worried about him?"

"No." Da Luo put on a straight face.

Laiwu patted Da Luo on the shoulder, turned around and asked everyone, "Where to go next, do you have any suggestions?"

The thieves stopped what they were doing and looked at the woman one after another.

"I don't know." A thief shook his head blankly.

Da Luo suggested: "Would you like to go to the Kingdom of Zierdodeli?"

"Why go there?" Lai Wu asked.

Da Luo said stupidly: "It's far enough away from Haiting Kingdom, don't worry about being caught up."

Another thief said: "If you want me to say, go directly to Xuanwu City, it is safer there, and it is stipulated that fighting is not allowed.

"Hey, it makes sense." Da Luo's eyes lit up.

The proposed thief pointed to the funeral objects behind: "Big sister, there are many nobles who went to the Xuanwu Kingdom, and it is convenient to sell these things there."

Da Luo echoed: "It makes sense, those nobles and wealthy businessmen like these the most."

Laiwu pondered for a moment and felt that there was some truth.

Da Luo reminded: "Big sister, there are so many people in the Xuanwu Kingdom, maybe someone will recognize the ancient characters on the stone tablet."

"Maybe King Xuanwu is also interested, and he can sell it at a higher price." Other thieves agreed.

Another thief said: "That's right, the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom is a big shot. He can easily beat King Haiting to the ground. He must be interested in these things."

"That makes sense." Laiwu nodded slowly.

She looked at the thieves, raised the corners of her lips and said, "Then go to the Xuanwu Kingdom."

"I'll go and tell them to change the route." Da Luo said excitedly, and strode out of the cabin.

"I haven't been to Xuanwu Kingdom yet."

"It's as if someone has been there, everyone is together every day."

"I heard that the cuisine of the Xuanwu Kingdom is the best in the world.


The thieves looked expectant in their eyes, yearning for the long-rumored Xuanwu Kingdom.

The huge wooden boat turned around and headed towards the Misty Sea.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Da Luo returned to the cabin, and said carelessly: "The big sister [China has changed its route."

"Okay, don't make noise." Laiwu said unhappily.

"Hey, isn't big sister looking forward to going to Xuanwu Kingdom?" Da Luo asked with a smile.

They have heard too much about the Xuanwu Kingdom. Many people say that it is the place with the most food in the world, the most beautiful place in the world, and the most interesting place in the world...

"I don't expect..." Laiwu rolled his eyes.

Da Luo winked and joked: "Hey, I heard that King Xuanwu is very handsome, and the beauty of the big sister may be chosen as the queen.

Laiwu's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a bad tone: "Da Luo, I think your skin is itchy, you haven't been cleaned up for a long time, right?

"Ah, I was wrong." Da Luo quickly closed his mouth and covered his mouth with his hands.

"No more nonsense, I'll blow your head off." Laiwu said angrily.

"Woooo~~~" Da Luo quickly nodded with interest.

Laiwu raised his chin proudly, feeling from the bottom of his heart that no one is worthy of him.

She lazily lay down again, with her feet lifted up, swaying rhythmically.

Da Luo breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left the cabin with light steps.

He came to the deck, looked at the sea horizon in the distance, and yearned for the Xuanwu Kingdom in his heart.

Da Luo sighed: "Xuanwu Kingdom, if it is really as good as the rumors say, I really want to live there."

"Da Luo, you don't want to dig the grave anymore?" Someone suddenly asked.

Da Luo's body trembled, and he quickly turned his head to look behind him. The woman who was lying down appeared in front of him.

He asked in surprise: "big sister, why do you walk without sound?"

"Answer my question." Laiwu said coldly.

Da Luo scratched his head in embarrassment, and said resentfully: "Hey, big sister, we have been digging graves for so many years, and we have earned enough. We want to find a place to live..."

"When did you have this idea?" Laiwu asked casually.

"It started last year." 3.2 Ronaldo bowed his head.

Laiwu nodded slowly. Last year, he dug an ancient tomb, and half of his partners died there.

"Many familiar people died." Da Luo sighed.

Laiwu said calmly, "I'm also sad, but as someone in this line of work, life and death have already been judged, isn't it?"

"Really..." Da Luo was uncertain.

Laiwu said earnestly: "Don't worry, when you arrive in the Xuanwu Kingdom, sell the things on the boat first, and then think about it if you want to live in peace."

"What about you, big sister?" Da Luo asked in amazement.

"I haven't planned yet, let's talk about it." Laiwu waved his hand, turned and walked towards the cabin.

Da Luo opened his mouth, words stuck in his throat.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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