Mino held a plate of green and vegetable pancakes, raised his hand and knocked on the study door.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

She asked softly, "Mu Liang, I made pancakes, do you want some?"

After a while, the girl with rabbit ears didn't receive a response, so she knocked on the door again, but still no one responded.

"Not in the study?" Mino held the plate in one hand, opened the door with the other hand, and looked with his head, and sure enough, there was no one in the study.

She pursed her lips and muttered: "Hey, it doesn't matter, didn't you say that Mu Liang is in the study hall?"

Mino shook his rabbit ears, closed the study door and returned to the main hall.

Xiao Zi came out of the side hall, looked at the girl with rabbit ears and said apologetically, "Miss Mino, Your Majesty just went to the studio."

Mu Liang often uses shadow jumping to go directly to other places without leaving the room, and occasionally people can't find his whereabouts.

"Are people bothering you?" Mino asked delicately.

Xiao Zi said crisply: "Your Majesty said that it may take two days for him to draw the magic circle, so don't bother him if there is nothing extremely important.

"Ah, okay." Mino puffed up his mouth, glanced at the pancake in his hand, and had no choice but to eat it by himself.

She thought of something, turned her head and asked, "By the way, where is Bai Shuang 033?"

Xiao Zi replied: "Miss Mino, Miss Baishuang left this morning."

"Hey, did you leave just now?" Mino said in astonishment.

Xiao Zijiao said naively: "I persuaded her to stay, but she still left.

"Okay..." Mino muttered.

She handed the pancakes in her hand to the little maid, untied her apron, and prepared to go back to the side hall to draw a new Kulo card.

The Kulo card invented by Mu Liang has become the first choice for the nobles to spend their daily time.

Every month, a new set of Clow cards will be launched. Through lottery draws and card pack sales, a lot of wealth has been made for the Xuanwu Kingdom.

According to the plan, a Kulo card competition will be held two months later. At that time, all those who can play Kulo cards will be able to participate in the trials, and those who pass the trials will be able to participate in the official competition.

Although there is a special person responsible for designing and painting new cards, the rabbit-eared girl will draw new Kulo cards when she is free, and help as much as possible.

In the studio, there is an eighth-order Warcraft spar floating in front of Mu Liang. He is using the Warcraft spar to draw a new space magic circle, a magic circle exclusive to the portal.

According to his estimated time in the early stage, it will take two days to finish drawing the new space magic circle.

Mu Liang concentrated his mind, controlled his soul to enter the Warcraft spar, and drew lines of magic power as he thought in his heart.

The studio was very quiet, Xiao Zi stood guard outside the door so that no one would disturb him.

Time passed slowly, and the day passed without knowing it.

In the Warcraft spar in front of Mu Liang, there are many dense lines as thin as spider silk. They overlap each other and look irregular.

He is highly concentrated, this time the magic circle is very difficult, if he is distracted for a moment, he will make mistakes, and all previous efforts will be in vain.

Outside the door, Liyue stood still, her silver-white eyes turned translucent, and the wall and door in front of her also became transparent from her perspective, and she could see Mu Liang inside.

After a while, she closed her beautiful eyes, and the pupils returned to normal.

Xiao Zi asked in a low voice: "Miss Li Yue, how is Your Majesty?"

Li Yue shook her head and said, "He looks very serious, so he shouldn't be disturbed."

Small-scale ghosts appeared on the Old Continent, attacking the transport spaceships in flight, causing hundreds of deaths. Although they killed the ghosts with spirit weapon cannons in the end, they also suffered heavy losses.

"Let him be busy." Li Yue said softly.

"I will guard the door." Xiao Zi nodded vigorously.

"Yeah." Liyue turned and left.

Some low-level virtual ghosts appeared one after another in the Old Continent, and the number was much larger than before the blood moon came.

Void ghosts also appeared around the major transit bases, but they were quickly wiped out by the defense system.

This phenomenon is anomalous, much like the omens that preceded the last blood moon (cdbh).

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The silver-haired girl returned to the main hall, where Yue Qinlan, Elena and others were there.

"How is it, is Mu Liang finished?" Yue Qinlan asked in a crisp voice.

"No." Li Yue shook her head.

Alina asked with a serious expression: "Then what should we do now, send someone to the Old Continent to investigate?"

There are a large number of low-level virtual ghosts in the old continent. It is hard not to make people think wildly and suspect the possibility of a wave of virtual ghosts.

Now that we know that high-level virtual ghosts have intelligence that is not inferior to human beings, and that the tide of virtual ghosts has nothing to do with blood moons, it doesn't matter whether there are blood moons or not.

As long as those virtual ghost kings are willing, they can launch a virtual ghost wave at any time to clean up the humans in the old continent.

It is best to send someone to investigate this abnormal phenomenon, so as to have time to prepare for all unexpected arrivals.

Yue Qinlan said with a serious face: "Wait a little longer, Mu Liang said not to disturb him for the next two days, then wait another day."

"Then wait another day." Li Yue nodded.

"I hope it's not a wave of virtual ghosts." Alina clasped her hands together.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "Okay, don't scare yourself."

Alina nodded: "Yeah, it's better to seize the time to improve your strength so that you can deal with all accidents.

I'm off to training, wait for Mu Liang to come out and call me again. "Li Yue said softly.

Elena took the silver-haired girl's hand and said crisply, "Let's go together."

"No rest today?" Li Yue blinked her silver-white eyes, today is the pink-haired girl's rest day.

Alina lifted her chin and reluctantly said: "No rest, let's go to training."

Yue Qinlan frowned lightly, as expected, only a sense of crisis can make people work hard.

The silver-haired girl and the pink-haired girl left, Yue Qinlan told the little maid to inform her when Mu Liang came out.

"I hope I really scare myself." Yueqin's blue eyes flickered, she glanced at the location of the studio, and turned back to the management office to deal with the affairs.

In the studio, Mu Liang continued to draw the magic circle unconsciously, and was still a short distance from success.

Time passed slowly, and another day passed.

The Warcraft spar in front of Mu Liang shone brightly, and it was full of fine lines, making the patients with dense phobias afraid.

He pursed his lips, and lightly slid his fingers across the Warcraft spar, dropping the last stroke of the space magic circle.

In the next moment, the entire Warcraft spar spun rapidly, emitting even more light than before.

"Successful?" Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he reached out to grab the spinning Warcraft spar, and the space element quickly restrained himself.

There was joy in his eyes, and after checking it, he confirmed that the new space magic circle was successfully drawn and could be used on the portal.

"These two days were not in vain." Mu Liang sighed, flipped his hand and put the magic beast spar into the portable space.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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