Xuanwu Kingdom, inside the magician school in the main city.

The indoor training ground, where the children gather to start today's training.

There are 152 children gathered here, the youngest is eleven years old and the oldest is seventeen.

The children stood in three rows, with the youngest standing in front, pairs of pure eyes of various colors flickering around.

Cheng Xiao stood in the second row, his hair had been cut short, and the tail of his hair tied on the back of his head was only the size of a fist.

Someone whispered: "Why hasn't the teacher come yet?"

"Don't worry, the class has just started, the teacher should be here soon."

"The teacher is here!" A childish voice sounded.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

There was the sound of crisp footsteps, and a woman in a hip-wrapped skirt came, carrying a leather bag in her hand.

Yuan Zi apologized: "Sorry, I was a little late to get the Philosopher's Stone."

"Yuan "210" Mr. Zi, why do you still need the Philosopher's Stone?" Cheng Xiao asked doubtfully.

Yuan Zi explained: "Today we will do a magic test to see how much progress you have made in the past six months."

"Oh." Cheng Xiao responded.

Yuan Zi said crisply: "Complete the magic power test first, and then proceed to the subsequent training."

She is an eighth-level water magician. She used to be a wanderer. After coming to the Xuanwu Kingdom, she stopped traveling. This is her ideal place to settle down.

Yue Qinlan found Yuan Zi in Shanhai Commercial City. She had spent all her money and could only find a job. They happened to meet each other, and finally recruited a magician as a teacher.

"Okay." The children responded in unison.

Yuan Zi opened the animal skin bag, took out the magic stone inside, and said in a crisp voice: "Read the name."

"Yes." The children lined up consciously, looking at the woman with burning eyes.

"Rhein." Yuan Zi shouted.

"Yes." The thirteen-year-old girl's voice was very soft, and she walked in front of the woman with short legs.

Yuan Zi raised his chin: "Put your hands up."

"Yes." Rhine raised her hand and pressed it on the Philosopher's Stone.

Three seconds later, the Philosopher's Stone lit up with a slight stab.

Rhine nodded in satisfaction and said: "Well, it's very good to have this level of magic power with third-level strength."

That's right, the girl is already a third-order magician, and she is a rare thunder system.

"Hee hee, didn't you disappoint the teacher?" Rhine said playfully.

"No, I'm very satisfied," Yuan Zi said with a smile like a flower.

Rhine smiled and nodded: "That's good.

"Next, Troy." Yuan Zi shouted.

"Yes." The fifteen-year-old girl stepped forward, and before Yuan Zi could speak, her little hand was already on the Sorcerer's Stone.

Three seconds later, the magic stone lit up, and the fiery red light was dazzling.

"Third-level strength, the magic power is very strong, not bad." Yuan Zi smiled happily,

Troy clenched his fists and said in a serious tone: "I will not disappoint the teacher and His Majesty.

"Well, keep working hard." Yuan Zi patted the girl on the head.

She raised her head and said softly, "Next, Cheng Xiao."

"Yes." Cheng Xiao replied, and stepped forward.

Yuan Zi raised his chin, and said in a warm voice, "Smile, put it on."

"Yes." Cheng Xiao raised his hand and pressed on the magic stone to input magic power.

The Philosopher's Stone glows with a gray light, the light is rich and not dazzling, but it illuminates a large area.

"The strength of entering the fourth level for the first time... Are you at the fourth level?" Yuan Zi was stunned.

"Yeah, I made a breakthrough last night." Cheng Xiao said shyly.

Yuan Zi exclaimed: "Fourth rank, you are the first to break through the fourth rank among all the people here."

"Xiaoxiao, you are amazing." The children praised.

A child curled his lips: "Damn it, it was broken by Xiaoxiao first."

Yuan Zi said firmly: "Very good, let His Majesty know that you broke through to the fourth level in only half a year, and you will definitely be rewarded."

"I will continue to work hard." Cheng Xiao nodded vigorously.

Yuan Zi asked suddenly: "Have you mastered your magic?"

"Teacher, I've mastered it." Cheng Xiao stretched out his hand as he said, a cloud of gray energy appeared in his palm, and it exuded a destructive aura.

Yuan Zi's eyes lit up, and she exclaimed, "This is the rare Chaos Magic~~~"

Cheng Xiao's awakened magic system is very special, no one knew about it at the beginning, until Yuan Zi's arrival, she looked through a lot of information, and finally confirmed that Cheng Xiao's magic belongs to the chaos system, which has been rare for thousands of years.

Cheng Xiao blinked her beautiful eyes, and asked in a crisp voice: "Teacher, do you need me to show it ten times?"

Zi said solemnly: No, chaos magic is too dangerous, we will talk about it after the test. "

She doesn't know much about chaos magic. She only knows that chaos magic is powerful, stronger than thunder magic, and can suppress other magic...

Chaos magicians are hard to see in ten thousand years, Yuan Zi can't teach too deep, can only teach some basic knowledge.

"Yes." Cheng Xiao smiled playfully, and turned sideways to get out of the way.

"Next, Renault." Yuan Zi shouted.

"Here we come." Renault raised his hand and stepped out of the crowd.

He stood in front of the Philosopher's Stone and put his hands on it.

Yuan Zi nodded slowly, and said gracefully: "Third-level strength, magic power is acceptable.

Renault puffed up his cheeks, looked sideways at Cheng Xiao, and waved his fist.

"Hmph." Cheng Xiaojiao snorted.

Renault has always wanted to surpass her, but unfortunately never achieved.

"Don't be complacent, I will surpass you." Renault gritted his teeth.

Cheng Xiao snorted coldly: "You have said this eight hundred times, it is only useful if you can actually do it."

"Yes." Renault said sternly.

"Don't make noise." Yuan Zi said seriously.

"Yes." Cheng Xiao and Renault shook their bodies and quickly stood up straight.

They were all a little afraid of Yuan Zi, not only because of her strength, but also because of her hot temper, if she was offended, she would be spanked in public.

"Third-level strength, very good, next." Yuan Zi's voice sounded intermittently.

Half an hour later, the rest of the children completed the test, only Cheng Xiao broke through the fourth level, and the rest of them were between the second and third level.

Yuan Zi put away the Sorcerer's Stone, and said with a serious face: "You have to work hard, the future development of the Xuanwu Kingdom needs you."


The children responded in unison, each shouting louder than the other.

Yuan Zi suddenly said: "Tomorrow you can take a day off, if you want to go home, you can pack your things and go back after class."

"Hey, why did you take a break suddenly?" Cheng Xiao asked in confusion.

"Your Majesty said, closed teaching for too long, you should take a proper rest." Yuan Zi said with her hands folded in front of her.

"It's great, I love Your Majesty." The children shouted excitedly.

A smile flashed across Yuan Zi's eyes, and he waved his hand and said, "Okay, make adjustments and prepare for today's training."

"Yes~~~" The children nodded vigorously and responded in unison.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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