Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2050: A Large Gathering Of Virtual Ghosts. (3 More)

The old continent, above six thousand meters, under the cloud.

The Third King Xu fluttered his wings and said in a low voice: "I can feel the breath of the Fifth King Xu, right in front.

"Then go down." The Fourth King Xu said in a hoarse voice, fluttering his wings and falling to the ground.

The Third King Xu followed, and a desert appeared at the end of his sight. When the strong wind blew, the sky was filled with yellow sand, and there was no trace of green at a glance.

They landed on the desert, and the yellow sand under their feet sank several meters deep.

"Are you sure the Fifth Xu King is here?" The Fourth Xu King narrowed his eyes slightly, looking around with only yellow sand.

"My induction can't be wrong." Xu Sanwang said indifferently.

"That's right." The Fourth Xu King curled his lips.

If he can even find Roy, will he not be able to find other virtual ghost kings?

The third king of Xu closed his eyes, turned his head slowly, and carefully sensed the position of the fifth king of Xu.

"In front." He opened his eyes and walked southeast.

The Four Ghost Kings followed without saying a word, and the two had reached a consensus that they would stop infighting and extraneous issues before summoning the other Ghost Kings to solve human problems.

They went deep into the desert, and finally stopped on a flat sandy land.

Xu Sanwang said hoarsely: "Just below, I can feel a strong emptiness."

"Then go down." Xu Siwang said in a deep voice, his body turned into a black liquid, and entered the ground through the cracks in the sand.

The Three Xu Kings followed behind, and soon came to the depths of the ground, and the familiar Xu ghost's breath rushed over.

"Why are the two adults here suddenly?" The high-level virtual ghost in the underground lair was awakened, and looked at the two virtual ghost kings suspiciously.

The Four Xu Kings returned to their original bodies, and asked in a deep voice, "Where are you adults?"

"Master Xu Wuwang is still asleep, and it's not time to wake up." The high-ranking ghost said respectfully.

"Wake him up now, there is something urgent to discuss." Xu Sanwang said with a serious face.

"Now?" The high-ranking ghost was stunned for a moment, this is different from what was discussed at the beginning.

"Stop talking nonsense, do you want me to do it myself...?" Xu Sanwang said coldly.

"Yes." The high-ranking Xu Gui replied timidly, turned around and went to the depths of the lair.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

When he came to the depths of the lair, he saw Wu Wang Xu who was sleeping upside down on the stone pillar, he hesitated for a moment before calling out.

"Master Xu Wu Wang, wake up quickly." The high-ranking Xu Gui shouted loudly.

His voice echoed in the lair, but Xu Wuwang remained unmoved, and the tail hooked to the stone pillar remained firm.

The high-ranking Xu ghost bit the bullet and continued to shout: "Master Xu Wuwang, Lord Xu Sanwang and Lord Xu Siwang have come, saying that they have important matters to discuss with their lords.

"Damn it, they better have something important to do." An angry voice sounded, and the Xu Wu Wang who had closed his eyes opened them, and the red eyes flashed with murderous intent.

He hooked the tail of the stone pillar and let go, his body fell from a height, and he stood firmly on the ground. The surrounding meat mountains trembled, and the low-level virtual ghosts saluted him one after another.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Xu Wuwang stepped forward, and soon saw Xu Sanwang and Xu Siwang.

"What did you come to see me for?" He asked dissatisfied.

"Lord Roy is about to wake up." Three King Xu's words extinguished all his anger.

"Are you sure?" Xu Wuwang's pupils contracted, and his expression suddenly became serious.

The Third King Xu said indifferently: "Master Roy told me personally, it can't be faked, there is still one year left.

"One year........"

The Fifth Xu King said in a serious tone: "No, all humans must be cleaned up, otherwise we will be punished if Lord Roy wakes up."

The Fourth Xu King said seriously: "It is precisely because of this that we must summon all the Xu Ghost Kings and we must clean up the humans within a year."

"Okay, what about the others?" Xu Wu Wang raised his eyes and asked.

The third king of Xu shook his head, and said in a hoarse voice: "The auras of the sixth, eighth and ninth kings of Xu disappeared, and the others haven't found them yet.

"The breath disappears?" Xu Wuwang slowly opened his eyes wide.

The Fourth King Xu nodded and said: "We suspect that they have been captured or even killed by humans."

"How could it be? With the human beings in this continent, it is impossible to do it at all." The Void King said in shock.

Xu Sanwang said coldly: "I used to think so, but now there is an additional variable, there is a human named Mu Liang, whose strength far surpasses ours.

"Mu Liang." Xu Wu Wang spoke slowly.

"He is the biggest variable." Xu Sanwang nodded.

He looked at the Five Ghost Kings, and said indifferently: "Leave him alone for now, it is more important to find other Ghost Kings."

"I see, let's go. Xu Wuwang moved his body, making noises like frying beans.


The three virtual ghost kings left the depths of the ground, returned to the ground, and fluttered their wings in order to fly high into the sky.

"Let me feel it..." The Third Xu King closed his eyes and carefully sensed the position of the next Xu Ghost King.

After more than an hour, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked to the northwest.

He raised his finger forward, and said coldly: "々I found it, the Second King Xu is in this direction."

"Let's go." Xu Wu Wang responded, flapping his wings and flying forward at top speed.

The fourth king of Xu and the third king of Xu chased up, but they were still a bit behind the fifth king of Xu. This is the difference in strength.

There are also differences in the strength of the virtual ghost kings. After thousands of years of deep sleep, some virtual ghost kings have surpassed their opponents in strength.

"He has become stronger. Xu Sanwang whispered.

"Better than you and me." The fourth king of Xu's eyes flickered, feeling a little apprehensive in his heart.

The third king of Xu said coldly: "I don't know who is stronger between him and the second king of Xu?"

The fourth king of Xu sneered, and said in a firm tone: "There is no need to compare, the strength of the second king of Xu is above you and me, no matter how strong the fifth king of Xu is, he will not be his opponent.

The Third King Xu said fearfully: "That's right, the strength of the Second King Xu is only weaker than Lord Roy. 17

The Fourth King Xu thought of something, and said with a sneer: "The most (best) one who has the potential to overtake the Second King Xu is the First King Xu. It has been thousands of years, I don't know if his strength has improved."

The Void One King, who also has the strength of the twelfth level, is the first Void Ghost King produced by Roy.

His strength was originally the strongest, but unfortunately, when Roy made the Xu Er Wang, he poured more power than him, which made the Xu Er Wang's strength surpass the Xu Yi Wang.

The third king of Xu fell silent, no matter whether it is the first king of Xu or the second king of Xu, their strength is superior to his own, which is not worthy of his happiness.

"Hmph." He snorted coldly, and stopped talking.

The fourth king of Xu cracked his lips and smiled, his strength was comparable to that of the third king of Xu, and he knew exactly what he was thinking.

"It doesn't matter how strong they are when Master Roy wakes up." He sneered again and again.

The Three King Xu's eyes flashed, what will happen when Master Roy wakes up this time?

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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