Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2153: It's Really A Life-Threatening Assessment. (2 More)

Heights, inside the palace.

Buff came out of the liaison room with a look of excitement on his face.

Liyue came out of the study, still holding the documents in her arms, and asked casually: "What's the matter, I'm so happy."

Buffy said naively: "Good news, Your Majesty has caught a ghost king."

Liyue's beautiful silver eyes lit up when she heard the words, and asked quickly: "Really?"

"Hmm, His Majesty just sent back the news. Buff nodded with a smile on his face.

Li Yue asked: "Is he alright?"

Buff replied: "It's okay, Your Majesty is in the Kingdom of Fuqi now and is going to the city of Fuqi."

"That's good." Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and her heart relaxed.

"Miss Liyue, don't worry, Your Majesty is so strong, Xu Gui Wang can only run for his life if he meets His Majesty." Buff comforted him.

"Yes, I know." Li Yue nodded softly.

"I'm going to tell Lord Qinlan the good news of "September 20." Buff waved his hand and went to the side hall excitedly.

Li Yue looked at the back of the little maid, her beautiful silver eyes flashed, Mu Liang left the kingdom for three days, she missed him a little bit.

She let out a sigh of relief, turned around and left the palace, and took the transportation ladder to the sixth floor of the high ground.

Today is the assessment day for the third team of the Ghost Special Forces, and she is going to keep an eye on it.

The third team of the Ghost Special Forces is composed of newly recruited members, and the leader of the second team is the captain, that is, Si Shali and Angela are the captains.

The members of the third team are Yu Yunyun, Heatherfin, Hai Fanny and others.

Liyue came to the sixth floor of the highland, in the training ground of the ghost special forces, the members of the third team had already assembled, and there were still people from the second team watching the assessment.

"Captain Liyue." Hu Xi Jiaohan waved hello.

"Everyone came early." Li Yue said softly.

"The third team assessment, of course you have to come early." Hu Xi smiled like a flower.

Liyue smiled, looked at the members of the third team who had completed the assembly, her expression gradually became serious.

There are twenty-four people in the third team of the Ghost Special Forces, six of whom belong to the Ghost Special Assassination Team, and the remaining eighteen belong to the Highland Guard.

"Are you all ready?" Li Yue asked with a serious face.

"Everything is ready." The three teams raised their hands and saluted in unison.

Li Yue nodded in satisfaction: "Very good, the assessment will start in five minutes."

"Yes." The three teams responded in unison.

Liyue walked towards the second team, and Mia was there too.

Mia asked softly: "You have returned to the palace, is there any news about Mu Liang?"

Li Yue nodded and said: "Well, Buff just received the news from Mu Liang.

"What did you say?" Mia asked quickly.

Li Yue said crisply: "Mu Liang has caught a ghost king, which is good news."

"I caught a Void Ghost King so quickly!" Mia exclaimed in surprise.

Li Yue nodded, and said softly: "He is in the Kingdom of Fuqi and is going to the city of Fuqi. He should have a talk with King Fuqi."

"Oh, it should be about teaming up to deal with virtual ghosts." Mia guessed.

Yes. " Li Yue responded.

Five minutes passed quickly, and the three teams were ready.

Li Yue stared at the members of the three teams, and ordered: "The assessment of the ghost special assassination team and the highland guards are somewhat different. The first three items are the same, but the last two items are different."

"Yes." The members of the Ghost Special Forces responded in unison.

Liyue opened the document in her hand and said: "Now the first three assessments will be conducted, and the last two assessments will be conducted separately.

The documents she took were taken from Mu Liang's study, and they were the assessment standards set by Mu Liang.

Sisters Yun Yun and Heatherfine looked serious. This was their second assessment after joining the Ghost Tactical Assassination Squad.

If you pass the assessment this time, you can officially become a regular, and you can get new weapons, and various benefits will also increase.

"Now proceed to the first assessment, the weight-bearing assessment." Li Yue raised her chin and gave the order to start the assessment.

The people participating in the assessment spread out and lifted the five weight-bearing weights in front of them one by one. As long as the person who can lift the third weight is considered to have passed the assessment.

Yunyun took a deep breath, bent down and grabbed the first weight block, and lifted it above her head with ease.

"It's quite simple." She muttered, looking at the second larger weight-bearing block.

The girl rubbed her hands together, and vigorously lifted the second weight block, which was twice as heavy as the first weight block. Although it was a bit heavy, it was successfully lifted above her head.

On the other side, Heatherfin and Haphani also lifted the second weight, panting a little.

Members of the three teams can lift the second weight block, which is not difficult for them.

"The third piece." Li Yue ordered in a cold voice.

The members of the Ghost Special Forces adjusted their breathing, bent down to grab the third weight block, and lifted it up with all their strength...


Hai Fanny gritted her teeth, her arms trembled a little, but she finally managed to lift the third weight over her head.

The same is true for Heatherfine, the strength of the two sisters is similar, and their strength after training is also similar.

"Pass." Liyue picked up a pen and scored on the score sheet.

In fact, no one who can enter the Ghost Special Forces is mediocre, and the twenty-four people who participated in the first assessment were all qualified.

Li Yue said coldly: "Take a break for five minutes and proceed to the second assessment."

"Yes." The members of the third team breathed a sigh of relief.

Mia nodded and said, "Not bad, much better than the first assessment."

"Well, everyone is making progress." Li Yue sighed.

Five minutes passed quickly, and the second assessment began. This time, it was a reaction assessment, in which obstacles were avoided in a specific training ground, and scores were scored according to the number of obstacles avoided.

The so-called specific training ground is a field full of obstacles, and the ground for landing is plum blossom piles. The obstacles will swing around the plum blossom piles, and if they cannot avoid them, they will be shot down.

Li Yue raised her chin and said, "The assessment begins, and Hazelfin will go first."

"Yes." Heatherfin came out, arranged the equipment on her body, and lightly jumped to stand on the first plum blossom stake.

In the next second, all obstacles swayed, including huge hammers, 2.4 iron balls covered with barbs, fire-breathing pendulums and so on.

It's a life-threatening test.

Heatherfin's throat moved, and under the signal of the silver-haired girl, she took a step towards the second plum blossom pile.


The huge hammer swung over with great momentum, making the girl's hair stand on end.

Her complexion remained unchanged, and she quickly moved towards the third plum blossom pile, successfully dodging the hammer, but before she could catch her breath, the fire-breathing pendulum also swung towards her, and the girl could only dodge again.

Liyue watched with a calm expression. She could pass through the training ground in front of her without any problems with her eyes closed.

Not only her, Mia, Alina, Yan Bing and others can do it.


Heatherfin jumped off the last plum blossom pile, was not hit by obstacles, and successfully completed the second assessment.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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