Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2156: Then They All Die. (2 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Your Majesty, I have something to report." The knight begged loudly.

"Come in." The king said coldly.

The knight walked into the main hall, came to the king respectfully, and said, "Your Majesty, there is a man outside the palace who claims to be the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom and wants to see your majesty.

"The king of the Xuanwu Kingdom!" Everyone present exclaimed, and then began to discuss with each other.

"Why is the king of Xuanwu Kingdom here?" The king frowned suddenly.

Some officials speculated: "Your Majesty, could it be fake?"

"It shouldn't be possible, aren't you afraid of being exposed?" A nobleman frowned.

King Foch thought for a while, raised his hand and said, "Let him in.

"Yes." The knight breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left the main hall quickly.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

"Your Majesty, the sudden visit of the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom may be because of Duke Boli's affairs?" Some nobles speculated.

Some officials speculated: "It is possible that the Duke of Boli moved the Ziwen light steel mine, and the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom came to ask for an explanation."

"If this is the case, then just hand over the Duke of Boli." The earl suggested.

"How can it be done? The Duke of Boli is the Duke of our kingdom, how can he be dealt with by outsiders?"

The nobles and officials quarreled, which slowly darkened the king's face.

Someone said in a deep voice: "Alright, Duke Boli doesn't know where he is, and King Xuanwu doesn't know why he came because of 777. Why are you so anxious?"

Everyone calmed down and waited for Mu Liang to arrive.

Not long after, Mu Liang flew into the palace and came into the sight of all the officials.

"Is this waiting for me?" Mu Liang asked indifferently.

"Are you the king of the Xuanwu Kingdom?" On the throne, King Fuqi stared at Mu Liang with a cold face.

His posture at this time is a bit condescending.

Mu Liang looked indifferently, staring into King Fuqi's eyes, the invisible pressure fell on him.

......" King Foch's forehead and neck were covered with cold sweat, and he suddenly felt a lot of pressure, as if he was facing an invincible existence.

"It's me." Mu Liang said calmly at this moment.

"Please sit down." King Foch moved his throat, forcing his voice to sound normal.

"No need, I'm here to talk to you." Mu Liang said lightly.

Other officials (cead) and nobles also saw that something was wrong. The king on the field seemed to be very afraid of King Xuanwu.

"What's the matter?" King Foch asked hoarsely.

Mu Liang asked: "Your Excellency should know about the Xu clan, right?"

"Huh? Isn't that fake?" King Foch frowned.

"Of course not, everything in the movie is real." Mu Liang said in a deep voice.

Everyone present was shocked when they heard the words. If the plot in the movie is true, it will be an unprecedented threat to the New World

"I came from Youzhi Forest, where I met Xugui King." Mu Liang said in a startling way.

"Secluded Forest!" The officials and nobles exclaimed again.

"Did you see the Knights?" the count couldn't help asking.

"Knights, no."

Mu Liang wrote lightly: "I saw a lot of armor covered with flesh and blood."

"how come……………"

The complexions of the nobles and officials changed drastically, each of them becoming uglier than the last, and they all understood the meaning of the pastoral work.

King Fuqi asked with a gloomy face: "What about King Xugui?"

"Escaped." Mu Liang said without changing his face.

He wants King Fuqi to take this matter seriously, it doesn't matter whether King Xugui has escaped, even if he has been caught by Mu Liang.

"Escape!" The officials were in an uproar.

Mu Liang continued: "The ghost kings are all holy ranks. I am here this time to propose that the major kingdoms join forces to deal with the Xu clan."

"The strength of the holy rank is too terrifying. This is to destroy our Fuqi Kingdom!"

"What should we do now?"

Officials and nobles panicked, and the main hall became even more noisy.

"Quiet." King Foch said coldly.

He looked at Mu Liang with a calm face, his face was full of surprise, and he asked: "Your Excellency, these are just your own words, and it is impossible to know whether it is true or not.

Mu Liang frowned lightly, raised his hand, and the scene of meeting the ghost king reappeared.

Concrete consciousness, huge phantoms filled the entire main hall, and the appearance of Xu Qiwang made everyone present gasp.

Mu Liang hides the elf queen, and deliberately prevents the scene of the seven kings being captured from reappearing, which makes everyone present have the illusion that the seven kings have indeed escaped.

He also imitated the aura of the Xu Seven Kings, making the complexions of everyone present even paler.

Mu Liang calmly said: "This is the Xu Qiwang, but I have compressed the size, the real size, you can't accommodate it in the palace.


The officials and nobles swallowed their saliva, their hearts replaced by fear.

"Is this true?" King Foch couldn't help asking.

Mu Liang looked at King Fuqi: "Of course, give me an answer now, whether you are willing to join forces to deal with the Xu clan, if not, then there will be no one to support Fuqi Kingdom when it is attacked by the Xu clan in the future.w

King Foch hesitated for a moment, then looked at the other officials and nobles in the main hall.

They all had expressions of shock on their faces, and many of them had already turned pale.

"Yes, I promise to join forces to deal with the Xu clan." King Fuqi said seriously.

"Don't lie to me. Mu Liang's tone is calm, but it makes people fearful.

Although he didn't want too many people to die in the New World, which would affect the income of the spar, but if the other party wanted to die, they should all die.

"No, don't worry, Your Excellency." King Foch said seriously.

"Very good, this is a resonance worm. It can contact the Xuanwu Kingdom immediately. If you encounter a virtual ghost or a virtual ghost king, you can contact us through the resonance worm." Mu Liang sent a resonance worm.

King Foch looked at the resonating worm flying in front of him, and was very surprised. Such a small thing can reach the Xuanwu Kingdom across the ocean?

"When using it, just touch its wings and feed green plants on weekdays." Mu Liang reminded.

"I see." King Foch nodded.

Mu Liang threw out a book: "This is information about the Xu clan, you can read it, and when encountering Xu ghosts, you can deal with them according to the methods written above.

"Okay." King Fuqi reached out to take it, and put it down after turning two pages, because his heart was turbulent again.

Mu Liang thought of something, turned back and said: "By the way, the Duke of Boli in your kingdom, at this time in my Xuanwu Kingdom, he made a mistake and needs to be sanctioned and judged, let me tell you

King Fuqi frowned, nodded and said: "Your Excellency, just deal with it."

"Well, very good." Mu Liang nodded in satisfaction, turned and left the main hall.

King Fuqi's face was getting darker and darker, watching Mu Liang's back, he felt fear and anger in his heart, as well as a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Your Majesty?" the count asked boldly.

"Shut up." King Foch said angrily.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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