Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2295: Can't Get Up. (1 More)

Palace, in the main hall.

Yue Feiyan put her hands on her hips, looked towards the direction of the kitchen, and asked loudly: "Xiao Mi, are you alright?"

Xiaomi's voice came from the kitchen: "It's almost ready, Miss Crimson Yan, wait a minute."

"Okay." Yue Feiyan glanced sideways at the swinging clock on the wall.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and Mu Liang, Yue Qinlan and others had already gone to the great hall, and the auction in the afternoon was very important.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~ ~"

After a while, the little maid came out of the kitchen with a fruit basket in her hand.

"Let's go, Miss Scarlet Yan." Xiaomi said obediently.

Yue Feiyan glanced at the exquisitely shaped fruit basket, and said in surprise, "That's what you prepare in the kitchen?"

Xiaomi nodded, and said obediently: "Yes, didn't your majesty say that you should bring fruit when you visit patients.

"Eh..." Yue Feiyan stretched out her hand and scratched her forehead, her red eyes flickered.

"Hee hee, Miss Scarlet Yan forgot, right?" Xiaomi blinked her beautiful eyes.

Yue Feiyan put on a straight face, and said solemnly: "It's nothing, I know you will fix it, so I didn't say anything."

"Yeah, I think so too." Xiaomi nodded with a smile like a flower.

She wants to accompany the red-haired 980 girl to visit Su'er, and she has worked with Wei Youlan for so long, the two are as close as sisters.

"Let's go." Yue Feiyan urged.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Carrying a fruit basket, Xiaomi followed behind the red-haired girl, left the palace and got on the animal cart to the residential area.

On the beast car, Yue Feiyan looked at the fruit basket of the little maid, and the red eyes flashed. If the mother knew that she had forgotten the fruit, would she rub it?

Thinking of this, she turned her head and asked, "Xiao Mi, if my mother asks about visiting Xiaolan's mother, what would you say?"

Xiaomi's head was full of doubts, she tilted her head and said, "Miss Scarlet Yan, haven't we met Miss Xiaolan's mother yet?"

"Ahem, I'm talking about the things before departure." Yue Feiyan coughed a few times, pointing to the fruit basket with her eyes.

"What happened before departure..." Xiaomi blinked her beautiful eyes, her thoughts drifted away and she pondered for a moment.

Yue Feiyan's eyes showed joy, and she hurriedly asked: "Do you understand?"

"Ming, understand." Xiaomi said in an uncertain tone.

This is to make myself explain everything clearly, so that Master Yue Qinlan can praise Miss Scarlet Yan.

Thinking of this, she nodded affirmatively, it must be like this.

"That's good." Only then did Yue Feiyan feel relieved, and hummed a little tune happily.

Soon after, the animal cart stopped outside the building where Su'er lived.

"Miss Yue Feiyan, we're here." The coachman reminded.

"Understood." Yue Feiyan responded, pushed the door and got out of the car with Xiaomi.

Crisp's home.

Holding a hot towel, Wei Youlan carefully wiped off the sweat on her mother's forehead, avoiding the bruises and wounds.

Su'er was lying flat, covered with a quilt, her face was seriously injured, her forehead and head were swollen.

Wei Youlan's eyes turned red, and she asked in a low voice: "Mom, how do you feel today?"

"Fortunately, I can't die." Su'er forced a smile.

"Mother, it's better for father to come." Wei Youlan said suddenly.

Su'er's body trembled, and she raised her voice: "No, your father is so busy, so you don't need to bother him to run back for such trivial matters.

Wei Youlan opened her mouth and said with red eyes: "But mother can't even get out of bed, this is already very serious."

Su'er reluctantly raised her hand, patted the back of her daughter's hand lightly, and comforted her: "It's okay, didn't you drink the healing medicine, just lie down for a few days and you'll be fine.

Wei Youlan bit her lower lip, and continued in silence for a moment: "Mother, the secret medicine for healing is not a panacea. I have been drinking it for two days, and my health is not good..."

The healing elixir my mother used was very common.

"It's okay, anyway, don't disturb your father, he is a person who will do great things." Su Chuan said seriously.

"Okay, I won't disturb father." Wei Youlan nodded with red eyes.

She thought for a while and continued: "Then I'll go to His Majesty or Master Qinlan, they must have a way to cure mother.

Su'er shook her head and said: "No, how can you bother Your Majesty with this kind of thing, this is our family business, Your Majesty is the king.

Wei Youlan's eyes turned red again when she heard the words, her mother was thinking of others wholeheartedly.

Su'er forced a smile, said strong and calmly: "Xiaolan, mother is fine, you can go back to work.

Wei Youlan shook her head quickly, and said with a firm expression: "Master Qinlan approved my long vacation and asked me to rest more.

Su'er opened her mouth, showing a wry smile, but soon she couldn't laugh anymore, the back pain made her extremely uncomfortable.

She accidentally stepped on the air and fell down the stairs. She hit the steps hard with her waist, which may have hurt her bones. Now she can only lie flat, unable to turn over.

Wei Youlan sighed, and decided to sneak back to the highland after a while, begging Muliang to heal her mother.

She is not afraid of losing face, as long as her mother can stand up and return to the way she was before, it is worth doing anything.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Wei Youlan and Su'er were both taken aback, who will be visiting at this time?

"Could it be that father is back?" Wei Youlan's beautiful eyes lit up.

Su'er moved her mouth and sighed softly: "Open the door.

"Okay." Wei Youlan hurriedly got up, put down the towel and ran outside, and opened the door without saying a word.


The faces of the red-haired girl and Xiaomi came into the girl's eyes, which magnified the color in her eyes.

"Miss Scarlet Yan, why are you here, Xiaomi?" Wei Youlan asked in surprise.

Yue Feiyan said crisply: "Xiao Lan, let's take a look at Aunt."

"This is for you." Xiaomi handed the fruit basket forward.

Wei Youlan glanced at it, and hurriedly said: "These are all spiritual fruits, they are too precious, take them back quickly."

She lives in the palace, so she naturally recognizes the difference between spiritual fruit and ordinary fruit, and she can tell the difference between the two at a glance.

"That can't be done, His Majesty asked us to bring it." Xiaomi smiled playfully and brought out the improvement.

Wei Youlan froze for a moment, then said with red eyes, "Your Majesty is so kind."

Xiaomi put the fruit basket on the table and scanned the room without seeing anyone else.

"Where's Aunt?" she asked casually.

Yue Feiyan urged: "Yes, what about Aunt, quickly take us to see her."

"Mother is on the bed, I can't get up." Wei Youlan said as she walked towards her mother's room.

"Can't get up?" Yue Feiyan was stunned, and quickly followed Wei Youlan's pace.

"Xiao Lan, who is here?" Su'er's weak voice sounded.

Wei Youlan said softly: "Mother, Miss Yue Feiyan and Xiaomi are here."

Yue Feiyan and Xiaomi walked into the room, and the first thing they saw was Su'er lying flat on the bed, her complexion was very bad, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was as pale as paper.

ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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