Chairman Jin looked gloomy, and raised the number plate in his hand again: "Three million.

The vice president's huge Adam's apple rolled up and down, he hesitated for a while, but he couldn't say any words of persuasion.

"Three million and two hundred thousand yuan." In the VIP room, the cold female voice sounded again.

President Jin gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, Queen Oss, you insist on going against me.

The corner of Hu Immortal's lips curled up, and he asked loudly: "The current highest price is 3.2 million yuan, is there a higher price?"


Chairman Jin took a deep breath, hesitated for a while, raised the number plate in his hand and made another offer: "3.3 million yuan.

"Very good, now the highest price has come to 3.3 million yuan." The smile in the rose red eyes of the fox fairy is getting deeper and deeper. It would be great if the transaction price can break through 4 million yuan.

She asked again: "Is there a higher price?"

"Three million and four hundred thousand yuan." It was still the cold female voice, and the Queen of the Kingdom of Russia made an offer again.

"Three and a half million yuan." Chairman Jin seemed to have broken the jar, and he was bound to take this picture of the space magic array.

"3.6 million yuan." The Queen of Russia spoke again.

Mu Liang crossed his legs, and said calmly: "Let's fight, it's best to raise the price a bit more."

The money earned from the annual auction can almost cover two to three percent of the national fiscal revenue.

"The maximum of four million yuan should come to an end." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

"Almost." Mu Liang smiled.

While the few people were chatting, only President Jin and the Queen of Russia remained in the bidding in the hall, and everyone else looked like they were watching a good show.

"Four million yuan." President Jin gritted his teeth and quoted the highest price.

In the VIP room, the Queen of Russia hesitated for a while, but in the end she did not choose to keep up and gave up bidding with President Jin.

Hu Immortal was a little disappointed, and waited for a long time to make sure that there was no more bids before dropping the small hammer in his hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

She raised her hand in congratulations and said, "Let's congratulate Jin, this map of the space magic array is yours now."

"..." Chairman Jin twitched the corners of his mouth. Although he took a picture of the magic array, he was not at all happy. The transaction price far exceeded his expected price.

Hu Immortal clapped his hands, and the staff sent the next auction item to the high platform.

She lifted the red cloth on it, and said in a solemn tone: "The ninety-seventh lot is a potion that can temporarily increase the strength of a day bottle.

Hearing that it can improve strength, many people have raised their interest.

"Temporarily increase one level of strength?" Ling Xiang asked in confusion.

The fox fairy nodded with a smile, and explained: "Yes, after taking the potion, the level of strength that can be improved by a whole level within five minutes can be retained for half an hour.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar again. With such a potion, wouldn't it be possible to easily kill the enemy if he drank it in advance when facing the enemy?

Hu Immortal added: "However, this bottle of potion is only effective for those who are below the ninth level. People who are above the ninth level will not be effective if they drink it."

"It's only effective for powerhouses below the ninth level, but this is too exaggerated. Will the aftermath be serious after taking it?"

"Yeah, haven't you said there are any sequelae?"

The great hall became noisy, because fat people were concerned about the sequelae after taking the potion.

"Such a powerful potion will naturally have sequelae, but you don't have to worry, the materials used to refine this bottle of potion are very rare, so the sequelae are not serious." Hu Immortal paused.

She scanned everyone in the audience, and continued: "In the next month after taking the potion, people will be completely weak, and their bodies will become very weak, so they can only rest in bed.

"That's it?" The astonishment kept ringing out.

Potions with similar effects are not without, but each of them will make the user's life worse than death, and in severe cases, it will even cause the realm to regress, and even pay the price of shortening the lifespan.

And the potion that Fox Immortal took out can temporarily increase the strength of the first level, and at the same time, the sequelae are only to make people stay in bed for a month. Compared with other strength-enhancing potions, this is not much different from no sequelae.

"Yes." Hu Immortal's eyes flickered, if it wasn't for the lack of time, Yin'er could research a potion with less after-effects.

This bottle of potion was accidentally researched by Yuffier.

She originally wanted to make a few more bottles of potions, but due to the scarcity of raw materials, she could only temporarily dismiss this idea.

"What's the starting price?" Someone shouted impatiently.

Hu Immortal smiled slightly, and said loudly: "The starting price is two million yuan, and each increase must not be less than ten thousand yuan."

"Two and a half million yuan." Ling Xiang shouted.

As soon as the girl finished speaking, someone raised the price to three million yuan, "It's a certain king in the VIP room.

"Here again." Ling Xiang put down the number plate in his hand.

She has spent too many Xuanwu coins these days, and the remaining Xuanwu coins on her body are only 2.5 million yuan, which cannot be higher.

It's not just her, Lingyun is the same, and the remaining basalt coins are even less.

Ten minutes later, the transaction price of this bottle of potion was raised to 4.1 million yuan, and it was auctioned off by the Queen of Russia.

The fox fairy was happy, and continued with the next auction: "The ninety-eighth auction item..."

Today's auction item No. 98 is a three-piece set of advanced magic equipment, including armor, spears, and shields.

Each piece of the three-piece set is a high-end magic tool, and the quality is the best. If the three pieces of magic tools are used together, the effect will be better than one plus one plus one.

"The starting price is 4 million yuan, and each increase must not be less than 50,000 yuan."

Hu Immortal's words resounded, causing the audience to be in an uproar, but when they thought that these were three high-end magic tools being auctioned together, they all felt relieved.

The audience was silent for more than ten seconds before anyone started bidding.

"4.05 million yuan." The voice of the Queen of Russia came from the VIP room.

President Jin thought for a while and held up the number plate: "4.1 million yuan.

"..." The expression on the vice president's face was already numb.

"4.2 million yuan." The Queen of Russia continued to quote.

"4.3 million yuan." The king of Sand Island Kingdom also participated.

The Fox Immortal looked indifferent, those kings and top rich merchants are very rich, four million yuan is just the beginning, such a good magic tool, the transaction price will not be less than six million yuan.

This is a set of magical equipment that can be used as a foundation. It can be disassembled and used, and it can be assembled and used to completely allow people to achieve the same level of dominance.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, the three-piece set of magic equipment was auctioned off by the king of Sand Island Kingdom, and the transaction price was 6.55 million yuan.

President Jin curled his lips, he was not interested in the three-piece set of magic equipment, and he just wanted to disgust the Queen of Russia by participating in the bidding.

Hu Immortal signaled the staff to send auction item No. 99 to the high platform.

It was a 1.5 meter long magic wand, the whole body was bright black, like a black gem.

The corners of Fox Immortal's lips raised, and he said in a high voice: "Auction item No. 99, a magic wand."

"Mine." Chairman Jin's eyes were shining brightly.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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