Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2310: No, I Don't Have One, I'm A Nobleman. (2 More)

"I bully people?"

Yaoxi smiled contemptuously, leaned forward slightly and said, "If it wasn't because this is the Xuanwu Kingdom, you would have been beaten to death by me."

Kleiman freed up a hand, tugged at the remaining sleeve, and said softly, "Sini, let's go."

Xi Ni stared at Yaoxi with red eyes, the knuckles of the hand holding the lunch box turned white due to too much force.

Yaoxi's face turned cold, and she ordered: "If you dare to stare at me, I will gouge out her eyes."

The attendant said hesitantly: "Miss, this..."


"Why, you didn't listen to my order?" Yaoxi turned around and slapped the attendant on the face.

"Don't dare." The attendant lowered his head submissively, complaining incessantly.

This is the Xuanwu Kingdom. If someone really poached someone's eyes, then he would not be far from death.

Yaoxi said coldly: "Then do it, goug their eyes out."

"Xi'er, don't mess around, this is the Xuanwu Kingdom." The old man said seriously.

Yaoxi waved his hand and said indifferently: "Grandpa, it's okay, I didn't kill them, I just taught them a lesson, Xuanwu will not do anything to us independently.

The old man frowned, feeling that what his granddaughter said made sense.

Yaoxi hugged the old man's hand and said coquettishly: "Besides, we are all nobles, and we just taught two untouchables a lesson.

"Well, then it's up to you." The old man pampered his granddaughter's face.

"Hee hee... Grandpa is the best." Yaoxi shook the old man's 790 arm coquettishly.

She turned her head to look at the attendants, her eyes suddenly turned cold: "Do it, goug their eyes out."

"Yes." The attendant breathed a sigh of relief. Since the Duke nodded, he should be fine.

He looked at the pale-faced Kleiman and Sydney, stepped forward with a ruthless face, and was about to pull the girl's hand.

"No." Sydney was startled, and hurriedly hid back.

"You can't do this." Kleiman shouted anxiously, trying to step forward to stop the attendant, but he hurt his knee, and his body became unstable and he fell forward.


The lunch box in the girl's hand flew out, and the cakes were scattered all over the floor, all of which were broken.

"My pastry." Kleiman's complexion changed, and her whole body hurt from such a fall.

Yaoxi looked at the shoes and skirt that were splashed by the pastry, her complexion suddenly turned cold.

She looked at Kleiman with murderous intent, and said word by word: "You really deserve to die."

"Get out of the way." Xi Ni was grabbed by the attendant and couldn't break free no matter what.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it." Yaoxi stepped forward angrily, raised her hand and slapped the attendant hard on the face.

She said angrily: "Trash, it's useless to ask you to do something."

"It was the subordinate's fault. The attendant bowed his head and admitted his mistake with ease.


Yaoxi snorted angrily, looked back at Kleiman, raised her hand and slapped her in the same way.


Kleiman's pupils shrank, and he turned sideways quickly, and the slap landed on his shoulder.

It's just that Yaoxi used all her strength, this slap caused severe pain to the girl's shoulder, and her whole body trembled.

Sydney roared, "How can you hit someone?"

Yaoxi sneered and said: "Untouchables, if you stain my skirt and shoes, you will die too much."

She was very angry, since she came to the Xuanwu Kingdom, she has not received the respect she deserved, and the people around her have no sense of awe for her.

When she went out to eat, no one served her respectfully, and she had to queue up, which made her very upset.

So when I met Kleiman today, I wanted to teach her a lesson and vent my inner dissatisfaction.

Xi Ni raised her foot and was about to step on Kleiman's back. She used all her strength, and with this foot, the girl would either die or be half disabled.

"Shadow spider silk." An indifferent voice sounded, and invisible fluctuations spread out, enveloping the surrounding people.

Yaoxi showed a look of astonishment, the raised foot could not fall down, not only that, except for the eyes and mouth, other parts of the body could not move.

Not only her, but the old man and attendants next to her were unable to move, as if someone had cast a hold spell on them.

"Your Majesty is coming." There was an uproar from around, and everyone showed expressions of watching the show.

"Tap (afaf) wal

A car came from a distance and stopped outside the great hall. Liyue got off the driver's seat and opened the rear door.

Mu Liang and Hu Xian got out of the car one after another, both of them had a cold look on their faces, which made everyone around them nervous.

The accompanying highland guards got off the motorcycle and lined up in two rows in front of the Great Hall, sandwiching Xie Ni and the others.

"Your Majesty, Wan An." The surrounding people saluted respectfully.

Mu Liang nodded, then looked coldly at Yaoxi who was independent on one leg, and asked calmly, "What happened?"

Kleiman was helped up by Qian Ni, knelt on the cakes all over the floor, and saluted respectfully: "I have seen Your Majesty."

Xi Ni's eyes were red, she opened her mouth and did not dare to speak.

The old man asked with an ugly face: "Your Majesty Xuanwu, what's going on, why can't I move?"

"Yeah, why can't I move?" Yaoxi panicked.

Hu Immortal glanced down at the ground, regretfully said: "The pastries in this place are a bit of a waste.

Yaoxi hurriedly shouted: "It's them who dropped these cakes and stained my shoes and skirt."

"It's my fault." Kleiman lowered his head even lower.

Yaoxi said angrily: "Of course it's your fault and you must pay me for the shoes and skirt."

"I..." Kleiman opened his mouth.

"What's going on?" Mu Liang ignored Yaoxi, his voice was calm and waveless.

The seven-color light flashed, and Heatherfin appeared next to Mu Liang, whispering what happened.

The more Mu Liang and Hu Xian listened, the colder their faces became, and they looked at Yaoxi and the other three as if they were looking at a dead person.

"It's so cold." Yaoxi's body trembled.

She couldn't see Mu Liang's face, but felt a chill coming from behind her.

Hu Immortal walked up the line and came to the front of the girl, staring at the panic-stricken face, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

"Your Excellency Fox Immortal, help me." Yaoxi's eyes showed joy, thinking that the woman at the end of the arc was here to help her get rid of her abnormal body.

"Save you?" The fox fairy chuckled lightly.

She turned around, stretched out her hand to look at Kleiman and said, "Get up first."

Kleiman looked at the outstretched hand of the fox fairy with a face full of astonishment.

"Lord Fox Immortal, I'm dirty." She didn't reach out, and was about to stand up staggeringly, but her knees hurt so badly that she couldn't stand up straight at all.

Mu Liang raised his hand and waved lightly, and an invisible force supported Kleiman, allowing her to stand upright.

Mu Liang ordered coldly: "Come here, connect them."

"Yes." The highland guards responded, stepped forward and grabbed Yaoxi, the old man, and the attendants, and turned around to escort them to the prison.

Yaoxi said urgently: "Your Majesty Xuanwu, what's going on?"

Heatherfin said coldly: "You are suspected of crimes such as personality insult, violence, and intentional injury, and you are now being detained.

"No, I don't, I'm a nobleman." Yaoxi turned pale and struggled hard.

"Shut up." With a thought, Mu Liang fell silent.

The three of them couldn't even speak a word.

There are always people who don't recognize their own position. This is Mu Liang's territory, and it is his rules that must be followed.


ps: [2 update]: The third update of the positive code. .

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