Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2336: Magic Array Printer. (2 More)

Palace, studio interior.

Mu Liang sat on the high chair, holding the drawn defensive magic array in his hand, ready to experiment to see if it could be used.

He picked up a piece of purple-patterned light steel, inlaid a fifth-order warcraft spar on it, and began to draw a defensive magic circle.

What Mu Liang wanted to draw was the Wang Tier defensive magic circle, which he improved and designed in two days.

He planned to take advantage of the enchanting property of the purple-pattern light steel, and use the Warcraft spar as a medium to make the defensive magic circle work on the city wall.

What we have to do now is to test whether this method is feasible.

"I hope it succeeds once." Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he began to draw a magic circle on the Warcraft spar and purple light steel.

Time passed, and three hours passed quickly, and he successfully drew the Wangjie defensive magic circle.

"Try it." He murmured to himself, and disappeared into the studio.

After several space jumps, the improvement came to the outer city wall of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Mu Liang floated in the air, looking at the towering city wall: "Just here."

He took out the purple-patterned light steel and pressed one hand on the city wall. The city wall touched by his palm began to soften, becoming like water.

With a wave of Mu Liang's hand, the purple-patterned light steel engraved with a magic circle flew out, pierced through the softened city wall, and went all the way to the center of the city wall.

He put down his hand, and the softened city wall became hard again.

At the same time, the magic circle inside the city wall was activated, and a three-dimensional magic circle appeared out of thin air, covering the 100-meter-long city wall.

The next moment, the magic circle turned into a rune and was branded on the city wall.

Mu Liang looked indifferent, raised his hand and condensed a huge compressed fireball, smashing hard on the city wall with the rune brand.


There was a violent roar, and the city wall remained motionless. The fireball just now seemed to be tickling the city wall.

"Success." The corners of Mu Liang's lips rose, and the power of the fireball reached the ninth level, which could not cause damage to the city wall.

His eyes flickered, and when the reinforced magic circle was drawn, the city wall would become more stable.

Mu Liang inspected the city wall to make sure that the magic circle would not be destroyed easily, and then he was completely relieved.

He sighed, "To cover the entire city wall, I will die of exhaustion.

The city wall is too high and too long, and the king-level defensive magic array he drew can only cover a city wall that is 100 meters long at a time.

If it is to cover all the city walls in the Xuanwu Kingdom, it will take at least a year, which is much longer than originally expected.

A year later, Roy has awakened.

Mu Liang lowered his eyes and pondered: "I have to find a way, the copying ability is not enough."

He thought for a long time, and an idea came to his mind.

There were copiers and 3D printers in his previous life. In his opinion, the magic circle is like a three-dimensional pattern, which can be produced like a master 3D printer and copier.

It's just that the materials used are different. Drawing a magic circle requires strong soul power, spiritual power, and magic power, all of which are indispensable.

Mu Liang's deep eyes lit up. If he can research a spiritual weapon, he only needs to inject soul power, spiritual power, and magic power to realize the mass production of magic circles.

"Maybe, go back and study it." He disappeared in place and returned to the local palace.

As soon as Li Yue entered the main hall, she saw Mu Liang who suddenly appeared, and asked in surprise, "Mu Liang, where have you been?"

"I did an experiment." Mu Liang said softly.

Li Yue said softly: "I thought you were still in the studio."

"Well, I have to go now." Mu Liangping said peacefully.

He has a lot of ideas, as long as the 'magic array printer' is produced, it can save a lot of time and energy.

Li Yue said crisply: "Let's eat something first, you haven't come out for two days.

"Alright." Mu Liang raised the corners of his lips, and followed the silver-haired girl to the restaurant.

Xiaomi asked crisply: "What does Your Majesty want to eat, I will do it now."

Mu Liang said indifferently: "The bowl of noodles is ready."

"Okay." Xiaomi nodded obediently, turned and went to the kitchen.

Mu Liang sat down and waited for Xiaomi to cook the noodles.

He asked gently: "Did nothing happen in the kingdom these two days?"

"No, everything is fine." Li Yue said softly.

Mu Liang said clearly: "That's good, I should go to the studio for a few more days."

Liyue asked curiously: "Haven't the magic circle been researched yet?"

"The defensive magic circle has been researched, but it still needs to be optimized to see if it can increase the coverage." Mu Liang leaned back.

He put the back of his head in his hands and said: "There are some problems in strengthening the magic circle. It needs to be redesigned, and the magic circle printer needs to be studied. There are many things to do."

...asking for flowers......

Li Yue said crisply: "Don't worry, Xuanwu Kingdom will be fine with us watching over it."

"It is precisely because of this that I dare not come out of the studio for a few days." Mu Liang stretched out his hand and gently scratched the bridge of the silver-haired girl's nose.

Li Yue's pretty face blushed slightly, she changed the subject and said, "Did you forget the summary of the exercise experience?"

"Have they finished writing?" Mu Liang raised his eyebrows and asked.

Li Yue asked softly: "Well, it's all written, I put it away, can you take a look now?"

"Then let's have a look." Mu Liang thought that the noodles were not cooked yet, and he was just sitting and waiting, so why not read the experience summary written by Hu Xi and others.

Liyue took out a stack of documents from the space storage magic tool, and handed it to the man beside her.


Mu Liang flipped through the pages one by one. The first one was written by Nijisha, and the content was quite satisfactory [not too bad.

The second one was written by Kaina, which is much better than Nijisha's, with beautiful and clear fonts, and no dyslexia.

When Mu Liang saw the third experience summary, his brows frowned.

"This is..." He looked at the ghostly characters on the paper, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

"Written by Mia." Li Yue said calmly.

Mu Liang fell silent, the original reading speed of twenty lines at a glance, but now he can only read one line at a time, and some characters are still difficult to decipher.

He put down the document in his hand, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Tell Mia, spare an hour every day to practice calligraphy, and let Xiao Nuo teach her.

"Okay." A smile flashed in Li Yue's eyes.

"Let her rewrite it." Mu Liang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Li Yue showed such an expression on her face, she nodded and said: "I will tell her.

Mu Liang raised his hand and raised his forehead: "Out of the five thousand characters, three thousand characters describe the environment..."

He continued to look down, and after reading the documents one by one, he unexpectedly found that the experience summary written by Huxi was not bad.

"Fifteen thousand characters, it's pretty good to be able to write like this." Li Yue said crisply.

Mu Liang nodded in agreement: "Well, at least it's better than Mia's."

He put down all the documents, some of which had to be typed back and rewritten.

After filling his stomach, Mu Liang entered the studio without looking back.

ps: [2 more]: The third watchman in the positive code. .

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