Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2340: The Ciphertext Of The Xuanwu Kingdom. (3 More)

At night, in the palace.

The restaurant was filled with the smell of food, Yue Feiyan and others sat around the dining table, enjoying today's dinner.

Mia took a sip of the hot soup, and said softly: "Mu Liang went to the studio again, and he hasn't read my new experience summary yet."

"Don't worry, when he comes out, I will remind him to watch it." Xi Beiqi said with a smile.

"Then I thank you." Mia twitched the corner of her mouth.

Xi Beiqi smiled playfully: "You're welcome."

"Sister, I have to practice calligraphy at night." Mino reminded.

..." Mia was silent for a while, then heaved a long sigh.

She said helplessly: "Understood, practice calligraphy when you are full."

In the past few days, Catwoman has practiced calligraphy with her younger sister, and practiced for an hour every day. When the time came, the girl with rabbit ears would remind her on time, so she would never forget.

Mia also knows that her handwriting is ugly, so she also pays attention to practicing handwriting.

Yueqin Lan said earnestly: "Mia, your handwriting is really ugly, practice more.

"... I see." Mia was a little dumbfounded.

"Qin Yu and Xin Xi will be back tomorrow." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Alina chewed for a while, and said in surprise: "So fast?"

Yue Qinlan explained: "When you come back to replenish supplies, the transport spaceship is also damaged, and Jialu needs to be repaired.

Nijisha said crisply: "143 is just right, it can be replaced with a warship."

There are two warships available now, and they are better than the current transport spaceships in terms of moving speed, the number of weapons equipped on board, and their power.

Yue Qinlan said gracefully: "That's what I planned too, it's time for the warship to go to the battlefield to test the effect.

The shipbuilding factory is running day and night, and the workers take turns to work in three shifts, trying their best to build warships.

Yue Feiyan asked curiously: "Speaking of warships, is Mu Liang still researching new weapons?"

"Well, it seems to be called a missile, as for what it is, I don't know what it is, Li Yue said softly.

She had only seen the design drawings, but she couldn't understand them at all, and Mu Liang didn't explain too much.

Yue Qinlan picked up a ball and said gracefully: "I know the missile, it is still in the design stage, and it won't be produced so soon.

"Is it powerful?" Yan Bing asked softly.

"I heard from Mu Liang that missiles can directly attack the New World from the Xuanwu Kingdom."

Yue Qinlan put down her chopsticks and said, "As for whether it is powerful or not, then I don't know, I have to wait for Mu Liang to create it."


Yue Feiyan and the others gasped, they could directly attack from the Xuanwu Kingdom to the New World, the attack distance was too terrifying.

Yue Qinlan said calmly: "This is just what Mu Liang said. Whether it can be realized or not depends on the performance of the real thing."

When she first heard what Mu Liang said, she was the same as Yue Jingyan and the others.

"That's right, it all depends on the real thing." Nijisha and others nodded slowly.

Yue Qinlan continued: "Apart from missiles, Mu Liang also talked about shock bombs, but they can't make them for the time being.

"It sounds very powerful." Xi Beiqi praised.

"Eat quickly, we don't have to worry about that." Yue Qinlan picked up the soup bowl and tasted the seafood soup gracefully.

After everyone finished their dinner, took a shower, and studied, Elena and Yan Bing left the palace. They will be on duty today.

Mia went to her sister's room. There was a stack of papers on the table, and Mino was helping to sharpen pencils.

Seeing his sister coming in, Mino hurriedly said, "Quick, copy all these words first."

Mia looked at the book her sister took out, it was the constitution of the Xuanwu Kingdom, should she copy it all?

"Copy all?" She twitched her lips and looked at her sister.

Mino said with a serious face: "Sister, to practice calligraphy is to write more, so that you can practice well."

"Then you don't have to copy them all..." Mia pursed her pink lips.

"You don't need to copy them all, let's go to Beishi today." Mino said crisply.

"Okay." Mia sighed, sat down and picked up a pen to start copying the constitution.

Mino watched from the side, correcting his sister's strokes from time to time.

"No, this character must be written in this way." Mino picked up the pen and taught with his hands.

"Xiao Nuo, why don't you teach me how to write Chinese characters?" Mi (bgdj) Ya said suddenly.

"Hey, why?" Mino blinked his beautiful eyes.

Mia explained: "We want to use Chinese characters as ciphertext, so that when we pass on secret messages in the future, we don't have to worry about being known by outsiders.

In this world, only a few people such as Muliang, Minuo, Liyue, and Yueqinlan know Chinese characters.

The reason why Mino and others knew Chinese characters was taught by Mu Liang himself, so that they could understand the contents of the mobile phone.

The "we" in Catwoman's mouth refers to the members of the Ghost Special Forces.

"That's right, but Chinese characters are difficult to learn." Mino said charmingly.

It took her half a month to learn to read and write Chinese characters.

"No matter how difficult it is, you have to learn." Mia said seriously.

"Okay, then I'll teach you." Mino didn't hesitate any longer, pulled the chair and sat down.

She picked up the pen and wrote all kinds of radicals on the paper.

Mia watched carefully, and when the radicals became more and more, she couldn't help the corners of her eyes twitching. This is much more difficult than imagined.

Minuo said in a serious tone: "Sister, Chinese characters are difficult to say, and not difficult to say, let's learn radicals first, then learn pinyin, and finally learn characters."

"Okay." Mia agreed.

There is no pinyin in this world. The pinyin currently used in the Xuanwu Kingdom was improved by Mu Liang using the pinyin of Chinese characters, which is convenient for schools to teach literacy.

Mino Jiaohan said: "This is +++ this is

"..." Mia moved her mouth, and followed her sister to read out the names of various radicals.

Half an hour later, Catwoman was a bit hopeless, and learning Chinese characters was far more difficult than imagined.

She remembered what Mu Liang said, that in the future Chinese will become a must-learn language for the core members of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Thinking of this, Mia calmed down and continued to learn.

Unknowingly, an hour passed, Cai Nuo put down his pen and said, "Let's learn this first today.

"Wait a minute, teach me to write our names." Mia said quickly.

"It's easy." Mino agreed, picked up a pen and wrote down the names of himself and his sister on the paper.

She said delicately: "This is 'Mino', this is 'Mia', you should be able to remember it after a few times.

Mia nodded slowly, and said again: "Where is Mu Liang, how do you write it?"

Without further ado, Mino picked up a pen and wrote down Mu Liang's name on the paper.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult." Mia muttered, starting to practice writing about Mu Liang's famous officials.

After reading it, Mino complained: "It's crooked, like a bug twisting around."

"...I'll practice again." Mia tightened her hands tightly and wrote carefully, stroke by stroke.

"Learn slowly, you probably won't be able to learn it if you don't use it halfway." Mino said charmingly.

"Yeah." Mia nodded without looking up.

ps: [3 more]: Please customize. .

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