Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2349: Stay With Me At Night Hehehe. (2 More)

At night, in the palace.

The tempting aroma wafted from the restaurant, and the dinner in the palace was hot pot.

"Gulu Gulu~~~"

There are three self-heating pots on the dining table, two of which are filled with spicy soup, and the other is filled with bone broth, and the bottom of the soup is already boiling.

Mu Liang sat at the head seat, and the little maid helped put the meat slices into the pot.

"I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time." Yuffier's eyes sparkled, staring at the sliced ​​meat rolling in the hot pot.

Alina reached out and poked the face of the blond girl with double ponytails, and said angrily: "I asked you to come to the restaurant to eat together several times, but you didn't come.

"I was busy at that time, so I couldn't leave." Yuffier puffed his cheeks, and the meat in his mouth was almost sprayed out by the pink-haired girl.

She often stays in the research institute for several days, and often forgets to eat three meals a day, which is also settled in the research institute.

"Pay attention to rest." Yue Qinlan said gracefully.

Yu Feier said delicately: "Yes, I will sleep when I am tired."

"By the way, did you get the rainbow mushroom?" Yueqinlan asked gracefully.

Yuffier said crisply: "I got it, but I haven't studied it yet, I'll take a look tomorrow.

Mu Liangping said peacefully: "Take a day off tomorrow, don't worry."

"There's nothing to do when you're resting." Yuffier said coquettishly.

Mino shook his rabbit ears and said: "Why, there are many more items on the playground, let's go play together.

Yuffier hesitated, swallowing the piece of meat in her mouth.

"Go, rest for a day." Mu Liang finalized.

Yuffier said in a soft voice: "Okay, let's take a rest for a day.

Mu Liang said with a smile on his lips, "Go and have fun."

Yuffier nodded obediently: "Okay~~~"

Yue Feiyan blinked her red eyes, she also wanted to rest, but when she thought about the training of the air force, she gave up the idea again.

The training intensity of the Air Force has been increased, in order to cope with the future war with the Void Clan.

Not only the air force, but also the army and navy. The intensity of daily training is doubled, and the intensity of special training is even higher.

The same is true for the Ghost Special Forces and the Holy Light Guard, and the training intensity is only strong but not low.

The fox fairy shook his ears, and looked at Mu Liang's face with rose-red eyes, shining brightly.

Mu Liang glanced back, only to see the fox-tailed woman raised her lips and cast a wink.

"Mu Liang, are you busy at night?" She asked charmingly,

Mu Liang's throat twitched, and he said, "I'm not busy, I'll do the rest tomorrow."

"Stay with me that night...hehehe." The fox fairy teased in a charming tone.

Xi Beiqi and Yue Feiyan made voices at the same time, and looked at the fox-tailed woman with gossipy eyes.

"Ahem, you guys should talk about this kind of thing in private." Nijisha said with strange eyes.

"That's right, I don't even..." Alina muttered softly.

The corners of Nijisha's eyes twitched, and she narrowed her eyes slightly and asked, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing, you heard it wrong." Alina's pretty face blushed immediately, and she quickly picked up a meatball and stuffed it into her mouth.

Mino's entire face was flushed, he looked at the fox-tailed woman, then looked at Mu Liang's face, his face became more and more red.

"Tut tsk tsk~~~"

Yue Feiyan embraced her body with both hands, shaking her head while babbling.

The fox fairy rolled her pretty eyes, and said coquettishly: "What are you thinking, I'm about to break through, Tuan Muliang is with me."

The foxtail woman remembered that when she broke through to the eighth level last time, Mu Liang was not by her side, and she told her when she came back that she had to tell him the next time she broke through,

"Hey, sister Fox Immortal is about to break through?" Mino pink lips parted.

"Really?" Li Yue asked in surprise.

Hu Xian said in a melodious voice: "Breakthrough to the eighth intermediate level is only a breakthrough to a small realm."

Li Yue said with a serious face: "That is already very powerful, it is difficult for others to break through a small realm, and it will not be so fast.

"If I don't break through, I will be weaker than Xibeqi," said the fox fairy, looking at the vampire girl.

Xi Beiqi smiled like a flower and said: "Hee hee, next time I will be better than you."

If she absorbs another drop of Mu Liang's blood, she will be able to break through to the ninth level, surpassing Hu Xian, Yue Qinlan and others.

"Mu Liang, don't give her blood next time, she's provoking me." Hu Immortal said seriously.

"I was wrong." Xi Beiqi apologized without saying a word.

"Hahahaha." Mu Liang couldn't help laughing out loud.

Xi Beiqi tried her best to look pitiful, and said in a pitiful tone: "Mu Liang, you are the best, right?"

"Well, I'm the best." Mu Liang nodded and chuckled.

All the girls couldn't hold back, and laughed, making the dinner atmosphere joyful.

After dinner, Mu Liang and Hu Xian went to the side hall to prepare for the breakthrough.

"Eat a star fruit first." Mu Liang took out a ninth-grade star fruit and handed it to the fox-tailed woman.

"Okay." The fox fairy responded, eating the star fruit slowly, staring at Mu Liang with a pair of beautiful eyes and a smile.

Mu Liang raised his eyebrows lightly, thinking of what the fox-tailed woman said in the restaurant, he thought too much.

"Mu Liang, why are you getting more and more beautiful?" Hu Immortal suddenly asked.

She remembered that when she first met Mu Liang, although she thought he was handsome, compared to now, he was completely different.

"Probably because you discovered my charm." Mu Liang laughed dumbfounded.

The fox fairy smiled charmingly, and his eyes sparkled: You have always been so charming that people can't take their eyes off. "

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and his body leaned forward slightly.

The fox fairy's slender eyelashes trembled, and the two breathed closer and closer, and her heartbeat also began to speed up.

"No, it's time to break through." The next second, she sat up straight, and her energy began to surge.

"..." Mu Liang sighed, sat up straight, and paid attention to the situation of the fox-tailed woman.

A wave of energy surged out of the fox fairy's body, and he began to strengthen his body, and the aura he exuded slowly rose.

Mu Liang stretched out his hand, condensed a mass of life elements, and shot it directly into the body of the fox-tailed woman.

The beautiful eyes of the fox fairy were tightly closed, and the slender eyelashes trembled.

The aura she exuded gradually stabilized, the fox tail behind her swayed slightly, and a section of the ninth fox tail had already grown.

When the ninth fox tail is fully grown, it is the time when the fox fairy enters the ninth stage.

The fox fairy sat cross-legged, and the aura he exuded gradually stabilized (Nuo Zhao's) at the eighth intermediate level.

Mu Liang is relieved, the foxtail woman has successfully broken through, and the next step is to consolidate her realm.


The fox fairy opened his eyes, his red lips parted slightly, and let out a mouthful of turbid air.

"How?" Mu Liang reached out and pulled the fox-tailed woman up.

Hu Xian took advantage of the situation and leaned against Mu Liang's arms, and said charmingly: "I'm fine, but I have some wishes.

"Then go back and rest." Mu Liang hugged the fox-tailed woman's waist.

Hu Xianmei smiled: "Okay."

With a thought, Mu Liang disappeared into the side hall with the fox-tailed woman.

Outside the hall, Xiaomi heard the commotion inside the house, muttered something in a low voice, turned and left.

"Hey, why is Xiaomi back, where is your majesty?" Yao Er asked in surprise.

Xiaomi said crisply: "Your Majesty and Master Hu Xian have gone back to rest."


The little maids nodded in understanding.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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