Acropolis No. 9, the largest show hall is already full of people, the show stage is more than 100 meters long, and the audience is full of people.

The lantern beetle exudes light, and the light is gathered together by the bowl-shaped glass cover, illuminating the entire show.

The models on the show stage were wearing the latest clothes and walking on the show with long legs, which amazed the businessmen and nobles in the audience.

"This dress is so beautiful, I like it." The ladies' eyes sparkled, and they memorized the number plates on the models, and they were going to buy them after the fashion show was over.

The merchants took notebooks and pens, wrote down the numbers of the clothes they liked, and then ordered after the fashion show was over.

"The costumes this time are all very nice, so there are more of them."

"Some of them should be limited editions. I don't know if we can grab them."

The show is very noisy, and the backstage is even more unobstructed.

The "657" staff in charge of field control shouted loudly: "Quick, get ready on the 15th, you will be on the stage next."

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Model No. 15 quickly put on her number plate, adjusted her skirt, and stepped onto the show stage. The expression on her face instantly unfolded, and she walked forward with a smile on her waist.

The backstage was also full of people. There were more than a hundred models, all of whom had already changed into costumes and waited in a long line to go on stage.

After the models walked down the runway, they were dragged by the staff to change into new clothes and continued to line up at the end of the line.

The field controller shouted loudly: "Hurry up, the next Xue Ye, get ready to go on stage."

"Okay." Xue Ye took a deep breath, and it was her turn next, and it was the first time she appeared in today's fashion show.

"Xue Ye, come on." The field controller waved his hand.

With a smile on her face, Xue Ye stepped onto the show stage, walking from the darkness into the light.

The light of the lantern beetle shone on her, as if it gave her confidence, and every step she took was unwavering, and she walked forward step by step.

Xue Ye looked ahead, the singing voices in the show were full of enthusiasm, and the praises were endless.

"No. 17 is so pretty, what's her name?"

"Long legs and tall, really beautiful."

Xueye only has showrooms in her eyes and music in her ears. She loves this job now.

On the 100-meter-long show stage, she walked for two minutes before stepping off the stage, and walked quickly through the aisle to return to the backstage.

"Hurry up, go change into No. 30 clothes." The staff patted Xue Ye on the shoulder.

"Okay." Xue Ye responded, and quickly walked to the rows of hangers, took off the clothes with the number 20 brand and went into the dressing room.

Half an hour later, Xue Ye came on stage again.

Until the end of the fashion show, she appeared on stage six times.

The staff clapped their hands and said: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone, go back and rest, the fee will be settled tomorrow.


The models were all relieved, they could finally rest.

Mo Hong held Xue Ye's hand, and said with a crisp laugh: "Xue Ye, let's go back together.

"Okay." Xue Ye nodded slightly.

Mo Hong is her new friend, and also the first friend she has met after working in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Let's go." The corners of Mo Hong's lips raised, holding the hand of the vampire girl, whispering while walking.

The two walked to the train station, and the tickets back to the main city can be reimbursed, which saves two-thirds of the time compared to taking a beast car.

Mo Hong praised: "Xue Ye, you are so beautiful today."

Xue Ye said softly: "You are also very beautiful, today's red dress suits you very well.

"Hehehe, I wanted to buy it, but it's too expensive, and my annual salary is not enough." Mo Hong smiled wryly.

"It's very expensive." Xue Ye nodded in agreement.

The clothes on today's show are all high-quality goods, which only wealthy businessmen and nobles can afford.

The two chatted and walked towards the train station. When they passed an alley, two men in black robes suddenly walked out.

Xue Ye glanced back, and continued walking forward indifferently.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Mo Hong said delicately: "Xue Ye, why don't we go back after eating?"

"What do you want to eat?" Xue Ye asked casually.

Mo Hong thought for a while, then said in a crisp voice: "Let's eat rice rolls, I haven't eaten for a long time.

"Okay." Xue Ye smiled and nodded.

The black-robed man showed a fierce look in his eyes, and whispered: "Come on.

"Okay." The other black-robed man responded.

"Tap Tat ~ www

The two rushed forward, reaching out to grab the vampire girl.

Xue Ye turned around feeling aware, her golden pupils shrank rapidly, and she quickly raised her hand to resist.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Mo Hong screamed and was about to go up to help.

"Go away." The black-robed man raised his hand and waved, Mo Hong flew backwards and hit the wall.


Her body was in severe pain, she almost fainted, her eyes became blurred, she vaguely saw Xue Ye fighting with two men in black robes... 0

"Looking for death." The man in black grinned grinningly, reaching out to attack the vampire girl again.

Xue Ye looked ugly, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"Give up resistance, you can't escape." The black-robed man answered irrelevantly.

Xue Ye frowned tightly, and couldn't think of any enemies he had in Xuanwu Kingdom.

The three of them fought, which quickly attracted the attention of many people.

"What's wrong with where?"

"Someone is fighting, hurry up and call the patrol guards.

The crowd shouted, and some people turned and went straight to the Acropolis patrol guards.

The man in black yelled: "Quick, don't waste time, take her back."

"We must take her back, Master Feng Zhe is already waiting." Another man in black robe responded.

"Lord Fengzhe?" Xue Ye frowned.

Her complexion changed drastically, and the attack speed of the two black-robed men increased, causing her to retreat steadily, and soon she was injured.

The black-robed man sneered: "Give up your resistance, and we Immortals will treat you well." 1

"Immortals" Mo Hong spat out a mouthful of blood, and fainted after hearing only one sentence.


Xue Ye's golden eyes turned blood-colored, and the bat wings spread out from behind [entering the state of blood rage.

"Sure enough, it's a vampire." The black-robed man beamed with joy.

He grinned and said, "The organization's investigation is correct. Vampires are the race closest to longevity."

"Then I have to take her back even more. Everything is for longevity." Another 0.4 person in black robe had fiery eyes.

The offensive of the two became faster again, even Xue Ye, who had entered the state of blood rage, was no match for the two of them.


The man in black took out a scroll, pulled it open and released the magic.

Xue Ye's body froze and soon became unable to move.

"Hmph, wasting my scroll." The man in black snorted coldly.

"Come on, the patrol guards are here." Another man in black shouted coldly, raised his hand and knocked Xue Ye unconscious, put him in a bag, and walked into the alley without blinking.

The broken black robed man threw a ball to the ground, and a cloud of smoke was thrown out, covering the two people's tracks.

"Chase." The patrol guard looked ugly and raised his hand to order.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The patrol guards dispersed and got into alleys.


ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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