Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2360: Unless You Want To Die. (1 More)

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Acropolis No. 9, on the main road out of the city, the beast carts were driving outward at a constant speed.

On weekdays, the entrance and exit of the beast vehicles are unimpeded. Today, a checkpoint was set up at the gate of the city, and the passing animal vehicles had to be inspected, so the speed of leaving the city slowed down.

The coachmen looked forward suspiciously: "What's wrong in front, it's so jammed all of a sudden.

"I don't know." Another driver shook his head.

"Isn't there a traffic accident?"

"Probably not, the beast cart can still move, although the speed is a bit slower.

The coachmen tightened the reins in their hands, and let the monsters and fierce beasts pulling the carts move forward slowly.

With the expansion of the scale of the farm, more and more monsters and beasts are bred, and the varieties of monsters and beasts that can be used to pull carts also increase.

At the end of the animal cart line, there was a very inconspicuous animal cart, driven by Cherrell.

In the carriage, De Laji said in a deep voice: "We are going out of the city, so be careful."

"Yes." Magoff nodded.

They left their residence early in the morning, rented a beast cart and prepared to leave No. 9 Acropolis first, and then try to leave Xuanwu Kingdom.

In the animal carriage, besides Magev and Draki, there was also Xue Ye in disguise.

Her mouth was still sealed, she was wearing a black robe, her hands and feet were covered by the clothes, and the ropes that bound her could not be seen.

Magev and Draki sat on both sides of her, and if the woman behaved abnormally, they would be knocked out immediately.

"You'd better be obedient, or don't blame me for being rude." Mageff threatened.

Xue Ye widened her golden eyes, and whimpered from her sealed mouth: "Woooo~~~"

"Quiet, if someone checks later, you keep quiet for me." Draki's eyes were cold, trying to scare the vampire girl.

Xue Ye nodded cooperatively, but she had other thoughts in her heart. On the surface, she cooperated, but she just didn't want to suffer unnecessarily.

Mageff nodded in satisfaction, raised his hand and gently pushed the carriage door open, revealing a gap, and asked, "What's the situation outside?"

Cherrell turned around and said, "They're all beast carts, they haven't reached the city gate yet, so I don't know what's going on."

"Well, pay more attention, and tell us immediately if there is any situation. Delaki reminded.

"Understood." Cheryl replied.

The animal cart moved forward slowly, and it took twenty minutes to arrive at the gate of the No. 9 Acropolis.

Several huge guardrails were placed on the road, blocking most of the road, and only two lanes were exposed for the passage of animal vehicles. There were soldiers and staff on both sides of the lanes stopping the vehicles to check the animal vehicles one by one.

Cherrell knocked on the door of the carriage, and said in a low voice: "My lord, the inspection of the beast carriages has begun.

Drake said solemnly: "Come on, remember your identity, don't expose it later.

"Yes, I know." Cherrell nodded seriously.

He wants to pretend to be a coachman, a servant of Magav and Drake, while Xue Ye is a mad lady of nobles, who enters the No. 9 Acropolis to play and relax.

Magoff played the baron, Drake played the count, and both played Xue Ye's big brother.

Drake looked at Magev and said seriously: "You also remember your identity."

"Yes, I see." Mageff said with a straight face.

"Stop." The soldier raised his hand and stopped the beast car driven by Cherrell.

With a silly smile on his face, Cherrell asked, "Hey, what's the matter, sir?"

The soldier said with a serious face: "Just cooperate with routine inspections.

"Oh, yes, yes." Cherrell nodded quickly.

He pretended to ask casually: "Did something happen? It's not like this before going out of the city."

"It's nothing, just cooperate with the inspection, it will be quick." The soldier responded perfunctorily.

He raised his chin and asked, "Who is in the car?"

"The ones in the car are our young master and young lady." Cherrell said with a smile.

"Open the door." The soldier motioned.

Cherrell laughed and said: "This... our young master and miss don't want to be disturbed.

"Aren't you going to cooperate?" The soldier narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Several other soldiers gathered around, staring at Cherrell with unfriendly expressions.

"Cooperate, cooperate now." Chele (cffb) sweated on his forehead, turned around and knocked on the door of the carriage.

He reminded: "Master, miss, they want to check the carriage, we need our cooperation."

"Then check it, don't waste time." Dejiji's gloomy voice came from the carriage.

"Yes." Cherrell opened the carriage door upon hearing this.


The soldier raised his eyes and saw the environment inside the carriage at a glance, and at the same time saw the three of Mageff.

Drake frowned and said, "Have you finished the inspection?"

He is playing the arrogant nobleman at this time, and he is very unhappy with the offensive check of the soldiers.

"Wait a minute." The soldier looked serious.

"What's the matter?" Mageff groaned inwardly.

The soldier said with a straight face: "Please get out of the car and cooperate with the inspection.

"Why?" Delaki frowned.

"Woo woo woo~~~"

Xue Ye's eyes widened, staring straight at the soldier, the golden eyes were full of red blood, and there was a hint of prayer.

Magev moved his mouth, and said in a deep voice, "Stop making trouble, and be quiet outside, so as not to scare others?"

"What happened to her?" asked the soldier, frowning.

With a sad face, Drake explained: "This is my younger sister, she has a bad brain since she was a child, and she has intellectual problems.

Magev nodded and said: "Yes, she will get sick when she sees strangers, so she is generally not allowed to see people."

"That's it, but we still cooperate with getting out of the car for inspection." The soldier said without changing his expression.

Magev said angrily: "My family is already like this, why do you want to torment her?"

"This is the rule, not to mention she doesn't seem very excited." The soldier looked at Xue Ye coldly.

"What's wrong?" A cold voice sounded, and Xiang Nuo walked over.

The soldier raised his hand to salute, and said with a serious face: "My lord, they refuse to cooperate.

Xiangnuo looked at the three people in the beast car with a serious expression, and when his eyes fell on Xue Ye, his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

She was startled secretly, and said: "Please come down and cooperate with the work."

"Okay." Drake's eyes flashed.

Magev was startled, it would be easy to reveal his identity when he got out of the car.

The crossbow in the soldier's hand moved, and he said solemnly: "Get out of the car immediately and cooperate with the work."

"Don't rush." ​​Drake said coldly.

Xiang Nuo turned her hand away and moved her fingers.

Seeing this, the pupils of the soldier constricted, he understood in his heart, and turned to leave.

Drake threatened in a low voice: "You give me peace of mind, unless you want to die.

Xue Ye's eyes flickered, but she didn't respond.

"What's wrong?" Xiang Nuo frowned.

Draji said without changing his face: "It's nothing, get out of the car.


The three people in the carriage got up and dragged themselves to get out of the car.


ps: [1 update]: I wish you all a happy new year. .

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