Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2362: I'm Ready To Collect Your Body For You. (1 More)

On the high ground, Xue Ye followed Nijisha into the palace.

"Miss Nijisha is back." Xiaomi greeted crisply.

Nijisha asked: "Well, isn't His Majesty finished yet?"

Xiaomi said softly: "Not yet, His Majesty is still forging iron.

"Bang bang bang~~~"

The next moment, the sound of wrought iron sounded again, and the entire palace trembled.

The huge tree of life lit up, invisible fluctuations shrouded the high ground, and the influence of Muliang wrought iron was offset.

The little maids let out a long breath: "Huh~www

"Your Majesty's movement is big enough." Nijisha's eyes twitched.

Xiaomi smiled lightly: "Just get used to it."

Nijisha said crisply: "Xiaomi, go to the warehouse to get a third-class healing medicine, her throat is broken, see if it can be cured.

According to the strength of the medicinal effect, the secret healing medicine is divided into five grades of "three to five zero", which is also related to the amount of angel's tears contained in the secret medicine. The first grade is the most common and the fifth grade is the best.

The healing secret medicines used in the hospital are first-class to third-class, and the fourth- and fifth-class healing secret medicines are not for sale, and the quantity is even smaller.

"Okay." Xiaomi nodded obediently.

When she came back, she brought a glass medicine bottle, which contained emerald green liquid medicine.

Xue Ye's throat moved, and she thanked hoarsely, "Thank you~~~"

She took the secret healing medicine, uncorked the bottle and drank the cool liquid medicine, and immediately felt a burst of cold wrapping her throat, and the damaged vocal cords quickly healed.

"How do you feel?" Nijisha asked casually.

"It seems to be alright......" Xue Ye tried to speak, her voice returned to the way it was before, with a hint of coldness that strangers should not get close to.

Nijisha nodded and said, "Okay, let's talk about the details of what happened."

"Okay." Xue Ye replied.

She sat down and began to talk about what happened, which was not much different from what Nijisha knew.

Nijisha's eyes showed coldness: "The hands of the immortals are stretched too far."

"I heard that someone found it?" Xibeqi's voice sounded, and the girl hurried into the palace.

Xue Ye saw the vampire girl, got up and said hello: "Little princess."

Are you alright?" Shibeki asked concerned.

Xue Ye shook his head and said coldly: "I'm fine.

"The Immortals didn't abuse you?" Xibeqi asked with a frown.

Xue Ye explained: "It only made me dumb, but after taking the secret healing medicine, it has been cured."

Xi Beiqi breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay, I thought they would touch you, so I decided to collect your body for you.

...." Xue Ye twitched the corner of her mouth, should she say thank you?

Xibeqi asked again: "Where are the immortals, have you caught them?"

Nijisha shook her head: "No, Liyue went after her, I don't know if she can be caught."

Xi Beiqi snorted coldly and said: "I'll go to help, dare to bully my Yeyue family members, see if I don't beat them to death."

Nijisha said crisply: "Don't go, you don't know where the Immortals have fled, and Liyue hasn't sent the news yet, so you can't find them even if you look for them."

"That's right, then I'll wait for the news, and I'll teach them for you when I catch people." Xi Beiqi said and looked at Xue Ye.

Xue Ye pursed her lips and said, "Young princess, don't worry too much."

Xi Beiqi said with a straight face: "That won't work, I promised my ancestors, I have to take good care of you in the Xuanwu Kingdom."

She can bully members of the Yeyue family, and so can Mu Liang, but not others.

..." Xue Ye pursed her lips, and suddenly felt that Xi Beiqi was not so annoying anymore.

Xi Beiqi raised her eyebrows and asked, "Immortals are going to take you out of the Xuanwu Kingdom?"

"Yes, but it was discovered outside the city gate." Xue Ye nodded.

Xibeiqi thought for a while, her golden eyes shrank, and she said loudly: "I didn't catch you, maybe I will attack other clansmen, and I have to send someone to watch."

Nijisha waved her hand and said: "Don't worry, people have been sent to watch, as long as the Immortals dare to make a move, we will know.

"Oh, it's better for you to think one step faster." Xi Beiqi said charmingly.

She muttered: "When I think about it, maybe all the clansmen will be caught."

"Dare to kidnap people in Xuanwu Kingdom, they are courting death." Nijisha snorted coldly.

Xi Beiqi snorted coquettishly: "That's right, Mu Liang is not free, otherwise they wouldn't be able to escape.

"We can't rely on Mu Liang for everything, we can solve this kind of thing." Nijisha said seriously.

"Yes, yes, you are right." Xi Beiqi raised her hand and patted her head.

She said with a twinkle in her eyes, "We have to solve Mu Liang's worries and problems, instead of relying on him for everything, right?"

"That's right, that's how it should be..." Nijisha nodded seriously.

She patted the vampire girl on the shoulder and reminded: "Don't get too used to being taken care of by Mu Liang, learn to take care of yourself, he is busy enough now, don't let him be distracted.

"I know." Xi Beiqi responded.

Xue Ye watched from the side, full of emotion in his heart, what kind of charm does King Xuanwu have to make his subordinates look towards him like this?

Nijisha glanced at the vampire girl, waved her hand and said: "It's nothing, you can go back, pay attention to safety on the way, don't be kidnapped again.

"Okay, thank you." Xue Ye said gratefully.

Xi Beiqi reassured: "It's still very safe in the main city. If the immortals' brains are not broken, they won't dare to make trouble here."

"I see." Xue Ye nodded, turned and left the palace.

When Liyue and Xiangnuo came back, the sky had already darkened.

Nijisha hurriedly asked: "How is it, has anyone been caught?"

"No, let them run away." Li Yue sighed.

"You can really run." Nijisha gritted her teeth angrily.

She also wanted to catch Mu Liang before he finished his work, and let the matter be settled, so as not to worry him.

Li Yue said coldly: "Si Shali has been arranged to lead people to continue the search."

She used the Empowerment Pearl to ask Xiangnuo to restore the appearance of the three of them through the ability of "realization of consciousness", and then took pictures.

Si Shali and Angela took the photos and continued to search with six highland guards and two teams of soldiers. 1.5 Xi Beiqi said solemnly: "They left the No. 9 Acropolis, and they don't know where they will hide."

"I can't escape." Li Yue's silver-white eyes flashed a cold light.

Nijisha reminded: "Let the customs side pay more attention, as well as the transport spaceship.

In the Xuanwu Kingdom, there is an "airship field", which is similar to the airport on the earth, providing passenger services for the public.

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged, and their photos have also been sent to major train stations." Li Qie said softly.

"Okay." Nijisha responded, and turned her head to look in the direction of the studio. There was still a lot of movement inside.

"Is Mu Liang demolishing the house?" Li Yue blinked her silvery white eyes.

"I don't know." Nijisha shrugged.

ps: [1 update]: Please customize. .

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