Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2373: It's Very Painful. (2 More)

Acropolis No. 8, in an unleased vacant room on Ding 4th Street.

Magoff raised his hand, sniffed his armpit closer, and said with disgust, "Why do I still feel that I still smell bad?"

Drake said with a cold face: "It's been a few days, how could it still smell, you have a psychological effect."

"I also feel a little taste." Cherrell said in a low voice.

"Deciji twitched the corner of his mouth.

He said with a black face: "Shut up, let you find the target, did you find it?"

"No." Cheryl whispered.

They entered the No. 8 Acropolis from the sewer, sneaked away from the patrolling people on the street, found an empty room that no one lived in, and temporarily hid.

This hideout lasted five days. During these five days, the three of them took turns to go out, and each time they had to disguise themselves, covering half of their faces so that no one would notice.

When the three of them went out to buy food, they would also look for the target, the vampire who lived in the No. 8 Acropolis.

Delaji said angrily: "It's been five days and I can't find anyone, what use are you for?"

Magev lowered his voice and reminded 31: "Keep your voice down, don't be heard.

"Shut up." Drake twitched the corner of his mouth.

. . . " Magoff shut his mouth.

Drake took a deep breath, lowered his voice and said: "Don't waste any more time, you must find your target today."

He didn't want to stay longer in the Xuanwu Kingdom, as long as he caught the target, he would immediately leave the No. 8 Acropolis and find a way to go back to the New World for business.

Magev bit the bullet and said: "I haven't found the target yet, whether I can catch it is still a problem, so don't be in a hurry."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Draki narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Don't dare." Mageff lowered his head, anger flashed in his eyes.

Delaji snorted coldly: "Go and clean up, and go out later."

"Yes." Cherrell and Magav responded in unison, got up and went to the bathroom to disguise themselves.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Suddenly footsteps came from outside the door, from far to near.

"Wait." Dragi's complexion changed, and he stared at the door vigilantly.

A male voice sounded outside the door: "This is it, the monthly rent is 300 yuan Xuanwu coins, you should be satisfied.

Dracchi frowned, and turned his head to gesture to the two of them.


The sound of the key being inserted into the door lock sounded, and the door handle turned half a turn, and soon returned to its original position.

"Hey, why can't the door be opened?" The male voice sounded again.

The man was shocked: "Could it be that the lock is broken?"

"Then we don't rent this house, the locks are broken, what if we can't go back when we go out?" A proud female voice sounded.

The staff at the house rental office laughed dryly and said, "Well, let's go and see the next house. I'll have someone come and repair it later."

"Then let's go and see the next suite." The arrogant female voice continued.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The sound of footsteps faded away, and it became quiet outside the door.

Delaji breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said, "Clean up quickly, we can't stay here anymore, change places."

"Yes." Magav and Cherrell agreed, speeding up the packing.

Ten minutes later, the three of them were all changed into animal skin clothes, and their hair was all loose, covering most of their faces.

All three of them left only one eye to look at the road outside, and the beards were all shaved off. If you don't compare them carefully, you really can't recognize them.

"Let's go." Dejiji nodded in satisfaction.

The door was gently opened, and he went out to scan around with his head. He didn't see anyone else, so he walked out in peace.

Magov and Cherrell followed, and the three of them went downstairs to the street, and the environment suddenly became lively.

Delaki calmed down and walked forward with his head held high.

Magev asked respectfully, "Dragi, where are we going now?"

Delaki said: "First go to the place where Duo Mu works."

Duo Mu, a vampire living in Acropolis No. 8, works in a candy store.

Magev whispered: "We have been there several times, but we haven't seen Duo Mu."

Drake asked: "So you didn't ask anyone else, where did Do go?"

Cherrell shook his head and said awkwardly: "No, there are too many people in the shop, I was afraid of attracting attention, so I didn't ask..."

"Trash, how do you know if you don't ask?" Delaki raised his hand to his forehead, resisting the urge to beat the two of them violently.

He took a deep breath and walked towards the candy store.

Magev and Cherrell looked at each other, both of them felt depressed, they obviously thought it was right not to startle the snake, why would they still be scolded?

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The three of them walked towards the candy store with different thoughts. Before entering the store, they could see the flow of people in the store from the transparent leaver.

"There are a lot of people." Mageff curled his lips.

Delaki turned around and taught: "There are many people, so you can't attract attention, understand?"

"Understood." Magoff twitched his lips, not agreeing in his heart.


Delaki pushed the door open and entered, and the sweet smell came over his face, which made people feel better.

"It smells so sweet. He moved his throat and looked at the display in the store.

The candy store is very large, with rows of shelves filled with bottles and jars filled with all kinds of candies.


Magoff swallowed, attracted by the candies on the shelf.

In front of the checkout counter, there are already seven or eight people lined up, all holding bottles and cans full of candies, weighing and checking out at the counter.

Deciji scanned the people around him, but he didn't see Duo Mu.

"I'm really not here..." He was silent for a moment, picked up a can of candy, and came to the back of the checkout line.

"What does he want?" Magev asked in amazement.

"I don't know." Cereche muttered softly.

The 900 staff behind the counter reached out and signaled: "The next one, the checkout side.

Drake quickly squeezed up and put down the candy in his hand.

The staff moved quickly and put the candy on the scale for weighing.

"Hello, thirty yuan Xuanwu coins." The staff member smiled.

The corner of Delaji's eyes twitched, he didn't expect a can of candy to cost 30 yuan, and finally took out Xuanwu coins to pay the bill.

"Okay, let's go slowly." The staff put away the Xuanwu coins.

Delaki pretended to be casual and asked: "I want to ask why Duo Mu didn't come to work?"

"You are?" the staff blinked.

"I'm his friend." Drake said sincerely.

"That's it, Duo Mu has already left the job and will not come again." The staff explained.

Deciji's heart moved, and he asked: "Then where did he go?"

"This is private, I don't know." The staff smiled and shook their heads.

"Okay." Dracchi turned dark, took the candy and turned to leave.

Magav and Cherrell, who were watching the whole process, held back their smiles, and followed Draki out of the candy store.

"Well, can you try some candy?" Cherrell licked the corner of his mouth.

"Go away. Drake's face turned even darker.

He didn't find out the news, and he spent a lot of money to buy candies, which made him very sad.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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