Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2384: You Can't Be Soft-Hearted. (1 More)

Heights, in Building No. 8 on the first floor.

In the locker room, the pickets were changing their clothes, and they were going to the barracks today.

In the women's locker room, Nayuki adjusted the white military uniform on her body, while looking at herself in the mirror, her face was full of seriousness, and her heart was still a little nervous.

There were fifty pickets, twenty-five men and twenty-five each, all selected from the armed forces of the sea, land and air.

Naixue used to be a soldier in the army, and she was selected as a picket. It was because of her outstanding strength that she scored full marks in the examination questions, which made her stand out among many soldiers.

Ohna turned her head anxiously and asked, "Xueer, help me see if there is any problem with wearing this way?"

She is also a member of the pickets, a former navy soldier, and got to know Nayuki in the training course.

Probably because both of them were eighteen years old, they hit it off very well, and their relationship became very good within a few days.

"Let me see." Naixue responded, and stepped forward to check Ohna's attire.

The military uniforms of the pickets are uniform white, except for the black shoes, everything from hats to clothes, trousers, and belts are all white.

Ohna was a little nervous, she was going to the army camp today, although it wasn't the first time she went, she was even more nervous than the first time she went.

After all, when I go back this time, my identity and status are different. It can be said that I stand on the opposite side of all soldiers.

Ohna asked with some uncertainty: "Nayuki, do you think I will hate me in the future if I treat those soldiers too seriously?"

Naixue said sternly: "If you are not serious, then Master Liyue will be serious to you, and the military court will be serious to you."

Ohna shook her hands, and her face became serious: "Yes, since you have become a picket, you can't be soft-hearted, and I will correct and punish them if they make mistakes.

"En." Naixue responded lightly, her beautiful eyes sizing up her friend, from head to toe.

She reached out to help adjust her friend's hat, nodded and said: "Well, no problem, anywhere is fine."

"That's good." Ohna breathed a sigh of relief, and stroked the corner of her clothes in satisfaction.

"What about me?" Nayuki said, turned around in a circle, raised her hand and looked at her friend.

Ohna blinked her beautiful eyes, and began to look at her friends seriously, and the system standards for wearing military uniforms appeared in her mind, and she made a one-to-one correspondence.

"Well, no problem, it's perfect." She said with a determined look.

Naixue said crisply: "Okay, I hope to go to the barracks, don't ask me to write a punishment letter on the first day."

If the pickets encounter soldiers who make mistakes, they need to issue a punishment letter.

"Don't worry you two, just follow the training content." The other team members laughed.

A smile flashed in Naixue's eyes, and she said: "Understood, pack up and go out, don't be slower than men.

"Let's go, let's go." The female pickets responded in unison, and walked out of the locker room in a line to the outside.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

As soon as they went out, they saw the male pickets coming out of the men's locker room opposite. They were also neatly dressed and straightened up, looking high-spirited.

"All ready?" the leader of the male pickets asked.

"Of course, we can go." The leader of the female pickets nodded lightly.

"Okay, let's go." The male picket responded, and the male and female teams merged and walked towards the portal on the high ground.

The pickets will be divided into three teams and go to the base of the armed forces, where they will stay for a minimum of one month.

After Nayuki and others arrived at the portal, the captain ordered: "Stand in line with the teams that have been divided in advance."

"Yes." The pickets responded and stood up in three teams, among which there were 30 pickets going to the army base.

There can be more than one army base, so the number of pickets assigned to the army base will be more.

When the portal was activated, the captain said with a serious face: "I hope you will pay attention to this identity, and don't go to the face of the pickets, and don't do things that violate discipline.

"Yes." The pickets responded in unison.

The male picket captain ordered: "The first team will go first, and the positioning has been adjusted."

A team of pickets is going to the naval base.


The pickets responded, and lined up into the portal one by one, disappearing into the whirling vortex of space.

"Second team." The male picket raised his chin.

The second picket team is going to the air force base.

"Three teams..."

Within ten minutes, fifty picket soldiers went to the various military camps through the portal.

Naixue and Ohna were very lucky, they were assigned to go together, and went to the Zhendong Barracks together.

They have to stay in the Zhendong military camp for eight days first, then go to the Zhenxi military camp, and then the Zhenbei military camp and Zhennan military camp.

Inside the Zhendong barracks, the portal buzzed, the space vortex kept spinning, and pickets in white military uniforms came out one after another.

Naixue said solemnly: "Line up."

She is the squad leader, managing the pickets who came to Zhendong Barracks.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

The pickets stood in three rows, staring forward with serious expressions.

"Relax." Nayuki said seriously.

With a straight face, she shouted, "Stand at attention."

The pickets adjusted their stance and looked more serious.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

Footsteps sounded, and the soldiers in charge of the reception of the Zhendong Barracks came.

The soldier raised his hand and saluted: "Everyone has worked hard."

Naixue raised her hand in return without changing her face, and said, "Starting from today, the eight-day military discipline and regulation rectification operation will officially begin.

The soldier in charge of reception said: "Yes, the Zhendong Barracks will fully cooperate."

He looked at the picket wearing the sleeve medal, saluting solemnly.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Nayuki's mouth moved.

"Please follow me." The soldier in charge of the reception gestured with his hand.

Naixue nodded, turned her head and shouted: "Turn left and walk together."

"Yes." The pickets responded, turned their direction neatly, and walked forward in unison.

Ten minutes later, everyone walked into the living area of ​​Zhendong Barracks.

At this time, there were no soldiers in the living area, and most of them were in the training ground.

The soldier in charge of the reception stretched out his hand to signal: "Captain Naixue, during the eight days in the Zhendong Barracks, you lived here.

The one in front of him (with the money) is an eight-story building, which is regarded as the reception of the Zhendong Barracks. Except for the different location, the configuration of other daily necessities is the same as that of the soldiers.

"Okay." Naixue responded, stepped into one of the rooms, and began to look at her eyes.

The soldier in charge of the reception became nervous and started beating drums in his heart. There should be nothing wrong, right?

Naixue turned her head and ordered: "One room per person, start checking the internal affairs."

"Yes." The pickets responded in unison, and dispersed to different rooms.

......" The soldier in charge of the reception was sweating on his forehead and prayed in his heart.

Ten minutes later, all the pickets reunited on the first floor.

"Report, no problem." Everyone raised their hands and shouted.

Nayuki nodded in satisfaction. "Very well, put down your things and prepare to go out for inspection.

The soldier in charge of the reception let out a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

. . . . . .

ps: [1 update]: I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival. .

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