In the Zhendong barracks, in an office somewhere, Teigen was looking through the training records of the soldiers, thinking about whether to adjust the training volume.

"Master Qin Yu doesn't know when he will come back." He was a little confused.

He used to be Qin Yu's deputy, and because of his outstanding performance two months ago, he was promoted to a military position. Although he was still Qin Yu's deputy, his status was much higher than before.

Taigen's deputy said with a serious face: "Master Qin Yu will not come back so soon, the battle in the Old Continent is very fierce.

"Yes." Teigen sighed.

He sorted out the files on the desktop, pulled a clean piece of paper, picked up a pen and started writing a new training plan.

Qin Yu is not here, he can only make his own decision.

Teigen sighed: "I don't know what my daughter is busy with these days, she hasn't seen me for almost a month."

"The training tasks of the Air Force are also very heavy." The deputy reassured~.

He knew who Taigen's daughter was. He had been to the Zhendong Barracks. Because of itchy hands, he fought with hundreds of soldiers and finally beat them all to the ground.

"Well, I know." Teigen's eyes dimmed.

He was thinking that after two days of rest, he would go to the air force base to visit Tecoco.

Before that, the task assigned by Qin Yu must be completed to improve the overall strength of the recruits.

"Tap Tat ~ ~ ~"

There were footsteps coming from outside the office, and it could be heard that people were a little anxious, and the footsteps were fast.

"Knock knock knock~~ww

Soon there was a knock on the door of the office.

"Report." A serious voice followed.

"Come in." Tegan responded in a deep voice.


The door of the office was pushed open, and a soldier in military uniform walked in.

He raised his hand in salute and said respectfully: "Deputy Tegan, the picket team is coming.

"What, so fast!" Teigen took a breath.

He stood up and asked: "Shouldn't the pickets go to see other soldiers first, why did they come to me first?"

The soldier who sent the message explained: "Your Majesty Naixue felt that since Master Qin Yu was not here, and Taigen was his deputy, he should take the lead, so he came to the office area first."

"Tegan twitched the corner of his mouth.

He hurriedly checked the military uniform on his body, carefully checked it from head to toe, and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no problem.

"Then let them come." Tegan sat down again.

He usually pays attention to military discipline and military regulations, but it is the first time he faces the pickets, so he will inevitably feel nervous.

The deputy held back a smile, felt the eyes of others, and quickly looked at his nose, nose, nose and heart without speaking.

As soon as Tegan finished speaking, footsteps came from outside the door.

"Routine inspection, everyone please cooperate." A cold voice sounded, and Naixue and Ohna walked into the office.

Tegan stood up slowly, raised his hand and saluted, "Hello."

"Deputy Tegan, hello." Naixue and Oher raised their hands in return.

She said with a serious face: "This is a routine inspection, I hope you will cooperate."

Teigen squeezed out a smile, nodded and said: "We will fully cooperate."

Naixue and Ohna glanced at each other, and began to walk around the office, holding pens and notebooks in white gloves, with solemn expressions on their faces.

Tegan and his deputy looked at each other, feeling a little nervous inside.

Nayuki's eyes sparkled, she stretched out her hand and brushed across the desk, then raised her hand and glanced at her fingertips.

"Well, it's still clean. She said softly to herself, it's not somewhere else.


Tegan's throat moved, and he felt a little scared. Fortunately, the health guards cleaned the office in the morning, otherwise it would really be unclean.

Ohna is very serious, even the potted green plants are not spared.

After the two of them finished checking the cleanliness of the office, they turned their attention to the people in the office.

"Deputy Taigen." Naixue stood in front of the man with a serious face, looking him up and down.

Teigen's throat moved again, and he pretended to be calm and asked, "What?"

Nayuki said seriously: "Please take off the hat."

"Okay." Teigen was very cooperative, took off the hat, and immediately let his hair fall loosely.

Nayuki raised her brows lightly, stretched out her hand to gently pinch a lock of the man's hair, and said, "Deputy Taigen hasn't cut his hair for a long time, it's already too long.

The corners of Taigen's eyes twitched, and he hurriedly said, "I'll cut it today."

"Okay, I hope Deputy Tegan didn't fool me." Nayuki had a little more smile on her face.

Teigen said with a straight face: "No."

As a soldier, the hair should not be kept too long, and it is best to have a short cut.

"Okay." Nayuki nodded.

0......seeking flowers...

There is no need to write a punishment sheet for such a trivial matter. Of course, if Tegan lied to her, then the next punishment sheet will be sent.

Naixue looked at the other soldiers and checked the length of their hair one by one. Some of them had short cuts, which fully complied with the image regulations.

"Okay, it looks like the inspection is over." She said with satisfaction.

Teigen just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard the words, when the woman continued: "Next, check the content of the military discipline and military regulations.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said shyly, "Okay."

"Then Tegan's deputy will come first." Naixue looked at the man with a smile on her face.

She thought for a while and said, "Recite the soldier's oath."

Teigen heaved a sigh of relief, not to mention reciting the oath forward, even reciting it backwards can be fluent.

"Obey His Majesty of the Xuanwu Kingdom, obey orders, be loyal to duty, strictly observe discipline, and keep secrets


He raised his face and continued: "I will never sentence you to leave the army, and I swear to defend the Xuanwu Kingdom to the death.

Naixue's eyes flickered, she nodded and said: "It's a good idea to recite the honor and shame again."

"..." Teigen was ecstatic in his heart, but fortunately, he could also recite it.

He cleared his throat, and recited Mu Liang's "Concept of Honor, Shame, Right and Wrong": "To be proud of loving the Xuanwu Kingdom, and to be ashamed of harming the Xuanwu Kingdom"

"Be proud of advocating racial equality, and be ashamed of discriminating against racial equality."

"Be proud of your hard work, be ashamed of being lazy..."

Nayuki nodded from time to time, signaling Tegen to continue talking.

After Taigen finished reciting, he looked at the woman with a confident smile on his face.

"Okay, it's okay." Nayuki said seriously.

"Okay." Teigen relaxed completely. Fortunately, he was not lazy at ordinary times, and he memorized all the general discipline and military regulations.

While rejoicing in his heart, he also thought of Tai Keke, and decided to wait for the picket soldiers to leave, and then use the resonance bug to talk to his daughter to remind her what to pay attention to when facing the formation.

Ohna looked at Teigen's deputy and signaled: "It's your turn, memorize the internal affairs standards of military discipline and military regulations."

The deputy said with a dull expression: "Ah, but it's very long......"

"Then recite Articles 9 to 25." Ohna said without changing her face.

......…good. "The deputy was about to cry, but he bit the bullet and started to recite.

ps: [1 more]: The second and fourth of the positive code. .

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