Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2389: We Are Too Miserable. (2 More)

In Acropolis No. 12, it was snowing heavily.

Tang Zheng and Lei Long were walking on the road, surrounded by white snow, the snow was three fingers thick.

"Why is it snowing so suddenly?" Thunder Dragon twitched.

Tang Zheng glanced at the people beside him and said, "It's not sudden, it was written in yesterday's newspaper that it will snow heavily today, you didn't read it, did you?

"Is there?" Lei Long blinked. He did not read the newspaper yesterday and was busy receiving new members.

Since the two secretly established a branch of the Magicians Association, they began to recruit magicians from the Xuanwu Kingdom and let them become members of the branch.

When the two went out today, they made an appointment with a few magicians for an interview. If the talks were successful and they became members of the association, they would be informed of the location of the branch.

Membership is required to pay a membership fee in order to enjoy some of the conveniences provided by the Association of Magicians.

Tang Zheng waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about it, let's go to the appointed place first."

"Understood." Lei Long grinned, braved the snow and lost to the coffee shop on the street.

Tang Zheng squinted his eyes and saw the coffee shop where they met, and said in a deep voice, "Why do you choose to meet in a coffee shop? It's a waste of money and it's not convenient to talk."

"Isn't this the place you made an appointment with them?" Thunder Dragon pouted.

.......forget. " Tang Zheng smiled awkwardly.

"Hehe." Lei Long sneered, and strode forward stepping on the snow.

Tang Zheng's mouth moved, and he hurriedly followed.

"Dingling ∼∼∼"

Lei Long pushed open the glazed door of the coffee shop, and the bell on the door rang.

"Welcome." The staff behind the bar said in unison, looking at the two people entering the store with smiles on their faces.

"Uh..." Thunder Dragon's mouth moved.

The staff member smiled and asked, "You two, what would you like to drink?"

Lei Long wanted to find a seat to sit, but now he can only go to the counter to order a drink.

He looked at the menu and ordered two cups of coffee casually: "I want two cups of floral cold brew coffee.

"Okay." The staff responded, picked up a pen to write the bill, and charged the two of them for their coffee.

He smiled and said, "You can find a place to sit down, and the coffee will be ready in about five minutes.

"Okay." Tang Zheng nodded and sat down near the corner.

Lei Long looked around the coffee shop, but didn't see the person he had made an appointment with: "They haven't arrived yet."

"Wait a little longer, it's not time yet." Tang Zheng looked at the swinging clock in the store, and it was not yet the agreed ten o'clock in the morning.

Lei Long looked at the bar, the staff was making coffee, the coffee shop was still filled with the aroma of coffee, and it was a bit sour.

"It's so warm in here," he exclaimed.

"It seems that the heating is turned on." Tang Zheng said.

Acropolis No. 12 has built a heating workshop, and houses that pay the heating fee can enjoy 24-hour heating throughout the day.

Lei Long frowned and said, "Why don't we have them there?"

Tang Zheng said indifferently: "There is an extra cost for ventilation and heating, so we need to save some money."

The heating fee is paid once a month. Ordinary households pay ten basalt coins per month, depending on the size of the house.

As he said that, he became even more depressed. He rented the house where the current branch is located, paid the rent for one year, and spent almost all the basalt coins on his body.

"How much is a month?" Thunder Dragon asked with a frown.

Tang Zheng said with a straight face: "More than one thousand Xuanwu coins."

He is renting a whole building, and the monthly heating fee needs more than 1,000 basalt coins.

"More than a thousand is not expensive." Thunder Dragon said angrily.

"Hehe, don't you need to eat, don't you need to save some Xuanwu coins for emergency?"

Tang Zheng sneered and said, "Maintaining the operation of the association also requires money, of course it can be saved if it can be saved."

"We are too miserable." Lei Long was stunned for a moment, then sighed, his whole body was not well.

Tang Zheng said with a dark face: "I just hope that President Jin will send someone to send some Warcraft crystals here, otherwise how can I return it?"

He is now planning carefully every day, and now he is very angry when he thinks of President Jin spending a lot of money on the auction house, but there is nothing he can do.

"Charging more membership fees should relieve the pressure." Lei Long suggested.

Tang Zheng lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, then said: "This can be considered, but can President Jin agree?"

Lei Long snorted coldly and said, "There's nothing you can do if you don't agree. You can't let the branch close. It's only been open for half a month."

"Also..." Tang Zheng sighed.

Not long after, two cups of floral cold brew coffee were brought to the table.

Lei Long took a sip of coffee, wrinkled his face, curled his lips and said: "It's really bad.

"Chi slip~~~"

"No, I think it's quite delicious." Tang Zheng's eyes brightened.

"Your taste is very unique. The corners of Thunder Dragon's eyes twitched.

He looked at the dark brown coffee, hesitated for a moment, picked it up again, took a big sip, and then swallowed it slowly.

"You don't know how to appreciate." Tang Zheng sneered.


Lei Long was surprised: "Well, it seems to be quite good..."

He took another sip, tasted it slowly, and found the deliciousness of the coffee.

The two watched the swinging clock, waiting for the magicians to arrive.

"`"It's gone, I can't drink it. "Thunder Dragon looked at the cup with only ice cubes left.

Tang Zheng said in a deep voice, "I don't even want to drink."

"I don't drink anymore." Lei Long pouted.

"Dingling ∼∼∼"

The door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and the bell rang again, attracting everyone's attention.

The one who entered the door was a beautiful woman with furry hair and snowflakes on her body.

"Welcome." The shop assistants said in unison.

"I want a caramel macchiato." The woman said with a smile, took out the Xuanwu coin and handed it to the clerk.

"Okay." The clerk smiled and nodded, already familiar with women.

The woman looked around, saw Tang Zheng and Lei Long, and walked past the doctor.

Tang Zheng's eyes also lit up, and he said, "Meike."

"It's quite early, both of you." Mei Ke smiled and nodded.

Tang Zheng said, "You're not late either.

"Where are the others?" Mei Ke sat down and asked.

Tang Zheng squeezed out a smile and said, "You were the first to arrive.

"Okay." Mei Ke smiled slightly (dead).

She is a free water magician and a seventh-level master.

Lei Long said with a straight face: "There are still three people who haven't arrived yet."

"No hurry, just wait." Tang Zheng patted Lei Long on the shoulder, not wanting to be rude in front of Mei Ke.

Mei Ke is very beautiful, with a height of 1.67 meters and a graceful and graceful figure.

She has long brown hair and fair skin like snow, giving people a very pure feeling.

"You two are in a hurry?" Mei Ke asked.

Tang Zheng said with a straight face: "I don't know how to store money."

"But I'm in a hurry." Mei Ke raised her eyebrows lightly.

Tang Zheng twitched the corner of his mouth, thought for a while and said, "Then let's talk first?"

"Okay." A sly look flashed in Mei Ke's eyes.

"Can't you wait any longer?" Thunder Dragon said in a deep voice.

"Then I'm going?" Mei Ke said coldly.

"Let's talk. Thunder Dragon was speechless for a moment.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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