Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2393: You Must Be Thinking About Men. (2 More)

"I'm so hungry, can I have dinner?" Yue Feiyan hurried into the palace, followed by the vampire girl.

Shibeki shouted, "I'm hungry too."

It was already dark, and the two of them had been busy at the air force base for a day, and they were so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs.

Xiaomi said obediently: "Miss Crimson Yan, Miss Xi Beiqi, welcome back, you still have to wait for half an hour before you can eat.

"Would you like some small cakes first?" Buff poked his head out of the kitchen.

"Yes." Xi Beiqi replied without thinking, she was really hungry.

Yue Feiyan stood at the door of the kitchen and took a look, surprised: "What are you eating tonight, it looks very rich.

"Today we eat stir-fried vegetables, there will be more dishes." Qing Wu, who was preparing the dishes, responded.

Shibeki asked casually, "Is today a good day?"

She held the cake that Buff handed over in her hand, and stuffed it into her mouth one by one by the door frame.

Qing Wu explained: "No, it's just that His Majesty has come out of the studio, so he will cook more delicious food."

"Hey, Mu Liang is done!" Xi Beiqi's golden eyes lit up immediately.

Yue Feiyan's lips trembled, thinking of the incident of being punished by the pickets a few days ago, her mother asked her to speak to Mu Liang in person.

Biting her lower lip, she hesitated.

Xi Beiqi swallowed the last bite of cake, turned her head 10 and asked, "What's the matter, you look like you have been greatly wronged."

"It's nothing." Yue Feiyan said casually.

"Really?" Xi Beiqi narrowed her beautiful eyes.

Yue Feiyan moved her mouth, changed the subject and said, "I'm going to change my clothes."

She is wearing Vermilion Bird armor, and the Air Force does not have night training at night, so she can be replaced.

"I'm going to take a shower too, so I'll feel better." Hearing this, Xi Beiqi put down the plate, turned and returned to the side hall.

Half an hour later, everyone returned to the palace and took their seats in the dining room.

When Mu Liang walked into the restaurant, Shiji and others all looked at him.

Alina smiled slightly: "Mu Liang, I haven't seen you for a few days, and my beard has grown."

Mu Liang touched his chin when he heard the words, and it was true that stubble had grown.

"I forgot to shave just now." He smiled warmly.

Mino said sweetly, "I'll help you shave later."

"You robbed me of my job." The fox fairy glanced at the rabbit-eared girl.

In the past, most of Mu Liang's beards were shaved with the help of the fox-tailed woman, and they were moved by sitting in his arms.

Mino said softly, "I haven't shaved Muliang's big brother for a long time."

"Then I'll let you come." Hu Xian smiled charmingly.

Mino said sweetly: "Okay~~~"

..." Mu Liang moved his mouth, in fact, he can shave his own beard.

He also said before that, in the words of the rabbit-eared girl, as a king, he does not need to do these things.

Mu Liang didn't say anything, and sat down to enjoy dinner.

Today's dinner was very sumptuous, and all the girls had a great time eating it.


Yue Feiyan was chomping, her red eyes chattering from time to time.

Mu Liang frequently felt the gaze of the red-haired girl, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong, is there something on my face?"

"No, nothing." Yue Feiyan hurriedly lowered her head.

Yue Qinlan glanced at her daughter, knowing what she was guilty of, Mei tape smiled and said nothing.

"Nervous all night." Xibeqi muttered.

"Eat yours." Yue Feiyan glared at the vampire girl.

Xibeqi showed her two small canine teeth, glanced at the red-haired girl, and muttered something in a low voice.

Mu Liang glanced at the red-haired girl, and could see that she was hiding something in her heart, and was going to wait for her to speak up and say it in person.

"Crimson Yan is thinking about men, right?" Hu Immortal joked.

"No!" Yue Feiyan widened her beautiful red eyes.

Hu Xian Mei smiled and said: "Giggle, I'm just joking, don't react so much, it will make people think it's real.

Yue Feiyan's eyes were gloomy, and she chewed the steak like she was venting her anger.

The smile on the fox fairy's face was even bigger, waiting for the red-haired girl to go to Mu Liang at night, and she wanted to watch a good show by the side.

After dinner, Mu Liang went back to his study.

Hu Xian and Li Yue also entered the study, and began to report on their recent work.

"Mu Liang, here is the detailed order record for the past ten days." Hu Immortal took out a thick book and handed it over.

Mu Liang took it and looked it over, and the records of each order were detailed, from the quantity of goods to the transaction amount, whether it was delivered, and whether the payment was settled.

Li Yue also took out the notebook, filled it with the information collected from all over the old and new continents, and prepared to show it to Mu Liang.

Mu Liang turned the page slowly, and asked casually, "Do you know what happened to Yan?"

"I know, wait for her to tell you." Hu Xianmei smiled.

"It doesn't seem like a big deal." Mu Liang smiled when he heard this.

Judging from the attitude of the fox-tailed woman, the matter of Qi Yanzang is not a big deal.

"Well, it's not a big deal." The Fox Immortal nodded.

Liyue said crisply: "This matter is big or small, sister Qinlan has already been punished."

"So, she made a mistake." Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and several guesses flashed in his mind.

Hu Immortal raised his eyebrows lightly: "The answer is correct."

"Okay." Mu Liang chuckled, probably knowing it in his heart.

At the door of the study, the red-haired girl was walking back and forth in the corridor holding the hem of her clothes with her small hands.

An Qi, who was guarding the door of the study, was almost dizzy by her, and whispered: "Miss Scarlet Yan, didn't you come to see Your Majesty?"

"Wait a minute." Yue Feiyan frowned, thinking about how to talk to Mu Liang later.

An Qi had no choice but to close her beautiful eyes, otherwise she would really get dizzy if she stared at it.


Yue Feiyan took a few deep breaths, looked at An Qi with a stern face, and said bravely to die: "Open the door.

An Qi couldn't help but turned around and knocked on the door: "Your Majesty, Miss Yan is here.

Mu Liang responded: "Let her in."


The door of the study was pushed open, and Yue Fei came in with a serious face, looked at Mu Liang, and lowered her head uncontrollably.

"What's the matter?" Mu Hao asked with a smile.

Yue Feiyan said nervously: "Well, Mu Liang, I want to tell you something..."

"Speak, I'll listen." Mu Liang nodded lightly.

Yue Feiyan faltered and said: "Well, I..."

Mu Liang's eyes were deep and he didn't speak, which made the red-haired girl even more nervous.

Yue Feiyan closed her eyes, bent down and said loudly: "Mu Liang, I was punished by the pickets, I'm sorry."

Mu Liang blinked his eyes, and understood in his heart.

"Punishment for what?" He asked calmly.

Yue Feiyan said weakly: "I can't recite the concept of honor, shame, right and wrong, and there are military discipline and military regulations..."

Mu Liang frowned, and said in silence for a moment: "As the captain of the air force, it's not okay if you can't recite military discipline and military regulations and the concept of honor, shame, right and wrong."

"I can already recite it now." Yue Feiyan said embarrassingly with a blushing face.

Mu Liang calmly said: "If you make a mistake, you are wrong. You will be fined to copy military discipline and military regulations and the concept of honor, shame and right and wrong a hundred times, and you will be fined to deduct one month's salary.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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