Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2396: Reports From The Enthusiastic Masses. (2 More)

When the night was dim, Mu Liangcai returned to the Highland Palace from the New World.

"Your Majesty is back." Buff and the others greeted in unison.

Xiao Zi said obediently: "Your Majesty, you didn't come back for lunch, you must be hungry."

"Not hungry." Mu Liang smiled slightly.

He has been busy in the New World today, upgrading and strengthening all the signal transmission towers.

For safety reasons, all signal transmission towers were moved to high altitudes and placed above the clouds.

Mu Liang just felt that time passed too fast, and he had to go to the Old Continent tomorrow, where the signal transmission towers were completely fabricated.

For the accuracy of the missile, he also needs to increase the number of signal transmission towers, which is a big project.

There are more virtual ghosts in the old continent, and they are more dangerous, and the defense of the signal transmission tower must also be improved.

"I'm back." A lazy voice sounded, and Xibeqi walked into the palace step by step.

She asked delicately: "What's for dinner today- huh?"

"We'll have fried rice noodles for dinner." Qingwu's voice came from the kitchen.

"Okay, I haven't eaten fried rice noodles for a long time." Di Beiqi's beautiful eyes lit up.

Mu Liang reached out and rubbed the vampire girl's head, and asked, "How are you doing today?"

"Same as before." Shibeki raised her head.

She said coquettishly: "I also met pickets, but I was not caught wrong, hee hee.

"Very good, keep it up." Mu Liang smiled, and the vampire girl in front of her was like a cat begging for a reward.

Mu Liang raised his hand and scratched the bridge of the girl's nose, making her bow her head shyly.

"I'm going to change clothes. Xibeqi left a word, and returned to the side hall as if fleeing.

"Tap ha ha ha ha ~ ~ ~"

Li Yue walked into the palace, and when she saw Mu Liang, she paused, stepped forward and said, "The matter over at the Magicians Association has been investigated."

"Tell me." Mu Liang raised his eyebrows and sat down on the sofa.

"Tang Zheng and Lei Long are the vice presidents of the Association of Magicians. They followed President Jin to participate in the auction before, but they didn't leave with President Jin, but went to No. 12 Acropolis."

She said solemnly: "They rented a building in Acropolis No. 12 and secretly built a branch of the Magicians Association."

"Sure enough, it's just as I guessed." Mu Liang's eyes flashed coldly.

The establishment of the Xuanwu trade union is also to suppress these hidden forces on the one hand.

He said coldly: "Send someone to investigate and arrest them."

"Yes." Li Yue nodded.

Within the territory of the Xuanwu Kingdom, no second party is allowed to exist and affect the stability of the kingdom.

In particular, some forces like to provoke equality between races, which is not conducive to the peace of the Xuanwu Kingdom.

Mu Liang said with cold eyes: "Pay attention to whether President Jin enters the country, if the entry directly leads to high ground, we should discuss this matter.

"Yes, I will let the people at the customs pay attention." Li Yue agreed.

"En." Mu Liang responded, thinking that the Holy Land Conference will be held in two days, President Jin probably won't come to Xuanwu Kingdom at this time.

He asked curiously: "How did you investigate the matter of the branch? The speed is quite fast."

"It's because of reports from enthusiastic people that it's so fast." Liyue explained.

A young girl appeared in her mind, it was Mei Ke whom Tang Zheng and Lei Long had met in person.

Mei Ke, whom the silver-haired girl met in person, was very grateful for her righteous report and intended to include her as a non-staff member of the Ghost Special Forces.

Liyue has already arranged for someone to investigate Mei Ke, and if there is no problem with her reciting, she will personally discuss this matter with her.

The silver-haired girl is in charge of the intelligence system of the Xuanwu Kingdom. It is also her job to train intelligence personnel. She is happy to actively approach talents when she meets them.

Mu Liang was surprised and said: "So that's the case, have you given the bonus?"

"Of course, three hundred Xuanwu coins." Li Yue smiled and nodded.

"En." Mu Liang nodded.

He asked again: "Is the conference room ready?"

Li Yue said: "Get ready, in the great hall, those nobles in the kingdom will come to attend the meeting.

At present, there are still many nobles in the Xuanwu Kingdom, many of them are princes and kings, and they all want to attend the Holy Land Conference.

Mu Liang said solemnly: "Very well, this is the first holy land meeting between two continents, and we don't want any mistakes."

"Understood, don't worry, Yan Bing has been staring at him the whole time." Li Yue said seriously.

"I don't worry about your work." Mu Liang chuckled softly.

The corners of Liyue's lips rose, she really liked the feeling of being trusted, all the busy work was worth it.

Mu Liang flipped his wrist, and took out a stack of blueprints from the portable space: "This is the method of making the missile, take it to Jialuo, and she will know how to do it."

...ask for flowers...

After Liyue took it, she flipped through a few pages. There were thousands of pages of drawings, densely packed with drawings and officials.

After Mu Liang completed the upgrade of the signal transmission tower of the New World today, he tested the second missile.

No surprises, the missile landing point can be accurately controlled through the signal tower, which means that the missile can be officially put into mass production.

As for the missile that can jump in space, it is going to be tested tomorrow, and the experiment will be carried out around the void of the old continent.

"I see." Li Yue's silvery white eyes sparkled.

With the mass production of missiles, the strength of the Xuanwu Kingdom will be further improved, and it will be more confident when facing the Xu Clan in the future.

Mu Liangping said calmly: "This is just the No. 1 missile. I will study how to increase the power of the missile after finishing the work of the Holy Land Council."


He has no way to develop the atomic bomb, and can only increase the power of the missile through the magic circle.

Qingwu said from the side: "It would be even better if we can research a missile that can kill Xu Guihuang."

Mu Liang shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "With the half-step Emperor Xu Guihuang's strength, it's very difficult to hurt him with missiles.

"Yes." Qingwu replied regretfully.

Mu Liang rubbed the little maid's head, and said in a clear voice: "This is not something you should worry about, just take care of the palace.

"Yeah." Qingwu nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you, I will take care of Xu Guihuang." Mu Liang's eyes were firm.

In any case, he couldn't let something happen to the Xuanwu Kingdom. How could the kingdom that he had worked so hard to build be destroyed by a foreign race.

Li Yue said with a serious face: "Mu Liang, your safety is the most important thing."

"Yeah, Your Majesty's safety is the most important thing." Qingwu also nodded in agreement.

From their point of view, Mu Liang's safety is above that of Da Lu.

Mu Liang's eyes were gentle, and he smiled comfortably: "Don't worry, I cherish my life and I am afraid of death."

Li Yue's eyes sparkled, she silently took Mu Liang's hand.

Mu Liang patted the silver-haired girl's hand, smiled reassuringly and said, "Go and change the armor, we're ready for dinner."

"Okay." Li Yue nodded lightly, got up and left the main hall.

"I'm going to prepare the bowls and chopsticks." Qingwu said obediently.

ps: [2 more]: Please customize Sichuan. .

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