The strength of the Xuanwu Kingdom was more or less known to everyone present, and they were willing to give face to Mu Liang's words.

Mu Liang said crisply: "The holy land meeting is about to start, this time we will only discuss one goal, how to solve the Xu clan and restore peace to the two continents."

"What does this have to do with our Manie Kingdom?" A hoarse voice sounded.

Everyone looked along the position where the voice came from, and it was a live broadcast in the corner, and the person speaking was an old man with a gray beard.

"That's the king of the Kingdom of Manie." Someone uttered the identity of the old man.

Yueqinlan's cold voice sounded: "Kingdom of Manie, according to my investigation, your ancestors also came from the Old Continent.

"This is from the same origin, but we are all human beings. How can we not be united in the face of alien races?" Her voice was as cold as frost.

"It's just your rhetoric, it's hard to tell if it's true or not." The king of Manie Kingdom sneered.

Yue Qinlan said coldly: "If human beings lose to Xu Gui, do you think the Manie Kingdom will be safe?"

"There is a sea of ​​mist, and Zhou En can't get through." The king of Nie Kingdom said indifferently.

"You forgot, how did the ghost king get there?" Yue Qinlan sneered.

The king of Manie Kingdom suddenly became speechless, and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

Mu Liang said in a calm voice: "The strength of Xu Guihuang has reached 010 to half an emperor rank, surpassing the existence of the holy rank. It is not difficult for him to cross the sea of ​​mist."

His words made everyone in the audience exclaim.

"Xu Guihuang, that is, Roy, he is very powerful, and it is very easy to destroy a kingdom." Mu Liang said coldly.

He looked around, looked at those pictures and said: "When the old continent is destroyed, it will be the turn of the new continent. By then, Roy will become weaker after devouring a lot of blood."

Mu Liang's words silenced the people in the New World, knowing that his words were true, how can there be no eggs under the nest?

"What if, I said maybe, maybe Xu Guihuang couldn't pass through the sea of ​​mist?" Someone said luckily.

Mu Liang said indifferently: "The sea of ​​mist is not impassable, I can, why can't Roy?"

The man opened his mouth and became speechless. Yes, the Xuanwu Kingdom can be built in the sea of ​​mist, so that other people can cross the sea of ​​mist. Naturally, there are other ways.

"Are there any questions? You can ask them now." Mu Liang looked at the other people and the live broadcast.

If the problem of the 'United Front' is not resolved, how can we continue the Holy Land Conference, let alone resist the Xu Clan together.

"Where's Roy?" someone asked.

Mu Liang said calmly: "He is still in a deep sleep, and will wake up in two and a half months."

"Do you know where he is sleeping?" Someone asked again.

Mu Liang shook his head and said: "I don't know, Roy's sleeping position is not fixed, it may be on the bottom of the sea or underground.

The nobleman asked in a deep voice: "Then we can only know where he is when he wakes up?"

Mu Liang said: "Yes, at least there is no other way for now."

Everyone fell silent again, and the half-step imperial step was like a knife, hanging above everyone's heads.

They have all watched the movies made by the Xuanwu Kingdom, learned about the history of the Xu Clan, and also know that Roy hates humans and wants to kill all the races in the world.

"Are there any questions?" Mu Liang scanned the crowd.

Seeing that everyone was silent, he slowly said: "If not, then start the meeting.

After Mu Liang's voice fell, many people opened their mouths, but they didn't say anything, and chose to continue to wait and see.

He said with satisfaction: "Since there is no one, let's start the Holy Land meeting.

Yue Qinlan let out a breath, picked up a pen and prepared to record.


Just when Mu Liang was about to speak, the music playback suddenly sounded violently.

His words were blocked in his throat, and he looked at the changing live broadcast screen, and the whole screen was filled with thick smoke.

"It's the live broadcast of Soka City." Nijisha said with a solemn expression.

"Didn't you keep it? Why did you even spend the live broadcast?" Yue Qinlan clenched the pen tightly.

"Didn't you catch up?" Mu Liang's eyes were deep, and he lowered his eyes to connect with the wooden clone far away in the Old Continent.

After knowing that the city lord of Suoka City was going to resist the bedh ghost, he let the wooden clone drive over.



The roaring sound and Xu Gui's shrill cry sounded alternately, making one's scalp numb.

The live broadcast screen shook, as if the live broadcast spiritual weapon fell to the ground and rolled around for a few times before stopping.

This time the picture became clearer, and the ruins could be seen in the distance, and then groups of virtual ghosts came into everyone's sight.

The city wall of Suoka City has collapsed, and ghosts and ghosts are pouring in.

"It's over, the city is broken." A hoarse male voice sounded.

"Run, Lord City Master is seriously injured, we can't stop it." Another terrified voice sounded.

An angry male voice sounded: "No, we ran away, what about the rest of the city?"

"Then you stay here and wait to die." Someone yelled angrily.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

The cries of the virtual ghosts became more and more intensive, and they could already be seen clearly in the images transmitted from the live broadcast spiritual weapon.

One can vaguely see someone being torn apart by the ghost, and blood is floating in the air.

The image transmitted by the live broadcast spiritual tool is very clear, even clearer than what the human eye can see, so that people can see the blood floating in the air.


Someone in the great hall exclaimed, startled by the scene of Lie.

*Too toe toe~~~"

The ghost's cry is getting closer.

"It's over, Soka City is over." Niang Jisha's pupils shrank.

The nobles of the New World became nervous: "Did the virtual ghost attack the city?"

"A lot of monsters, densely packed." The noblewoman couldn't help holding her breath.

"It looks the same as in the movie, it's disgusting." Another nobleman showed disgust.

The strong man from the Old Continent choked coldly: "No matter how ugly they are, they can easily kill you."

"That's right, it's easy for me to kill you." The noblewoman narrowed her eyes slightly.

She sneered and said, "The crimes committed by your continent need us to help you solve them. What are you proud of?"

"What did you say?" The strong man from the Old Continent stared angrily.

"Do you want to die?" A cold voice sounded, and Mu Liang's murderous eyes fell on the two of them.

"I shut up. N female nobleman quickly waved her hand, her face pale as paper.

"I'll shut up too." The strong man from the Old Continent said hastily.


A violent roar suddenly sounded, causing the ground to shake.

"Jie Jie Jie~~~"

Xu Gui's cry became shrill and harsh, causing many people to cover their ears.

"What's the matter?" Yue Qinlan frowned slightly.

"Who is that?" An exclamation came from the music player.

"It's amazing, we're saved." A surprised voice came from the live broadcast.

. . . . . . .

ps: [2 more]: Please customize. .

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