Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2407: It's Irresponsible To Tease Me, Scumbag. (1 More)

In the palace, in the study.

After Mu Liang came back from the Thousand Thorns Pass, he simply ate something and went back to his study to be busy. There were still a lot of documents to be processed.

"Knock knock knock~~well

There was a knock on the study door, and Yue Qinlan's elegant voice sounded: "Mu Liang, I'm coming in.

"Come in." Mu Liang replied without raising his head.


The study door was pushed open, and Qin Lan walked into the room with light steps.

She said softly: "Have you not read these documents yet?"

"Soon." Mu Liang agreed casually.

Yue Qinlan calmed down after hearing this, and helped organize the files on the desktop.

The study room became quiet, only the sound of the swinging clock on the wall.

It was not until half an hour later that Mu Liang finished reviewing all the documents, and Yue Qinlan also sorted out the reviewed documents according to the two situations of "approved" and "rejected".

"410" Yue Qinlan put away the documents and said, "Mu Liang, there are two ghost tides in one day, which is very strange."

"Well, I'll send someone to investigate tomorrow." Mu Liang said in a deep voice.

Yue Qinlan's face was serious, and she guessed: "Mu Liang, could it be that Xu Gui Huang woke up early?"

Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "I can't rule out this possibility, but it's not very likely, if Roy wakes up early, he might have killed him earlier.

Yue Qinlan blinked her water-blue eyes, and guessed: "Maybe there is some restriction, his consciousness has awakened, but his body can't move?"

"Then let's do an experiment." Mu Liang said suddenly.

Yue Qinlan asked curiously, "What experiment?"

Mu Liang's eyes were cold, and he said calmly: "Put a virtual ghost king back and see how Roy will react, maybe it can lure the snake out of the hole."

Yue Qinlan worried: "It's too dangerous to do this, if the ghost king is allowed to escape, it will be difficult to catch him back.

"Don't worry, I'll let the wooden avatar follow, it can't escape." Mu Liang comforted.

Yue Qinlan nodded slowly, said with relief: "That's good, do it if you're sure."

"Of course, I don't do things I'm not sure about." Mu Liang smiled.

Many of the things he is doing now are to increase his confidence in dealing with the Void Ghost Emperor. The Xuanwu Kingdom cannot bear the consequences of failure.

Yue Qinlan took Mu Liang's hand, and said earnestly, "You have to remember that you must first consider your own safety when doing anything."

"Yes, if I survive, the Xuanwu Kingdom will be safe." Mu Liang's deep eyes flashed with deep meaning.

If he died, what would happen to the tree of life and the rock turtle, I was also uncertain in my heart.

"That's true." Yueqin's blue eyes were smiling, and only with Mu Liang around could the Xuanwu Kingdom become stronger and stronger.

Mu Liang said softly: "It's getting late, go and rest."

"Okay, you should also go to bed early, and Qin Lan nodded gracefully.

Mu Liang smiled, his black eyes reflected the elegant woman's face, and that delicate face gradually enlarged in his eyes.

The two faces were getting closer and closer, until there was a touch of moisture on his lips. Just as he was about to deepen the temperature, the woman had already straightened her waist, twisted her slender waist and left.

"Tsk..." Mu Liang moved his mouth, watching the study door being opened and closed regretfully.

He leaned back and sighed: "It's irresponsible to tease me, scumbag."

"What did you say?" The study door was pushed open, Yue Qinlan leaned against the door frame and glanced at Mu Liang.

"Sleep here tonight." Mu Liang looked at the elegant woman with burning eyes.

Yue Qinlan blinked her water-blue eyes, and said coquettishly: "That's not okay, I want to have a good rest tonight.

"Okay." Mu Liang sighed again.

"What's the matter, I heard you sigh just now?" A charming voice sounded, and the fox fairy walked out from behind Yue Qinlan.

Mu Liang's eyes flickered, and he said with a slight smile, "A certain person wanted to run away after flirting."

Yue Qinlan blushed when she heard the words, gave the man a reproachful look, turned and left with her chin proudly raised.


The fox fairy covered her mouth with a coquettish smile, walked into the study step by step, and closed the study door behind her backhand.

She said coquettishly, "Why are you molesting Sister Qinlan when you have nothing to do?"

"She provoked me first." Mu Liang shrugged helplessly.

He changed the subject and asked, "Did you take a bath?"

The fox fairy said crisply: "Well, I wanted to go to Qianthorn Pass to help, but I didn't expect you to win the battle quickly, so I can only go to take a bath to relax."

After finishing her work, she wanted to go to Thousand Thorns Pass, but was told that the battle was over and the battlefield was cleaned up by Mu Liang.

"Very fragrant." Mu Liang smiled slightly.

Hu Immortal shrugged slightly, showing his fragrant shoulders, and said: "I use a flower-scented shower gel, a newly developed product.

Mu Liang nodded and said: "This fragrance is the best among all shower gels.

"From then on, I will always use this shower gel to take a bath." Shi Shiran, the fox fairy, came to the side of the man and sat sideways on his lap.

The fox-tailed woman raised her tail, brushed lightly over the back of Mu Liang's neck, and breathed out by his ears.

"Woman, you are playing with fire." Mu Liang's throat moved and his voice was slightly hoarse.

Hu Xianmei smiled and said: "Hehehe, I like to play with fire."

Hearing this, Mu Liang stretched out his hand and was about to pick up the fox-tailed woman, but in the next second there was a knock on the study door.

"Knock knock knock~~~"

Xiao Zi's eager voice sounded: "Your Majesty, I have something to report."

"..." The corners of Mu Liang's mouth twitched, meeting the charming eyes of the fox-tailed woman, suppressing the helplessness in his heart.

He let go of the woman's hand [husky voice: "Come in and say."

The fox fairy with beautiful eyes stood up and sat aside with a smile, playing with her hair with her fingers boredly, and her furry fox ears would vibrate from time to time.


The study door was pushed open by the little maid, and she walked into the room quickly.

She hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, there is a message from the Thousand Thorns Pass that another ghost is attacking again."

"Again." Mu Liang's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

With anger in his heart, he stood up and said to the foxtail woman, "Wait here for me, I'll be back soon.


The fox fairy said angrily: "That doesn't have to wait for you, if I'm sleepy, I'll go to bed first."

"Okay, as long as you can sleep." Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

He took a step forward, and his body disappeared in place.

Xiao Zi looked at the place where Mu Liang disappeared, and said in a timid voice: "The Hu Immortal is 2.4 people, is Your Majesty angry?"


The fox fairy smiled like a flower and said: "It's nothing, he's just impatient."

"Oh." Xiao Zi nodded half understanding.

"Go get a bottle of perfume." The fox fairy leaned lazily on the dragon chair.

She intends to make herself more fragrant, and wait for Mu Liang to come back to give him a surprise.

Xiao Zi obediently asked: "Okay, what flavor do you want?"

The fox fairy thought for a while, and said charmingly: "Charm No. 5, it's fragrant."

Charm No. 5 perfume is made from the branches and leaves of the flower of love, and the smell is hot and exciting.

"Okay." Xiao Zi shook her small hand, as if she understood something, she turned around and left the study quickly.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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