Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2409: Hard To Put On A Play. (1 More)

Mu Liang left the palace, took a step forward and performed a space jump, disappeared in place and reappeared outside the Thousand Thorns Pass.


Outside the Thousand Thorns Pass, the sea was surging, and there was still the disgusting aura of Xu Gui in the air.

Mu Liang glanced down at the gloomy sea surface, Xu Gui's body had been cleaned up, and the sea water looked lifeless.

The sky above the saltwater area is shrouded in dark clouds all the year round, which is completely different from the bright sunshine in the New World.

Mu Liang didn't stop, and disappeared in place once again, flying towards the direction of the Old Continent.

Half an hour later, he stopped in the salt water area close to the Old Continent, and raised his hand to condense a cloud platform with a length and width of 300 meters.

"I hope you don't disappoint me." Mu Liang murmured softly.

He took out the forbidden weapon, raised his hand and slapped several Warcraft crystals on it in a specific order.

The forbidden weapon was opened, disassembled into six parts, and floated in the air to release the four virtual kings.

When he first appeared, his blood-colored eyes were full of bewilderment, and then he showed a look of great joy, and turned around to flee.

"Who said you can leave?" Mu Liang's indifferent voice sounded.

"Zi La~~~"

The purple lightning jumped, imprisoning the four virtual kings in the forbidden weapon, unable to jump out of the range covered by the six parts.

The Fourth Xu Wang showed pain, looked at Mu Liang viciously, and said with murderous intent: "Damn it, what do you want to do?"

Mu Liang's face was indifferent, and he said coldly: "Of course I want to make the best use of everything, and use you as an experiment."

The Fourth King of Xu glared at Mu Liang, his whole body was filled with weakness, wishing to tear the man in front of him into thousands of pieces.

"Noisy." Mu Liang snorted coldly, raised his hand and waved it down from the sky.


The Holy Light and Thunder Punishment descended from the sky, and accurately hit the Four Xu Wangs, causing all the Void Qi in his body to collapse.

"Lowly human beings." The Four Xu Kings screamed again and again, and their strength fell from the holy rank to the supreme.

"Not enough." Mu Liang's eyes flickered.

He raised his hand and swung it again, nine streaks of holy light and lightning fell down one after another, one after another they all fell on the four kings of Xu,


There were bursts of thunder, causing the surrounding sea water to surge.


The thunder disappeared, revealing the Xu Four Kings on the cloud platform.

At this time, he was in tatters, like a doll that had been shot by a machine gun, his breath was sluggish, and his strength had fallen from the supreme to the king rank.

"Wang Jie, that's enough." Mu Liang's eyes flickered slightly, and he calmed down.


The Fourth Xu Wang's body trembled, and gusts of emptiness emerged from the wound, allowing the wound to begin to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The wound has healed, but it is difficult to recover from the fallen state, which requires devouring a large amount of blood to recover slowly.

sooo sooo~~~

The Fourth King Xu raised his eyes and stared at Mu Liang, with a strong killing intent that couldn't be dispelled.

"Very good, with this strength, I can try a new spiritual weapon." Mu Liang said calmly.

A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the Fourth King Xu, what new spiritual weapon?

I saw Mu Liang raised his hand and turned it over, and took out a ball with a diameter of half a meter. The outer shell was made of purple pattern light steel, and a fire magic circle was drawn on it.

Mu Liang stared at the Fourth Xu Wang, the corners of his lips curled up and said: "Don't let me down, it's best to be able to live."

"What are you going to do?" The Fourth Xu King's body trembled, and the fear of death enveloped his heart.

Mu Liang didn't explain, just raised his hand and waved lightly: "Go."

The purple ball flew out, exuding a faint light, approaching King Zhou with an aura of destruction.

"Don't destroy my forbidden weapon." Mu Liangqing said coldly, and with a thought, he retracted the forbidden weapon.

The next moment, the purple ball landed on the weak Xu Siwang.


A violent roar sounded, and the entire Yunwu Platform was blown to pieces, including the bodies of the Fourth Xu Wang.

The space at the center of the explosion collapsed, and soon returned to normal. When the smoke dissipated, only Mu Liang was left in the sky above the salt water area.

"It's useless." Mu Liang sighed, stayed where he was for more than ten minutes, then turned around and left.


The sea was turbulent, and everything was calm.

In the depths of the seabed, black emptiness came from all directions and gathered in one place to form the body of King Zhou.

Too bad~~~"


The Fourth Xu Wang grinned grinningly, his face was full of joy for the rest of his life, his blood-colored eyes were fixed on the sea, with a strong murderous intent in his heart.

He did not die in the explosion, but disintegrated and fled in all directions, hiding in the depths of the seabed, and recondensed his body after Mu Liang left.

The Four Xu Kings stayed on the bottom of the sea vigilantly, and waited for half an hour before turning into the ground and fleeing far away.

He has to go back to the Old Continent and find the Ghost Emperor to take revenge.


The sea was turbulent, and the sea gradually returned to calm.

Not long after the Fourth Xu Wang left, Mu Liang walked out out of thin air, staring at the place where the Fourth Xu Wang stayed, the corners of his lips slowly curled up.

He whispered to himself: "." Such a hard work, don't let me down, just find Roy directly. "

That's right, all of this was staged by Mu Liang, and the so-called testing of the new spiritual weapon was just a cover, in order to let the Fourth Xu King go and not make him suspicious.

The day when Xu Guihuang wakes up is getting closer and closer, in order to find him as soon as possible, Mu Liang came up with this method.

Just when the Fourth Xu Wang left, the improved sleepy avatar had already followed up secretly.

The strength of the Fourth Xu Wang has plummeted. In the explosion of the spirit weapon just now, his strength has already dropped to the elementary level of the king rank.

With his current strength, it is impossible to find the wooden clone who is following secretly, which is why Mu Liang deliberately weakened the strength of the Four Xu Wangs.

At this time, the Four Kings of Xu had already hidden in the depths of the seabed, using their secrets to find the location of Xu Sina.

"Master Roy..." The Fourth Xu King closed his eyes, surrounded by a void.


The invisible fluctuations spread out, and before there was any reaction, he hurriedly used the secret technique.

The Fourth King Xu opened his blood-colored eyes (got Zhao), and said to himself vigilantly: "No, it's not safe here, we have to go to a farther place."

He got up and rushed to the Old Continent again, the whole journey was silent, and he didn't attack the sea monsters along the way, even if there were ships on the sea, he didn't move them.

The Fourth King Xu gritted his teeth: "When we find Mr. Roy, it will be the day of human extinction. 11

What he didn't know was that there was a shadow following behind him all the time, and the wooden avatar was indeed like a shadow, hiding behind the Fourth Xu King, without being discovered.


The Fourth King Xu smiled triumphantly, feeling a little complacent in his heart, he never expected to be born in this way.

"Could it be a trap?" He paused as he moved forward, and his expression became uncertain.

He thought for a while, then shook his head to dispel this guess. He acted so cautiously, and the Xu Clan's secret method was unknown, so he thought that Mu Liang could not count on this point.


ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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