Trainer: I Build A Home On The Back Of A Xuanwu

2411: You Want To Poison Me To Death. (1 More)

Yu Feier glared at Xi Beiqi, and said angrily: "No, I am immune to all poisons, how could it be possible that taking poison would damage my brain.

Xi Beiqi looked suspicious, and said charmingly: "Your brain is obviously broken, otherwise why would you want to research the secret medicine to make Xugui better."

Yi She blinked her vertical pupils, the conversation between the two women was so weird.

Yu Fei'er put down the glass vessel in her hand, and said with a serious face: "You don't understand, if you can really research the secret medicine to make Xu Gui better", then it will be much easier to deal with Xu Gui.

"Virtual ghosts are all bloodthirsty, how can they be cured by secret medicine." Xi Beiqi argued with reason.

Yuffier has a pretty face, and her tone is serious: "If you don't try - how will you know if you try?"

"Then did you succeed?" Xi Beiqi glanced at the blond girl with twin ponytails.

"This..." Yuffier's eyes flickered.

She raised her chin, pretending to be full of confidence and said: "I'm still researching, and I'll definitely succeed if I try a few more times.

Xibeqi pulled a high stool and sat down, and asked casually, "How many times have you failed?"

"Hundreds of times." Yi She whispered.

Uffier was out of breath, and glared at Snake Girl: "Talky."

Xi Beiqi put her hands on her hips, and asked angrily: "I have failed hundreds of times, do you want to continue?"

You Fei'er raised her chin, and vowed: "Of course, Mu Liang said that failure is the mother of success, and I want to be the mother of failure!"

"Hey~~" Xi Beiqi looked disgusted.

Yuffier gave the vampire girl a proud look, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Xi Beiqi said delicately: "It's okay, let's come and see you."

Yuffier waved her hand, and said crisply: "Okay, I've seen it, go back quickly, and don't disturb my research.

"What, I came to see you, and you still drove me away." Xi Beiqi's golden eyes widened, and her face was full of dissatisfaction.

"You came to despise me." Yuffier glanced sideways at the vampire girl.

Xi Beiqi pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Hee hee, I'm just joking."

"Why, don't you have to be busy today?" Yuffier turned her head, and her golden twin ponytails started to move.

"Be busy in the afternoon." Xi Beiqi shook her calf and said.

"Then just don't interfere with my experiment." Yuffier turned her head, picked up the glass vessel and continued to do research.

Xi Beiqi curled her lips: "I won't."

Yuffier kept moving her hands, and poured the extracted medicinal solution into a container according to a certain ratio, stirred it evenly and put it aside, and continued to process other herbs.

Yi She was on the sidelines, and the two cooperated tacitly, and quickly formulated the secret medicine according to the new ratio.

Xi Beiqi looked at the bubbling black liquid medicine in the glass vessel, and the corners of her eyes couldn't help but twitch.

You Fei'er shook the liquid medicine in the container, put it under his nose and sniffed it, and smelled it carefully for a long time before planning to test the poison.

She raised her face slightly and drank half of the medicinal liquid in the vessel.

Xi Beiqi watched the viscous medicinal liquid flow into the girl's mouth, and the hairs all over her body stood up. Wouldn't this really hurt her stomach?

"Don't make yourself stupid." She couldn't help but say.

Yuffier rolled her eyes at the vampire girl, swallowed the secret medicine in her mouth, and carefully felt the changes of the secret medicine in her body.

"How is it?" Yi She asked concerned.

Yuffier smashed her mouth and muttered: "It's not poisonous, but it doesn't seem to have any other effects."

Xi Beiqi said in a low tone: "So it failed again."

Yuffier turned her golden eyes, looked at the vampire girl and said, "Maybe it's because I'm invulnerable to all poisons, or if you help me try the medicine, there may be different results.

"Don't, you're going to poison me to death." Xi Beiqi's golden eyes widened, and she quickly got up and took a few steps back.

"Try it, it won't be poisonous." Yuffier brought the secret medicine to the vampire girl with a smile in her eyes.

"Go away." Xi Beiqi screamed, and could already smell the unpleasant smell of medicine.


Yuffier smiled like a flower, took back the secret medicine in her hand, and put it on the operating table casually.

Xi Beiqi breathed a sigh of relief, stared at Yuffier angrily, and couldn't help but stepped forward to scratch the girl's itchy flesh.

"Giggle, don't make trouble." Yuffier laughed coquettishly, dodging her body.

Yi Shemei smiled and reminded: "Be careful."

"Don't run." Xi Beiqi shouted coquettishly, reaching into Yuffier's explosion-proof suit "to attack the itchy flesh under the armpit precisely.

"Ahahahaha, please spare me." Yuffier repeatedly begged for mercy, and couldn't help but hide back.


In the next moment, she knocked over the console directly, and also touched the shelf on the sixth floor.

0 Seeking flowers……………

Utensils and medicine bottles were scattered all over the floor, and the spilled medicine liquid mixed together, producing an unpleasant smell.

"Ah." Xi Beiqi's hands froze, and the smile on her face stopped abruptly.

"You did a good job." Yuffier's eyes twitched, staring at the vampire girl faintly.

"Um, I'll ask Xiaomi and the others to clean up. Xi Beiqi laughed dryly, turned around and ran out quickly.

Yuffier yelled, "Stop!"

"I'm off to work, see you next time." Xi Beiqi shouted from a distance, and ran even faster.

Yuffier was in a hurry, and shouted angrily: "Damn it, don't do it again."

Yi She also had a big head, so she quickly squatted down and picked up the medicine bottle, the medicine inside was almost gone.

"It's such a waste." Yuffier sighed, her face was still a little pink, it was the surge of energy and blood caused by the play just now.


The blond girl with twin ponytails squatted down to clean up the glassware, her nose moved, and her brows furrowed again.

She hurriedly said: "Don't clean it up, these secret medicines are mixed together and become poisonous."

Yi She paused, and the next moment her body had retreated three meters away, and she raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Her words were vague: "Woo, then I will leave this place to your daughter."


Before Yuffier could respond, Snake Girl had already opened the door of the research institute and left, and persuaded the little maid who was about to come in to help away by the way.

"The corners of Yuffier's mouth twitched, she ran so fast.

She looked resentful, and decided to ask the little maid to help make a warning sign and put it at the door after cleaning it up, with the words 'No entry into Xibeiqi' written on it.

"Really, it would be a disservice." She lamented.

Half an hour had passed by the time the girl packed up the institute.

She looked at the mixed liquid medicine on the ground, dipped a little with her index finger and put it into her mouth.


Yu Feier's beautiful eyes lit up immediately, the highly poisonous liquid made her tremble all over, and there was a faint sign of a breakthrough in her realm.

She took out a new vessel, prepared it according to the liquid medicine that had been spilled on the ground, and prepared to reproduce the highly poisonous secret medicine, so as to further enhance her strength.

"If you succeed, you should be able to break through to the seventh level." Yuffier's golden eyes sparkled.

ps: [1 update]: The second update of the positive code. .

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